Quit taking advantage of your mother's love and be a fucking man. Seriously. You are not there 'saving money'. You are postponing real life... why don't you live there until you're 57, then you could be a a millionaire!!!
Quit taking advantage of your mother's love and be a fucking man. Seriously. You are not there 'saving money'. You are postponing real life... why don't you live there until you're 57, then you could be a a millionaire!!!
look buddy i fell on some hard times and i dont need no fxcking faggot chink leaf whose busy getting blowjobs from his dog to tell me what to do
besides living with your parents is the only way to turn your family into a clan
>be a fucking man
woman detected
Well, tell me how to move out fart face leafy
You sound triggered as fuck.
Fell for the college meme and might as well have taken womens studies. I want off the ride. In those 3 years I could have been promoted multiple times and even began on a career and not some shoddy work. Instead I'm with a nearly useless degree and a fuckload of student loans searching for shiwork and getting declined.
>telling mid-twenties men to take responsibility for themselves and move out of mommy and daddies houses
Fuck off cunt. Women can stay home as long as they want. No agency. Quit being degenerate. Take control of your life. You can't be a man and live in your childhood bedroom
This --> If I could sell enough meth or X maybe I could.....wanna buy some meth or X OP?
let me just outbid some millionaire chinks with dirty communist money real quick and buy a house right before the bubble bursts
Leaving the home before marriage is degenerate. I'm not leaving my parents to pay rent. I stay with them, saving my money, and I help them with their expenses. Thanks to this arrangement I'll be in a better position to have children of my own sooner, instead of spending half my income on rent like some degenerate who just wants to live a party life in the inner city. I'm 23.
>reported for trying to sell drugs
Should of gave my fellow Americans the respect (yous) they deserve
24 year old living with parents here.
Get fucked you sour grapes faggot, "baw baw you're postponing real life" so the fuck what? The fuck should I pay for my own place to live alone? I'm going to save money and worry about that shit later.
>be a man
Suck a dick.
Ahahahah you guys are so fucking stupid. Get jobs and lower your standard of living if you're too fucking useless to make a decent wage
>muh blackies are degenerate gibs
>but also muh mommy makes more money and i cant live a lesser lifestyle
>Hard times
You are still a fucking degenerate
>mfw i turn 25 next month
>sleep in bunkbed
Seth Rich
Ahahahah youre only hurting yourself. I'm laughing at your agony. The only triggered faggets are the people replying
>the average home price in my area is $800,000
ya im going to need to save for a while longer m8
You are being cucked
I actually don't like my mom all that much. And my dad likes me staying at home.
Gonna move out in the next couple years when I have a job/business that can pay for this shit chinaman market.
Seth Rich
Its called renting or moving to an area more affordable you stupid cunt. Why do you need to buy a house in your parents viscinity!!!!
Lollol my generation is retarded!!!
>cant buy a house
>derp live with parents until 30
21 and my dad has been calling my family a clan since i was 15. gotta get out of here soon, but dad's also got a nice paying gig coming up that will turn us into billionaires, you fags will benefit from it too since I'm a faggot who will spend his dad's entire life's work on securing a future for the white race.
Oh yeah I'm in real agony not having to be a rentcuck you stupid fuck. If only I had more responsibility and could be a financial cuckold like a """real man."""
>Tfw engaged, 25yo, and making over 100k
What the hell is your problem Sup Forums virgins?
It's arguable that this is why american white women end up being such whores. repressed in a religious house until they're 18, sent to college where they fuck every tyrone in sight and move from low income housing to low income housing. becky could do with a few more years at home.
My dad and I are contractors, and programming can be done from home.
Why spend money unnecessarily?
fxck u nigger i dont owe you an explanation on my life's tragedies
thank you based user
You're seriously overestimating your self importance if you think anybody is going to consider the opinion of a fucking Canadian.
From all sides. I have no gameplan or end-game anymore. Sup Forums memes and shitposts but in those 3 years I learned that:
>women are utter trash not to be trusted
>no such thing as loyal friends to back you up - everyone cares about themselves and their own best
>the system is a slavery scam producing shabbos goyms
I'm 23 and still live at home.
I work 3 jobs and only earn about $600 week.
No such thing as 40hr weeks in 1 job anymore it seems.
I need about $800 week to just live away from home. Reminder it's like $500 week rent in major cities in this shithole country. Groceries, power, water, rego, insurance, etc... is more on top of that
t. 23 year old who just moved out
The nuclear family is degenerate post-industrial social decay.
Multigenerational households are the historical norm, and promote better mental health, socialization, economic security, financial efficiency, and physical protection.
