>Sup Forums is completely ignoring this treason



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because it is fake news.


KYS shill

report + sage

already 8 threads about it

hope the mods can start bouncing these faggots outta hea

“The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation,” said H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, who participated in the meeting. “At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed, and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly.”

Trump is a traitor. He has sold us all out, without a war, without an invasion, without an enemy firing a shot.

Destroyed from within. And, most of you fucktards helped. You shitholes. Go die in your rural meth mobile homes. Rubes.

At least we don't have Hillary with those emails, right?

It's disgusting that this site still supports him. We really have been coopted by redditors and Russians.

This is a man who fired the FBI director and then went on NBC and openly admitted it was due to the Russian investigation.

This is a man who betrayed an intelligence asset to the Russians, not for sinister reasons, but because he was boasting about how much "great intel" he gets.

I don't oppose him for policy reasons. I oppose him because he's literally an idiot, in the classical sense of the word. A man with no conception of the public interest. A man who can't form a coherent sentence, let alone coherent policies.

And you all support him because he said vaguely racist things about Mexicans.

You should be ashamed.

Seems this fake news has some real advice for you OP you stupid faggot

>mole leaks classified info to washington post
>washington post reveals what they discussed
>isis now knows their laptop bomb plans are compromised and need to reorganize

There is definitely treason going on

Smells an awful lot like...

They didn't reveal any classified info at all, they were careful not to, unlike Mr. Trump. You have no argument here at all, this is as open and shut as it gets. The fact that ISIS was going to put bombs in laptops is no giant secret, that's why laptops are banned on flights right now. But Trump revealed enough about the source of the information that they can identify who he is.

That's a big deal, friendo.

The Leaf is correct! Where is the Anon5 thread with ~300ish replies hmmmmmm?

No there aren't. The fact that you Russian shills lie is not surprising, but the fact that you lie so transparently is rather insulting.

>H.R. McMaster,
>Swore a loyalty oath
>Sweats like a pig when Trump forces him to lie
Trump exposed sensitive national security information that could significantly damage our lines of intel on ISIS. Just so President Boasts-A-Lot could brag to the Russkies.

Bonus: Dumb-Fuck Trump lets TASS photographer in to take high resolution pictures of inside of White House. Because he trusts his paymaster Vladimir so much.

Calm down faggot!

Your theme of meth makes you easily identifiable. It's hilarious that leftists would accuse anyone of trying to kill this country from the inside, all you cock suckers do is project.


You mean WhitePower Post?

>pls go back to plebbit you insufferable cuck


Deep State is making shit up to start a war with Russia.

They also claimed Assad was using crematoriums to burn people today.

Try shilling harder next time, CTR shill.

More nonsense insults with no argument. This is simply not spinnable.

You called Clinton a traitor for recklessly keeping her emails on a private server out of paranoia.

I'm not going to defend Clinton, I don't like her either, but the fact that you don't see a problem with THIS proves that you are completely blinded by partisanship. You are the cancer destroying this nation, a partisan shark, a reptile with 2D vision.

You're talking to a racist who voted for Jim Webb in the Democratic primaries. This shit is simply beyond the pale.

Collaborating with Russia against wahhabi islam makes us safer, not less safe

>shilling this hard
Enjoy your 2 cent posts you cunt.

I don't think the deep state wants a full blown war. Their main interest is overthrowing a democratically elected president before things get out of hand. Ironically, the Russian oligarchs also use Intelligence agencies plus controlled media to keep themselves in power.
The Russian oligarchs aren't destroying their nation's culture however; they just want to steal stuff. Their American equivalents want to do both.

I know, Hilary should be in jail

>the president revealing classified information isn't even illegal
>the Russian Federation isn't even a declared enemy of the US

Russia is under treaty obligations to share intelligence with Iran. And our source on ISIS is in all likelihood giving us information on Assad as well.

Please explain to us all how Trump bragging about classified information to the Russian ambassador is acceptable behavior.

You have no argument. You're done at this point.

>believing "they" would have to pay people to post negative things about Trump on a neonazi imageboard

You should consider risperidone.

It's not illegal but it destroys our credibility with intelligence assets around the world. Would you put your life on the line for a country ruled by a man who might blab about you to diplomats of countries hostile to your cause?

Do you really not see how big of a goddamn deal this really is?

>says Trump committed treason, which is illegal the last time I checked
>finds out he didn't commit treason
>"W-well, it's not illegal, b-but it's still bad!

I never said Trump committed treason, and it is very bad.

Seth Rich

kys faggot


Debriefed and debunked.

Gas yourself.

He told them that we gained Intel during the Ryan raid that Isis is putting bombs in laptops? We knew about this months ago. Who is paying you shill? KYS.

>For almost anyone in government, discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.

Wow, it's nothing.