Can I fly a St. George Cross?

Hey brit/pol/. American with 100% English heritage here. Is it okay for me to fly a St. George's cross flag to celebrate my English ancestry? I identify heavily with my English roots and I'm proud of my race and think it'd be a cool way to show it.



say you're english these days, they throw you in jail


not in america

Go ahead buddy, we can't do this in England anymore because you'll be called a racist.

People will probably think you are supporting the Red Cross or something, but it's a free country.

Really? Isn't it your country's flag? Are you even allowed to fly the union jack?

That's ridiculous if true.

Go for it man I have a dutch flag and fly it proudly and I'm never called racist.
Even though it's for nationalistic and heritage reasons

I'm not worried about being called a racist. I know I'm not a racist. If someone thinks it is racist for me to be proud of my heritage then they are the problem, not me. I'm not hurting anyone by being proud of my people and what they've accomplished in history.

Oh sure we can fly the flag but people will come knocking at your door and call you all-sorts. Might even call the police. Just google English flag racist, can't post anything at the minute on mobile.

That's fucking crazy. So if you fly the flag of your country, that your ancestors built, on the soil of that country, you are considered a racist.

What a time to be alive.

I also wear a iron cross necklace too.
I've been called racist for it ONCE
I destroyed their argument by citing it was a German medal from the Empire and that it was taken by the Nazis

....i wear it for support of the Nazis and Germanic heritage but that's besides the point
Just fly it
If your like us and a true supporter if your people and heritage you will fly the flag and not give a fuck about being called racist

Welcome to my country, i can't wait to leave :^)

Fly it to support the Knights Templar

R.I.P. shimoneta second season.

>muh heritage

My name is George, I'm named after St. George. Could I fly this flag?

Like I said, I don't care if someone calls me a racist. A lot of people already think I'm a racist simply because I'm proud of being white. Being proud of your race's accomplishments isn't racism. And as I said, if someone is too stupid to understand that then that is their own fucking problem.

I'm going to fly the flag though. Too many whites here in the states, be they ethnically English or German (majority are one of the two here in the midwest) are too scared of being called racist for having pride in their own race.

Do you support the Englo empire reunification?

I took a DNA test and apparently like 75% of my DNA is from the British Isles. Apparently that's pretty good since the test said the average Brit is only around 60% or so.

So would you rather whites in the U.S. deny their cultural heritage and propagate the myth that whites have no culture? I think we should celebrate our European ancestors and be proud of our roots. I don't think anything is wrong with that.

If it's a dig at the filename, I put it there as a joke.

Holy shit.

Abso-fucking-lutely I do. I want the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia and the rest of the English speaking WHITE countries around the world to unite and form a new English empire. To do so all countries involved should remove kebab of course.

>wants to take credit for accomplishments of the English
>but not the enslavement of millions of people and the destruction of other cultures around the world

Quit being a faggot and do it.

I will absolutely take credit for the enslavement of inferior cultures as a means by which to further what was the greatest empire the world has ever seen.

Get out lefty/pol/

You could say that about any country, what's your argument?

I'm going to. I have the flag already. Going to start flying it tomorrow.

Do whatever the fuck you want. You're in America, son!

Yeah, I'm going to.

I just didn't want to do it if English folks in England found it to be stupid since I'm an American.

>American with 100% English heritage here

Make your choice. You can't have it both ways.

Both of his parents could be English.


mother is english from england. father is second generation, both parents from england.

There's nothing wrong with celebrating your heritage. I'm happy you've avoided the mind virus claiming otherwise (if you're white, that is).

I'm not white, I'm fucking transparent.

Pale lyfe.

As a White person who isn't English/British fuck no!. This would be terrible for the vast majority of White people in the US.

I agree, UK might be fucked but based remaining Anglo counties can still save us.

The U.K. needs an injection of real conservatism. The kind you only find in the United States which would immediately become the most populated area of the new English Empire.

We can save the motherland.

It wouldn't do anything, people have become complacent to this brainwashing. Smart people are quickly leaving this sinking ship. I am going to be fucking disgusted to what will happen to this country in my old age.

Do something. Be active. Fuck the haters, man.

England is the single greatest nation to ever exist in the history of mankind. Our people controlled the world. You have nothing to be ashamed of, and no other white Briton does either.

defend your race and your country. defend england.

It's fucktarded though. I'm anglo saxon and I just call myself american.

but the scottish flag is ok right?

I'm definitely not ashamed to be English but i will be most likely going to America, seems like the only country that exists nowadays and isn't ashamed for what it is.

Why is it fucktarded?

Why do you buy into the meme that whites in America exist without the culture of their ancestors?

Why do blacks get to say "WE WUZ KANGZ"?

Why do hispanics get to seclude themselves to their own ghettos where spanish is the primary language and the Mexican flag is more common than the stars and stripes?

Why do muslims get to be proud of their "religion of peace"?

The left wants diversity. There is diversity among everyone here in our disgusting salad. Whites should be able to celebrate their roots just as much as the other races.

All whites aren't the same. Celebrate your race, brother. Your ancestors had a hand in building the greatest empire ever known to mankind. That is something to be proud of. And fuck anyone who says it isn't.

Please do. We need you. We need whites who value work.

If England can't be saved, and I think it can, America certainly can be. But we need all the whites we can get.

sure you could but everyone would think you are a massive faggot (which you are) whos only 'accomplishment' is his race (which isnt an accomplishment at all)

I have plenty of personal accomplishments man but that isn't what this is about.

How are the English not an accomplished race?

I thought pol loved nationalism and patriotism.

You do not have to justify yourself to anyone here; fly the flag with pride, brother.

the english are an accomplished race, being english doesnt make you accomplished it literally means nothing what race you are

nationalism and patriotism make no sense, you are literally saying "I was born in this country therefore it is the best" that is why white supremacists etc are always losers in real life because they havent accomplished anything so they claim that their race is their best accomplishment. This is basically what I have gathered from browsing pol for a few years

We'll probably rope you for being a loyalist but since its christian we'll let it pass.

Nobody should take pride in their country then? Nationalism got man on the moon.

>Is it okay for me to fly a St. George's cross flag

>inb4 buzzfeed article a week later saying how OP is flying Nazi symbiology

kys collectivist racist Sup Forums is a libertarian board

>implying you can prevent me from organizing with my fellow anglos by restricting my right to freedom of assembly

If you want to fly a flag, do it properly. The US flag goes above it, and take it down at night unless you light it up.

There's a house down the road from me that used to have a Russian flag planted on the lawn with a stick. I think that's fine, it's not a flag pole. What I dislike is they took it away when MUH RUSSIA started to be the talking point.

My family live in england (Uk) and I live in the monkeyland and I have a confederate flag, St George in the middle and a Union Jack. I was planning to buy a nazi flag.

wtf, i love brazil now!

English expat in USA here. Sent my Leave vote all the way across the pond just to give the middle finger to the EuroPEON union.