Hitler tried to prove white people are superior during Olympcs

but he thought wrong. jesse owens won the track olympics mythbusting white superior race theory.

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Proof that he tried to prove niggers are inferior rather than elevating ethno-nationalism to show that each race has their own highlights.

Jesse Owens was an African-American athelete. During the Olympics while Hitler was in power, Hitler was very much pushing the idea that the white race was the most superior of all the races. However, Owens blew that theory out of the water, by winning the competitions that he was involved with. Hitler was probably very upset about this, because his whole idea of pushing the white race as being the superior race was completely destroyed because of the fact that Owens, who was not white, was able to do a lot better than the white people. What effect this had on WWII, we ultimately will never know, but it is most guaranteed that after that moment Hitler never looked at the white, or the black, people the same again, because he knew that even though he thought that the race of white people was the most superior it was not necessarily the case because a black person ultimately had won the games instead of a white person,

lol you're fucking stupid

>physical ability is more important than mental capability
This is why we are a society run by grizzlys.
Fucking degenerate

It's like you got all your information from the movie that came out a year ago... I think it was called "Race"...

Owens hung out with the Germans at the Olympics because the white Americans wouldn't sit next to him.

True story.

Get served Jap bitch. White power

This. Americans are racist. Be more like Germany.

>Doesn't know about the medal count.

Its a fake you faggot.

Shut the fuck up bitch. That's a hoax btw. lol at be more like Nazi Germany though.

every whiny little bitch who thinks he's hot shit because he reads Sup Forums instead of exercising says something like this lmao.

But is point about Owens winning ONE medal doesn'tmean shit cause Germany dominated the olympics

>Germany dominated the Olympics
>overblown story because one nigger won
a medal

Be more racist, less like Germany.

Be more of a cuckold who snitches on your daughter for getting groped by immigrants just like Germany. Be more like Germany that's going extinct for nor breeding enough.

Hitler acknowledged the differences between different races. IIRC he said that African's were better at athletics and physical stuff.

He just believed White-Germans were better OVERALL than other groups. He never denied the differences though.

Jesse Owens had a lot better to say about Hitler than that copy-pasta you put in.

You know it is sad when black people were treated better in a country where the leader preaches about the superiority of the white race, than the country that has "We the peeople..." in its constitution.

this....fuck racists and nazis

their understanding of race was very rudimentary.

Is that why Hitler congratulated Jesse Owens while the US snubbed him and even then Germany still won the most that Olympics?

the Jesse Owens was actually one of the first redpills I got because they teach it to young elementary school kids
muh aryan race is how its presented but look at the quotes and the details and you see that Hitler and the Germans treated Owens better than America did

Hungary in 3 just lmao at everyone below especially number 10.

WOW so just because they just so happened to have one nigger who paced himself and not fuck up the race "Really showed him, goys!"
Yeah, nah, KYS bait fuck! Also, Hitler wasn't trying to prove "superiority" he was a white nationalist, not a white supremacist

The Nazis treated everyone well at the Olympics. There was nothing about racial superiority.
Read history that wasn't written by kikes, faggots.

That picture isn't real, r-right?


OP is a faggot

Yeah but not really. Jesse Owens did take a picture with Hitler who congratulated him on his victory. He carried it in his wallet until the day he died, whereupon it was (((lost))).

Also, Seth Rich was the DNC leaker and was killed to send a message to any other would be leakers.

Good job Jesse Owens. Proving that whites can breed blacks to run fast

Yeah not really, faggot. Stop spreading jew lies.

Sage, kys

jesse owens kept a pic of hitler in his wallet. he was a great admirer of adolph. called him an extraordinary man.

you really couldn't have picked a worse motif. maybe only henry ford admired the man more.

But Germany won more Gold medals then any other country during that years Olympics

US school books do no justice for what happened to Owens. Owens stated that he liked Hitler (and the Nazis for that matter), because they treated him like they would treat a white man. He didn't have to deal with all the bullshit that was going on in the US while in Germany. But since you read a US published textbook it had to make it seem like German was just as bad, when in reality it the opposite.

This. Also the white man will create genetic engineering technology that will improve our physical ability.

Only took 400 years of Eugenics breeding a race of humans who could pick cotton faster than the Irish.

i chuckled

Hitler was not a racist. He said everyone should be proud of their own race.The electric Jew did a wonderful job of making him racist.


More proof that Japs aren't worth shit. Fuck you ugly reptile boy

*sips Bier*

No, Hitler was always about how races are different and have their things they're good at and should be proud of.

Your fucking OP pic has Hitler literally thanking the guy for proving his point.

White people have better STR muscles and Black people have better DEX muscles. Black people ace as fuck at cardio, running, jumping, athletic shit, whereas no black man will ever match the whitey mcwhite strongman lifters. Twitch vs Strength.

Hitler just wanted europe to be white mans land and he wanted the jews out and in their homeland. When that shit wasn't going, he shipped them out by force.

Then the allies bombed traincars full of jews and posted pictures of the few typhoid victims in camps and made a big scandal out of literally nothing.

Hitler did only 1 thing wrong. He underestimated the Electric jew.

t. Mahmoud the street shitter


I thought Germany was the overall winner and the myth that Hitler was so upset about him winning whatever it was that he left prematurely was American propaganda?

"Why did you sit with the Germans?"

"Hitler never called me a nigger."


That smile.

People keep making out Hitler to be the embodiment of pure evil, they seem to forget that practically every nation has done something similar to genocide. Hitler just industrialised it.

Owens insisted until the day he died that Hitler later met with him behind the scenes and shook his hand. But I'm sure an American nigger was secretly just a 3rd Reich shill, our government would never lie to us and try to brainwash us with black (lol) propaganda!


He won all the important medals: 100m, 200m, 4X 100m relay and long jump.

England does this every Olympics too. They always win something like 100 medals until you realize that they're all gay ass medals that no one cares about and that all the real medals are won by Jamaica.

Ignorance is not your fault. Remaining ignorant is.

according to our ijdf op wonderkind the cheetah is the superior animal cause cheetahs can outrun cracked up running africans.

who knew being fastest would make cheetahs btfo german farmers who hated jews so much they wanted more land to farm

>important medals

And who determines which medals are the most important?


A panel of bigots.

>Implying sports where you have to run fast are the only important ones
You must be a nignog

Your post is like a white saying the only relevant skills are intelligence and creativity... oh, wait, those actually are the only two skills that really matter