He's /ourguy/

He's /ourguy/

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agreed sven


Tara McCarthy wants his 10.2 so fucking bad

Styxhexenhammer is the man!

this may sound pathetic but he's literally the highlight of my day

>long hair
>fucked up Jew face
>edgy pentagram
>black clothes

Occultism is a Jewish trick.
Take this cancer to /x/.

inb4 british shill shitposter with low energy fake styx shoops spams

ectomorphs are the master race.

I get that. I usually make a coffee and as I am taking my morning dumps I play some new Styx videos on my TV. He gets super fucking repetitive though.

thats not him, also he has a lot of political videos more than you can ever produce in 10 lifetimes.

today i went to the store and i got some beer so i handed the cashier my id and she said "wow you look so different with long hair" because my hair was not as long as this dude but on the way there. more beautiful. anyway, i was like "yeah lol" and awkwardly paid and awkwardly left.

what did she mean by this?

>not addressing the fact Occultism is a Jewish trick and belongs on /x/

*holds up dagger*


He needs to drop the (civic nationalism) meme

He doesn't believe Occultism, just like Peterson does not believe in Christianity; these guys see value in old stories and want to create some fictitious ideology around it. There is nothing intellectual in getting meaning from important stories but that does not make the belief any more real or any less Jewish.

You are a faggot

Hi Styx!

>theres nothing intellectual about any of this

thats all you had to say.

protip: occultism is jewish

Satanists are more degenerate than blacks


Im going trough his occultims vidoes, nothing yet related to actual occultism. Just bunch of debunking.

He has a tendency to repeat the same thing a couple of times which makes the videos longer than they need to be.

His newer political material is aight,

>>fucked up Jew face

He is textbook New England WASP. He looks like Lovecraft FFS. You are a moron.


Obviously, he's talked about browsing Sup Forums very often. I find his civic nationalist beliefs a bit myopic, however.

I like him.

Love listening to Styxx on my commute home

I live in Montreal, it's just a 3 hours drive from Rutland. Gotta visit that place someday. Maybe this summer.

Same here. Styx makes my work commute much better.

he's literally my favorite media personality after tucker, but i unsubscribed after he made a video laughing off chem trails and geo engineering. also laughed off pizzagate but whatever he's still /myguy/

>civic nationalist

Styx is pretty much political ASMR.

Styx for president

Fuck yes he is. His improvised, analytical babter is one of the I've ever witness. This includes other youtubers, local news and cable news. I'm also glad he is spreading awareness of subsistence gardening.
>*clanks spoon*


I'm still looking forward to a spoon-clank compilation. I'd make it myself but I'm not autistic enough to spend the time doing it

you dont get my fuckin point cause your so dense.

no one gives a shit about his occult shit, his political videos is why he is on pol.

how hard is that to get in your peanut brain

>126K subs
>""""no one""""

It is what is.
Its like when your kid is retarded but its yours.




that vid is legendary

>has a girlfriend and has sex



Look up Eli Ravage and get fucked.
Christianity and Islam are slave religions.

Styx is based, nothing to it.


Seth Rich

Beat me to it.

Found Styx because of his political videos, but his occult videos are interesting as fuck.


Christianity: To make people docile (for the most part)
Islam: To make people violent (for the most part)

And the Jewish creators of both those religions laugh at their followers

What the alternative?


She meant that you look like shit and need to cut it so you can look like the dude in the picture again.

he does well enough though he doesnt name the jew and refuses to accept the bilderberg group is a thing

>autistic lolbertarian (((civic nationalist))) trailer trash who pretends to be a wizard even though he pretty much admitted to pulling all of his occult shit out of his ass

He's the hero you fags deserve.

I fucking love Styxx. I don't always agree with him, but he always has an interesting insight or a good point that I hadn't considered.

He's also a good intro to redpilling normies.

so did you do an update on the whole trump 4d chess thing yet? you were right.

Self reflection and knowledge.

Wiccan style paganism is bs made up for small minded people who want to be told what to do. It is a tool of control.

"Magic" in the original sense is simply effecting change and subjective thought...that which separates us from animals. Practices that help you do so are worth a look.

Best advice is simply look within for the strength to move forward, not from (((their))) sky daddy.

C'mon down leaf, we'd be glad to have you visit

Pagans are fedoras who latched onto new age faggotry. You're as deep as the self-help section at the used book store. The Church made the West.


Kike shill

Get real. The Jews push paganism in popular culture (like that show vikings) because you faggots aren't a threat to them. They're more afraid of Christian nations like Russia.

Why are you so furious, Brazil? What's the matter?

No, they push people playing fairy tale, not people trying to better their mind.

