White population: 800 million
Black and Brown population:2 billion
Do you REALLY want a race war? if there's been any race war it is the white people who will be killed and hanged from trees, not blacks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers can't swim
Niggers don't make nukes
White: atomic bombs
Blacks: stones and sticks
>state of the art technology and weaponry
>common goal of survival rather than domination
>history of blood shed through millenias
>Asiatic allies within the Pacific and potentially China they hate niggers too
All we would need to do is crop dust the continent of Africa with chemical sterilizers. You know what, your country too.
More than half are middle aged by like 25.
Have a nice day :)
>at least 1 billion is street shitters
nogs and roaches lol
Whites will be knee deep in dead niggers if we ever have a full blown race war.
Niggers do not have any military technology,
Drop some MOAB or Nukes and the nigger race will down to 4-5 people
You sound like a fuckin' Kurd.
You're not talking anyone out of it, roach
Implying Asians actually give a shit about blacks.
Implying Muslims actually give a shit about blacks.
Implying South Americans actually give a shit about blacks.
Implying all of the above actually give a shit about each other so much they would unite with the worse denominator to fight white people.
Most African and brown nations are one natural disaster away from extinction.
Look at the KDR between every brown vs white war whites have less deaths and more kills. I read about a battle and 10000 Muslims died and 12 British men died. White always wins.
bring it on turkroach
Nukes > stones and ww2 era firearms.
Are roaches the most worthless posters on Sup Forums?
That means we only have to kill 2 or 3 people each and we will win the war in no time with our superior weaponry and our clear intellectual superiority. WHITE SUPREMACY IS THE ONLY TRUTH!
>Look at the KDR between every brown vs white war
If war broke out the entire African continent and most people on the Indian subcontinent would be in full on famine mode within 2 or 3 months.
its just the same autist sperging out thread after thread
>thinking having a bunch of subhumans is the same as being smart and strategic and intuitive and creative
Let's see... how many third world countries have won against western powers without a shit ton of support from non western powers who happen to be white as well... like say, Russia and other Warsaw Pact nations... hmmmmm...
In before some dumbass says Vietnam even though militarily we were winning and pulled out because of butthurt politics at home.
Lol, niggers can't even grow their own food much less sustain and advanced economy able to compete with the white war machine.
It only takes 40,000 white men to kill 4 million niggers in a no rules war.
Just to be clear, America could destroy the entire planet single handedly. The only reason the Middle East isn't one glowing sheet of glass is "MUH collateral damage".
If the gloves ever come off whites could scour the planet clean of muds in under 20 years, and I mean absolutely clean.
>be Turkey
>have lots of missiles and weapons
>want to start race war with whites
>whites gave you weapons during Cold War
so sad they never invented the wheel :(
So how do you plan to feed the slave troops?
Vietnam 1 million casualties americans, America does not mean white nation sorry chaim.
If blacks tried to start a race war it would end up just destroying them
Brown people can't into war.
That includes Turkroaches.
And it only takes a handful of vietnamese farmers with outdated broken guns to take down 60,000 US Soldiers dumbfuck
Annex ukraine poland run tanks in ukraine annex it and dick russia if they start war.
niggers can't even provide their own food to feed themselves.
and sideways glocks you racist shitlord
>Cherrypick 1100AD
Roaches don't die that easily. You need to drop a couple nukes on them just to make sure.
We didn't use all the weapons in our arsenal dumbfuck.
This is all you need to know why your people will be enslaved again and turned into farm equipment. Be happy we let you live among us as real people.
>Do you REALLY want a race war?
Yes. Whites magnitudes of order better. 10/100/1000:1, no problem.
Made is Austria.
Why would you side with blacks over whites you damn fool?
Browns are not blacks and should be treated differently from blacks. They are intellectually superior to niggers and to think otherwise is foolish.
ITT: depressed Turk who will never be white
you are not as white as whites but you're no where near niggers.
White: atomic bomb
Only half of them. Get fucked
>numbers = victory
leave it to a cockroach to have this logic
white (and yellow) countries have all the nukes retard
>White population: 800 million
>Black and Brown population:2 billion
>Do you REALLY want a race war? if there's been any race war it is the white people who will be killed and hanged from trees, not blacks.
Hey boys, a roach got in.
I grew up on the Texas spic border, as I said, Whites are magnitudes of order better.
Don't be a fucking idiot. I'd you think making an enemy out of Araba is a good idea you're a fool. We need allies. Whites can't go against the entire world. Arabs hate Jews just like we do.
Wait wait...im not a nigger, carry on.. You're right.
Quality over quantity.
Applies to everything.
Oh fuck off you literal ape. Go back to the arid steppes from whence your mongrel race came.
Whites and Slopes have all of the good weapons technology, and the Nips aren't going to side with you, you swarthy, tahini-smelling, lokum-encrusted subhumans.
You're only renting that land you're on, you delusional brown Sasquatch.
Spics are not the same as Arabs. Arabs are Caucasian. They have no Mongoloid admixture like Spics do. They are the closest thing to white there is other than whites. We need them to become like whites instead of letting them become friends with niggers.
HAHAHAHAHA, black and brown people rely on white for everything, we'll just stop providing weapons to niggers and sand niggers, engineer something new and better, because we can since we are white, and we'll genocide you because the blood of a white person > 2 billion subhuman
>Black and Brown population:2 billion
You will never unite you monkeys kill each other over who worshippers the goat fucker mohammad the best.