The nuclear family model divides family wealth among economically unproductive properties that are owned by banks under decades of mortgage payments. Families should pass down a single bulk property to first born sons, and allow sisters and younger brothers to live rent free until they can get married, and/or save up enough money to buy their own property.
NEETdom is unacceptable though.
I feel you Norbro.... What was your major?
Aha these stupid cunts blame everyone for their problems. They call me a rent cuck because I don't live with mom and dad! I'm dying...
What my parent live with me cuz it's my house and they pay me rent in the form of keeping my house clean and cook for me?
I thought euro college is free? Shoulda read Altucher on college before falling for it
fuck that noise ill milk the jew government and these boomers as long as possible
I thought it was 21, and before that it was 18. You "people" keep raising the age, probably to make yourselves feel better.
>Over 23
Make that over 18 and yeah definitely.
Omg tell that to your next girlfriend you useless degenerate nig. Ahahahahahah rentcuck are you fucking serious? Lolol so cuckholded to pay for your own living space as opposed to living with mommy! Oh dear god I have lost the abilitity to grammar ahahahahhaah
you think reason is going to convince this nigger faggot? he's just fucking trolling the fuck out of all of you
Yes goy, abandon your parents just so you can pay some good rent money to those hardworking and really important landlords.
Nah. Kids living at home with their parents was the norm for a very long time throughout history. In a shit economy it doesn't make sense to invest in a home.
>live at parents with fiancé paying "rent"
>almost saved enough to put a down payment on a 5 bedroom house
Tbh I don't know why more people don't do this. It's hard to rent an apartment and save enough to afford a house. Just don't live at your parents not working or helping out and I dont understand the problem
An hero and stream it
i'm 26 and live on their big property. I have 100k cash saved up . Never having kids or a wife, why waste money on rent?
Entrepreneurship where I learned that I'm not worth shit unless my dad gives me a small loan of a million dollars. And even then there's no guarantee. I don't know what I was thinking but by the time I realized stuff it was too late to quit.
I moved out of home with my girlfriend at 18.
Shit was difficult, we had fuck all money but made it work.
Now I'm 30, married to the same woman and we run our own business.
I have 5 wagecucks that make my money for me while I shitpost on Sup Forums and cruise around on my yacht.
Life is good.
you don't know what degenerate means.
bitch, im not going to juggle research, academics and two jobs to pay for a shitty project that i just go to sleep in, living next to niggers like you
> m-m-muh independence
"independence" is code word for a life of debauchery, anarchy and irresponsibility, and realistically, the only thing you are getting independence from is the only moral authority you have had in your entire life, thus it is the beginning of the end of the nuclear family, ESPECIALLY if you have a sister you are leaving behind (without the solid family structure that she has grown up with, a female will usually follow your lead and take miles of cock in her "independence")
> b-b-b-but clean your room
moving out of home takes a lot more than just "muh independence"
both my kids moved out within two months of high school graduation. Both are doing fine with good jobs. Neither went to college.
>tfw youth unemployment here is 14%
>tfw more people between 18 and 34 live with their parents than live with their spouse
>tfw OP is a fag
>implying that the "get out of your parent's house after turning 18" meme wasn't created by mortgage companies and didn't create the economic bubble that will take decades to solve
only dumb 17 year olds move out of home early. it's foolish, a waste of money, and has decimated housing prices in many areas and inflated the housing market.
now they work and can't afford to study and get a decent job to support a family.
studying at a liberal college/university doesn't count, arts degree.
Make 80k a year. GF is about to make 80k a year.
Not having a mortgage and owning a house.
Have fun paying the Jew off your whole life.
Live With Mom
Marry Mom
Become President of France
>paying parents cheap ass rent for a good place
>paying mr shekelburg expensive ass rent for a crack shack
I'll wait till i have enough money to put down on a house and have a stead job
>this message was brought to you by Chaim and Sons Real Estate Company.
It's cheaper for everyone to share a roof. It also hurts Jewish business.
I live 1 hr west of Brisbane and the house prices are about $560,000. Shit's fked
>aw im sad that i was kicked out of home and now lifes hard. secretly jealous of people who are allowed to stay and plan their paths. now i work at mcdonalds and can't afford time or money to study... ree.....
I would rather pay parents $100 week board than pay Mr Shekelsteinbergwitzski $500 rent a week
woman detected.
'be a man, go fuck bitches'
try this one OP, not everyone has your leave it to beaver lifestyle
>no dad, addict mom
>be 5, man now
>care for sister, addict mom, pay bills for years, live as some kind of surrogate father figure since 'childhood'
>live in projects, protect house and family
>kids my age are actually kids
>never had friends, saw females as a responsibility
>aged 24, start to realize how fucked in the head I actually am
>get kicked out of the house
>homeless now
>women cant really do anything for you, can only receive cocks
>provide and protect familial females for decades from childhood, want space, something for myself, get made homeless, no money, have to start from scratch, working, saving for myself, ready to move out now at aged 26 on my own.
so now im gonna go spend the next 20 years working selflessly to provide for a female and a family so I can be called a beta or a loser and be outcasted again, BECAUSE I CARED ABOUT FEMALES.
