Is this """""fake news"""""?

Is this """""fake news"""""?

This is degeneracy


this is what leftypol/reddit look like

I like the shields
I think your just jealous because your a nigger and not a young white boy.

Heres a picture of north shore antifa

>It's literally Sup Forums
>"lol reddit"

Man if you're going to go this far with your larping at least put a little more effort into your props

They enjoy this though


This is a north shore antifa anarchist
What the fuck is this thing and does anthony burnham fuck it?

I thought the pic is funny even though he is a good kid

>This is the average nu/pol/ack
Disgusting tbqh

Kekistanis are cringe.

A good chunk of Sup Forums would also be Kekistanis because how easily they post 'THE IDEAL MALE' and they themselves look like these nerds.

With that said, the other chunk of Sup Forums doesn't and it's in our best interest to AVOID Kekistanis.

Not really the two young boys are average white boys,the antifa side should be ashamed they have male to female trannys dying of hep c on their side.

>being this defensive
You two must be spitting images of the pathetic betas in the OP

Those shields are embarrassing. Learn how shields fucking work.

Either have a centre gripped shield with a central boss to protect your hand and allow the shield to rotate freely or a strapped shield with decent thickness, curvature and padded area so your arm doesn't get fucking munted if someone gives it a proper whack.

You're embarrassing.

Heres a picture of a anarchist who was ashamed to stand next to all the transexuals that are in north shore antifa

>Not really
Yeah those shields aren't the most cringiest thing I ever seen. I'd rather be in Antifa and have AIDS than be in that photo

I noticed something odd about this kekistan shit. It's blatantly obvious that Sup Forums hates those fags, you never see any anons here defending them really. So where the fuck are they lurking and why do they find it's acceptable to display such faggotry.

Is there some kind of underage larp friendly Sup Forums they are referencing that isn't here like a Facebook group or some shit?

Do you find this commie woman from antifa sexy and glamorous?

Really well amelia spinney and taizjon wallace and anders pierce of north shore antifa have aids so go fuck them

>would you rather be normal looking or be a complete beta, make colorful shields and hang out with based black men
Tough decision

The reality is the lion share of Sup Forums looks exactly like the weak young men in that photograph. The users spouting off about white supremacy and degeneracy and how slutty women are, well, they look like that.

North shore antifa are not normal looking have you seen what sara (((bilman))) looks like?

>Getting defensive
Is this you?

Seth Rich

You can now buy kejistani flags for under $15 dollars.

No the defensive guy isnorth shore antifa member ian fletcher he went bald young and is angry at the world.

sample bias. anyone retarded enough to go to a real life meetup for a nepalese yak herding BBS is bound to be a weirdo.

Most of those people are oathkeepers and likely have nothing to do with 4pol.

These are the people bitching about our White Nationalist movement.

>No the defensive guy isnorth shore antifa member ian fletcher
Yeah I take a 20 hour flight for each protest
>if you laugh at a group of limp wristed beta males you must be antifa
Nice strawman faggot but I'd rather kill myself than engage in your cancerous identity politics, you attack each other rather than realising the true (((problem))) you couldn't be more bluepilled.

Oh wow, look at all of those based black guys.

I'd totally let them fuck my girlfriend if I had one.

They look like brave soldiers to me, shill

master race