Also even if we lose the 1 billion asians will finish you monkeys off.
>implying blacks and browns form a cohesive group.
Shit m8, most Indians don't even see blacks as human. They see them more like dogs with opposable thumbs.
Shut the fuck up you ignorant idiot.Whites cannot win a war against Arabs and niggers. You need to recognize that Arabs are more human than niggers are.
I'm not a Nazi by any means, but honestly, I cannot understand how anyone could look at the history of the white races and then proceed to fuck with them in any way.
For roughly 2000 years the Europeans did nothing but fight each other tooth and nail constantly. When they got tired of that, they left their continent just to look for things to fight. After they were done fighting in every jungle on every continent, they got right back to fighting each other again in the two most destructive wars ever witnessed in history. Whites descend primarily from absolutely ruthless and cunning killers. Why would you pick a fight with a man who has the blood of an entire army of genocidal maniacs running through his veins?
I mean, when you're dealing with people whose violence is beyond comprehension in its scale when its directed at themselves, how well do non-whites expect to be treated when they aren't on good terms?
I mean for fucks sake, the last time white people got angry at a non-white race—like, really genuinely angry—they split the atom, opening up an entire new era of science and incinerating 100,000 people before they had breakfast and ruining the genetic lineage of the survivors for decades to come. Then they did it again a few days later for no reason.
Seriously. Do not fuck with white people.
resources are the white mans turkroach
>more human than niggers
Oh wow setting the bar real high there, eh?
Kys please
Reminder that a couple hundred thousand whites subdued 38 million blacks and browns
100k well organized white men could tear through the whole of africa in a year
Yes, it would only take 50 million of us to wipe out the rest of you vermin.
Why do retards post shit like this? Primitive nigs would be quickly wiped out. I welcome a race war. The sooner, the better.
go in the middle east, you'll see they aren't any better, they need a dictator to keep them from showing their true nature, they act like niggers if there is nobody keeping them in line.
>we wuz KANGS
>1000 years ago
You're like the football star who peaked in high school, now he's in his 40's and desperate to relive his glory days.
>white people cities/weapons/technology
>black people were given harlem, currently it's in ruins. black people wouldn't be able to stage a revolution, not smart enough, barbarians
i don't want to start a race war though, but if it did happen, blacks wouldn't win.
possibly asians would win.
>I grew up on the Texas spic border, as I said, Whites are magnitudes of order better.
It's mostly cultural. Besides white is such an ambiguous term. You live in the border. I doubt you're mostly white yourself.
Bring It on turkfag
Whites have technology.
Blacks have technology made by whites.
Most nukes are controlled by Russia and U.S.A. Thousands of them. A small number controlled by any other nation.
Yeah probably. Their ant-colony mentality is best suited to total war. Whites are too soft; 70 years ago we'd have dominated the competition with ease. Nowadays, not so much.
>cut EBT and welfare aid to Africa
>hundreds of millions dead without a shot fired
It would take less than 1million europeans to purge the entire continent of africa in under a decade
>You live in the border. I doubt you're mostly white yourself.
You lose the bet.
Browns are for hire
>mostly cultural
You're at the bottom of the evolutionary totem pole nigger. Stay mad.
Fuking monkeys
I bet you treefiddy
I meant Slavs aren't white. Hence they own half or more of all nukes. So that premises that whites own nukes is wrong. But my original post was wrong too so I corrected myself here.
Do people just ignore history? Like how whites (who were always a tiny minority) conquered this planet? All you fuckers have been beaten already. That's why the only way (((they))) can get rid of us is by flooding our nations with shitskins. You could never beat us fairly. How does that make you feel deep down? Pathetic..
>almost 1:2
hahahah niggers are STILL hopeless for at least a fucking century
Nah, we will win easily roach
Your wole military history proves how useless are brown soldiers in confrontation with white men. All we need is enough bullets and time to dal with you fuckers.
End welfare and international aid. War over.
>asian and indian population: ~4.5 billion
>asians and indians hate niggers more than they hate us
>asians and indians have nukes
Fairness isn't important. This is about survival. Our enemy understands this. We need to stop telling ourselves that a moral victory is somehow more important than avoiding extinction.
It's that easy. By turtleing up and taking every penny of aid away, more than half will starve to death or kill each other over small stockpile of resources.
South Africa was 90% black, and the whites were able to rule it easily. Rhodesia was 97% black, and whites ruled it easily. The only thing that stopped them were other white people in Europe and North America placing sanctions against their countries. Niggers are monkeys, they're not human beings. Humans can easily defeat monkeys.
>Comparing evolution to culture
Please kys
>incinerating 100,000 people before they had breakfast and ruining the genetic lineage of the survivors for decades to come. Then they did it again a few days later for no reason.
desu even though whites "pulled the trigger" it was the Jews holding the leashes that were responsible for that shit...........but then again look at Japan, compared to white countries they are basically winners
They do not feel they care only to garner more power.
We'll butcher you niggers.
Just spread a rumor in India that all of Africa has challenged them to a street shitting contest and watch them fire nukes faster then you can say poo in loo.
Anyone who can read about battles like this one and still come away with a belief that niggers are human beings is just deluding themselves. They are expressing a religious belief with no basis in reality, nothing more.