Now I get the divine privilege of putting my penis in the their vagina.
Just not sure if I even want to do this, the whole 'save the white race' thing is pretty appealing to me.
Now I have to go 'be a man', which translates as fuck my head against the wall, from females. If I had a single dad instead, I would have been considered a man since I was 5, taught a basic skill and probably be smooth sailing right now.
If mommy tells you to get out of her house, 'be a man' it means she's had enough of pretending to care about and just wants to be fucked. Single mothers never cared, they don't know what that is.
Actually caring about females vs fucking their faces. They think fucking their faces is what a man is and actually caring about them is childish and they don't know how to deal with it. they literally don't know what to make of it and use your provisions as something to go against.
What can I do to 'be a man' now? Pay my own rent? Not everyone got to be a kid
The college is free, costs 50$ each semester but you get 7300 kroner student loan which is roughly 700$ a month.
Rent is 400$ and everything is pretty expensive so if you zero out by the end of the month you never partied. 40% of the debt is deleted if you get the degree. I'm about 40-50.000$ down right now and haven't finished a few exams.
Sup Forums is actually showing its true face. I always thought it was is a joke. The sheer amount of people justifying a neet/autist existance is terrifying.
No. It is not acceptable to live with mom and dad until you are 30. Females are repulsed by that lack of self sufficiency. Stop enabling each other.
just wait until the day comes when you do try to get a loan for a home and you have no history of paying rent on time. Good luck.
our generation is gunna have to move to the country and become farmers lmao.
then we will return to being redpilled, hard workers.
or perhaps form new, whiter cities in the country somewhere.
>lower your standard of living
Except for living with your parents, right?
Fuck renting. Make sure you buy a 12 story house, or you're not a man. Also, you're not a man if you don't have cadillac.
Yes let me work so more than half of what I earn goes in taxes to people who are meant to replace me.
Hahaha 'woman detected'
There are no women on here fucktwat. I'm saying basic ass shit.
This is Sup Forums. If you can't take care of yourself, you're a fucking gibs.
No one vouching for neetist autism in this thread better ever make a nig gibs thread ever
>reality pilled
then a feminists tells u anything at all, and demands something from you
i would rage so hard if i were you
Pretty much, the boomer generation can't see any other lifestyle other than their own.
26 year old here: I'll do whatever the fuck I want, leaf.
you could try not being a massive fucking faggot. That usually helps
>No one vouching for neetist autism in this thread better ever make a nig gibs thread ever
Or what, leaf faggot?
I'm 25 spent time fucking around in apartments. Moved back so I could afford uni without crippling debt. It's comfy but sometimes I want to kill myself. One more semester then I can start job hunting. I can't believe my gf of 4 years stuck with me I'd have dumped myself. Started smoking pot every day when I stopped having to worry about bills. Sup Forums doesn't help with confidence btw. Inb4 /r9k/, fuck that hellhole.
You are a fucking nignog if you're an adult living with your parents /thread
stop smoking pot or it will take 10x longer to do things
ITT: People who moved out and are broke trying to justify their actions
These are my 23rd birthday, I'm looking for a flat to rent as we speak.
Ad hominem attack, don't care.
enjoy being homeless. I had my house paid for by age 43 and I never intend to move out. Do you have any idea how nice it is to own a house and have no payments on it?
nignogs dont have parents they only have single mums
and you can't /thread your own thread fag
>calling adults who live on their own triggered because they don't understand neets who refuse to move out of mommy's basement without a house to their name
>what is saving money for a house
How does it feel to have given some of your money to Jews?
I turn 23 next month. I moved out last year.
I was making that much at 10 yr old
OP is just mad that they're struggling because of their dumb choices, and they want you to struggle too
I can't justify moving out unless I have the means. Nor can I justify it if it is supported by a borderline poverty lifestyle and a slave-like job.
the true /thread
What if my mother is arthritic and my father has dementia?
>anyone who advises financial indepence from mom and dad is broke and scurrrred
Omg you are a fucking adult baby i am dyinggg ahahahahah.
This shit is hilarious. I can't believe the reactions. Its all true! All of it! Grow up you stupid nog
it doesn't matter at all. Would YOU loan me money interest free? I doubt it. Besides, I saved a ton of interest by paying off loan several years early.
Then you're a good son. Your dad just wishes you'd call more.
>being this much of a socialist mommas boy
Be a fucking man and get your shit together