ITT: Tweets that didn't age well.
ITT: Tweets that didn't age well
Okay so post one that didn't age well
He is the head of the military. If the head of the military doesn't have full intelligence authority then what is the point
The president also has the authority to discuss classified information with foreign diplomats
Let's look at the Cuban missile crisis. The whole thing was sparked by the US placing missiles in turkey that could hit Moscow. This left the Russians at a disadvantage because we could wipe them out before they could respond and hit us. So in response they placed missiles in Cuba. The whole thing was deescalated by an agreement that we move our missiles out of turkey and they move theirs out of Cuba. The US public didn't know this though and many still don't. Those missiles and their capabilities were classified. Still, in order to even have the discussion JFK would've had to have discussed highly classified material with Nikita Kruschev
It is normal for a president to do this. Almost every single one has done it. They have to do it many times when talking with other countries.
The NYT and WaPo are being deliberately dishonest here when they write a story like this and the only reason they're doing it is to imply that trump is using his position to give the Russians US secrets. That isn't true but they can sure imply it. This is done to mislead their readers and cause faux outrage in people who are ignorant of the thing they're pissed off about to begin with
Let's not even get into the fact that they're writing the article based on "anonymous White House source" which means "my ass" to them.
The details of the presidents private conversations with other state representatives are classified though so if this was a private meeting and someone leaked that to wapo then THAT would be illegally leaking classified information.
ahahahahah AHHAHAHAHA
Clinton isn't President and Trump/his team set up the leaker with a barium meal. Someone is getting fucked soon, and no it's not Bill.
Holy eff, Drumpf BTFO
say hello to Madam President
ahhahaha he's gonna lose by like 15%, how embarrassing
Anybody got some 2000s tweets of celebrities being homophobic? Surely that's a thing
Any of George soros?
You goyim know Soros gave Kushner $250 million? Thats jewish nepotism
Pretty sure obama did somthing similar to this with russia as well. People really need to stop falling for the medias tricks
You have to get paid to promote your bullshit narratives, we just do it because it's funny and the truth, and we do it better. Face it guys, we're #winning. We know how to win, we can teach you.
sometimes I think there is no shareblue and we're all just baiting each other.
Ah the leftist media. So unaware yet so assertive. A joke that continually writes itself, takes itself seriously, and gets upset when everybody laughs
You were saying?
Thats basically what it is m8. Most polacks just like banter and shitting with each other. Nothing really wrong with it. You know that irl friend you have that always takes things too serious so you and the lads poke fun at him sometimes? Thats what its like
Pure projection at its finest, pookie bear
I'll bait you so hard and fast it'll burn.
WaPo is just making things up. There is no way to check anyway, so why not just bullshit.
This one always brings a smile
>tfw to smart too win
And then he immediately retreated.
Typical army bro
They referring to the band?
of course.
The best are his golf Tweets at Obama.
Black President is fucking retired and he plays less golf than Orange President now.
Technically he struck a Russian base in and not actual Syrian land so this tweet isn't hypocritical.