If you earn a wage, then youre not a slave. No one forced you to get a job.
Isnt the term "wageslave" contradictory?
Most ancient slaves were given living accommodations, food, clothing, healthcare and protection.
That's more than what lots of minimum wage people have today in the west.
Sure but you're working for make-believe money. Also this
it essentially refers to feudalism except with (((modern finance)))
>you're not forced to get a job
>but your only alternative is death
Sounds like you are forced to get a job tbqh.
Yep. Ots illegal to homeless here now. Essentially it is illegal to not be a part of the system
Being in a small town, me and every other socially inept autist worked at Walmart, doing robotic tasks like stocking and pushing carts because we were too beta to push ourselves and get out of our comfort zones for a better job. We were "smart",but didn't have enough confidence to make it through college. Chads could ask questions, get help and make connections but we were too retarded. We dropped out.
Getting our driver's license was probably our proudest moment.
Then getting our own car.
Years passed and we were still living with mom. 24, 25, 26. We are getting too old. Mom kicks us out.
We live in our cars in the Walmart parking lot and every day go to work. One day our boss knocked on my window and told me to keep working because I was just twiddling my thumbs in the backseat, using the nearby Burger King's wifi to shitpost on /r9k/.
Such is life.
Of course it's contradictory. You expect logic from Marxists?
If you force other people to work to sustain your life, who is the slave, really?
A wageslave is someone who must work to get paid their hourly wage and changing jobs is too risky.
The opposite is someone paid a salary who gets paid time off and could switch to a new company for more pay.
>No one forced you to get a job.
If you're going to live day to day, you need money which means working for a wage.
So you are forced into a relatively precarious situation should you not be making enough money to move onto another job. There was a study a few years ago that used cell phone data to monitor how far most people went from their homes every day. It was within 15 miles. Vast majority of people only ever went about 15 miles away from their homes and it was like that every day for them. Many would probably like to be able to do different things with their free time or even change careers, yet can't because of their job.
Main solution is just to live a fairly meager existence so you can have enough money saved up should shit hit the fan. As well as to be extremely pessimistic about how valued you are for your work. You're only ever working because you want the money and should consider how you're charging your employer for your services. Because some people view it as that businesses have duties to their employees and have to be fair, which is just not the case.
This is sad. I just turned 27 and started saving for retirement. Hope things get better man
yes. And some people feel as if they're "forced to work or die" as if they're not able to change occupations or quit. Basically, they're too retarded to get a job that's actually tolerable and they bitch instead of doing something about it. Many such cases!
uh... I work to pay for rich politicians' yachts and mansions
Technically, slaves earned wages in the form of food, water, shelter, and so on. They just put something in between: money.
Grow or hunt your own damn food then.
Almost every term invented by leftists are contradictory.
>Free Healthcare/college
Not actually free.
>Pro choice/planned parenthood
Only a choice for the mother (even worse when the dad has no choice or when it's tax payer funded) and you're avoiding parenthood.
>Gun Free Zones
Most common place to see a shooting.
>Modern Science
They believe everything a scientist tells them without seeing how the scientific method was involved.
The only non-contradictory title Leftists make is for Global Warming and Net Neutrality.
I'd much rather be a wage slave than a NEET.
Where will he be growing this food? On land. Which he'll have to pay taxes on.
If he is a fucking wageslave, like hell he could afford a plot of land large enough to sustain him agriculturally, and paying to hunt in someone else's woods.
Off-the-grid living isn't possible when the grid is everywhere. And while it might not be completely everywhere, those few places left untouched are probably out of reach.
Can't grow things without paperwork+tax
Illegal to camp/hunt without license
>The only non-contradictory title Leftists make is for Global Warming and Net Neutrality.
eh I disagree. "Global Warming" is still kind of contradictory as the globe can also cool in some places, relative to its current temperature over time. They just make it sound like the Earth is overheating or something exaggerated like that when "Climate Change" would be far more accurate. The climate's just changing, and that's normal. "Net Neutrality" isn't that neutral either as the government is the one regulating (spying) us with it. If the net was truly neutral, it would be out of government hands.
But yeah you're right, the left preys on people by manipulating words. They're pretty despicable like that, instead of telling the truth like it is.
Maybe not grow/hunt food but people can always choose to essentially be homeless. If they're stubborn enough to not work, they could still get by being a drifter and a beggar. Is it demeaning? Yes, but they're still not forced to work. Some may even call it a lifestyle.