Think about it, it's happened before with Hitler. The masses were dupped into thinking he was the devil incarnate. How much do we really know about Kim Jong Un?
What if Kim is actually the good guy?
Greetings to my Dear Leader and Eternal President Kim Jong Un! I will give my life for His Excellency and Imperial Founder of the State Kim Il-Sung. DPRK is the most prosperous, self-sufficient society in the world and a model for the rest of us especially compared to shithole USA full of capitalist oppression. I want to live in DPRK and I am American. Please take me Dear Leader. DPRK has a strong military and culture foundation for tomorrow and wealth equality. DPRK ensures strength for future generation and is protecting their race from Jewish Israel bankers.
That's why its called Best Korea
Hitler saved a country from depression and turned it into a superpower. Meanwhile Un has done nothing since taking power and North Korea still looks like shit and has for decades
What if my dick smacked you in the face
This user has a point.
The final redpill is that North Korea is a utopia and the rest of the world has been feeding us false info to keep us from finding out how oppressed we are in comparison.
..... well that didn't work out as planned.....
>presented with a nation depicted as poverty-stricken ft. empty grocery stores,
>published by a company (VICE) which Rupert Murdoch of FOX now has stock in.
>VICE = liberal-hipster bias, aligns w Jewish-Zionist communism agenda
>North Korea doc made in 2011, Murdoch bought stock in 2013.
>doesn't line up, must be connection...
>North Korea not under common jewish banking system
so move there if it's so great and safe
let me know what a live of sucking 3 inch cocks is like, maybe my wife will you send a gift basket out of pity.
Leaders of inherited dynasties are never
hitler put his people first, i don't think Kim does.
North Korea is and always will be Best Korea.
It's NatSoc, and most of these faggots just shill war against it cause it's what the jews taught them.
Every single one of you anti-NK shills should fucking ask yourself why the Jews don't like North Korea at all, and why you pathetic little degenerates are so eager to please your Jewish masters
You lot don't know shit about NK, and all your info comes from the Jewish media.
This book might have been written by a potential kike, but at least it offers a better understanding of what North Korea truly is - anti-juden NatSoc
As Professor BR Myers points out in the cleanest race, the DPRK has never been a socialist. or communist state. It put on a huge act to get support from the Soviet Union & China after it's independence, but in reality, DPRK is closer ideologically to the 3rd reich, or Imperial Japan than it is to the soviet union. An Ultra-conservative ethnic nationalist state, against any kind of race mixing, totally opposed to liberalism, extremely conservative views on age, sexuality, gender, family, "LGBT", etc.. Stories about "Starving North Korea" are rooted largely in fiction. Child Malnutrition rates in North Korea are around 14% - Average child malnutrition in the world is around 30% (With many countries, eg, India, reaching as high as 50% - Which North Korea did not come close to even in the worst years of the 1990's famine, which has been over for more than a decade now).
Stories regarding the cult of personality/lack of information are also greatly exaggerated. Yes, the Cult is very large, but North Koreans do not believe Kim is a "God" or can "Read their minds". American & South Korean movies, television shows, etc, can be accessed fairly easily in Pyongyang & much of the rest of the country.
tfw kim jong un is also related to Charlemagne
>Builds weapons to protect himself from aggressive attacks
>Doesn't invade other countries
>Gets called insane warmonger by insane warmonger capitalist pigs
>Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea best living conditions in the world
Glorious leader is nothing but a victim of the lies of the West.
Almost every white person on earth has a bit of royal DNA, leaf. The mathematics of human reproduction determine that given a random person and enough time, eventually either everyone will be descended from them or no one will.
In North Korea they have radios installed in every house. They can't be turned off. They tell you when to wake up when the station comes on, then play songs and news they want you to hear, then tell you to go to sleep when they turn the station off.
If the dear leader makes a statement about the genocide in South Africa of the Boer and guarantees military support of a separate Boer state i'll be in his court instantly. Something tells me a lot of /pol will follow. Oh you have no power are a just a 13 year old trying to be provocative? Who'da thunk? Prove otherwise or go die.
any proof? or do you just believe everything ((((((western media))))))) tells you?
>1 post by this ID
honestly this memery should be fucking bannable, look how many slide threads are on right now, go to different, autistic threads and see if the OP is posting, spoiler, he just starts the thread and fucks off
Would you believe it if I did have proof? I have personal experience sneaking into and out of North Korean towns for the last eight years.
You know who also believes this faggotry?
That retard "Mustachio Matt" from HWNDU, who thinks going up to people and saying, "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG!" is going to convert people into loving Hitler, the slandered Mighty Duck.
What he, and a lot of you faggots are merely doing, is virtue signaling, like some faggot who screams "I'M GAY, FUCK YOU!" to a street preacher and brags about it on tumblr.
How bout this: Sort yourself out and don't worry about the world.
They seem to have healthy diet plans, I know a few of my compatriots could benefit from their wisdom in nutrition.