Those pricks sure as hell aren't an issue for them, no claws just like "turn the other cheek" Christians. I haven't called myself "Pagan" once, but you sure are quick to.

Go pray to your kike god and get no answer, just like they want.

I like his occult videos, not because I believe in that stuff so much as understanding how people who do believe in it think is important for predicting how they will behave.

its rare to be able to speak off the cuff better than a written prepared speach

I just find the mythology interesting and like Varg's ambient music. You seem to be the one who believes in a magical sky daddy.

obviously its him

Alright youtube

>*alright everyone

>not varg

>not varg either

me irl


Is it just me or does he look asian? I've never seen anyone else say this.

What the fuck is up with Styx? He claims to browse Sup Forums every single day, he always comments on things people say about him on Sup Forums, yet he always strawmans anyone who hates jews and he completely cucks out on the JQ.

What the fuck is his problem?
There is no chance that he isn't informed in the JQ. He either knows and he is choosing to lie about it, or he knows because he is one of them.

>He either knows and he is choosing to lie about it
It's more this, but I would not say he's lying. There's one vid from only about a month ago I can't remember for the life of me where he's talking about something that could easily relate to Jews, then he says "it echoes-- Heh, heh. Yeah, *echoes*..." Also youtube.com/watch?v=MOKJZwlbWSo

>rant about jews so your pigeon holed to a small >part of the net

yeah nah he does a great job of addressing any issue he has even criticism of israel which he touched on with his molymeme guest appearance you are in no position to lecture styx but then your not a fan your a shill
styx is a jew herp derp its the joooos rant about jews styx hur hur
he even mocked you losers recently in a vid demanding exactly this he knows whats up and so do we

He is lying though. He has repeatedly painted anyone who wants him to talk about jews as a communist pretending to be a nazi, and he talks about how everyone who talks about the JQ is crazy nutjob who rants incoherently about jews like Brother Nathanael and Elegon.

He also can never be a lawyer.

Ever tried reasoning with him?

>pagans never had human sacrifice
>oh they did give me a source
>none of them count I want archeolgoy
>Well that's real evidence but it's not reall human sacrifice
>the idols and prayers in the graves are just coincidence
>Well it was human sacrifice but they were criminals
>it's fine to commit human sacrifice
>No I don't need moral authority to prove its a righteous deed
>No they did not commit human sacrifice
>well okay yes they did but archeologoy doesn't count

This video, being?
Really, now? Cause the last time Brother Nathanael came up he didn't seem to think too badly of him, when the average person (i.e. kike puppet) would be calling him a "disgusting and worthless human being"

who said anything about christianity? i said the occult is a jewish trick.

If he knows what is up and doesn't want to talk about it, he should just not talk about it, instead of lying about it and accusing anyone who knows what he knows of being some kind of an insane paranoid shill.

If he knows that jews are a problem, and he is choosing to not talk about it because it is too much of a controversial issue, why does he also need to denounce those opinions and attack people who hold them?
You are not going to answer this question, because you're fucking retarded.

You're an idiot, so I will just play devils advocate myself. I know for a fact you will not be come up with a reason for why Styx is doing what he does.
What he might be doing is some sort of an epik 4D chess move. Maybe what he is doing is reverse psychology, like if he insults people for talking about the JQ, it will just invite more people to talk about it.

He says he probably has some native genes .


I think this is the last time he brought up Nathanael.

He has done many videos like this where he rants about how everyone who wants him to talk about the JQ is a shill and only crazy people ''rant'' about jews.
He goes trough mental gymnastics and strawmans people on Sup Forums just to avoid mentioning that a lot of what he talks about makes more sense when you consider that there are jews involved.

Lets stop pretending that Maine isn't the best New England state.

Also notice how he calls people like us ''nazis''.
I am not a ''Nazi'' or NatSoc. Guess talking about the JQ makes me a Nazi, because that is all Hitler cared about.

Hes not very bright and weird but alright and blabbers about civic nationalism



I'm rather kind of inclined to believe him on the people pretending to be "Nazis" to make us look us bad, though. Pic related.

And when you said Elegon, did you mean Evalion? I never believed her schtick. She LITERALLY told people to put on tin foil hats. Not even trying for subtlety.

Elegon was her name when a German guy was writing her stuff, she seemed sane back then and would mostly talk about how feminism is bad, some racial stuff.
She is just an attention whore with mental issues. Once she broke up with the German guy she would go purely for shock value heiling Hitler without any substance whatsoever.

Styx paints people who want to talk about the JQ as somehow being just like Elegon. Like there is no way you can talk about jews without making yourself look as insane as that mentally ill bitch.

Is that the singer from the Lemonheads?