>Republican lobbyist says he has 'evidence' that 27-year-old DNC analyst Seth Rich was murdered after discovering Russian operatives had hacked the DNC and has asked Congress for investigation
>Republican lobbyist says he has 'evidence' that 27-year-old DNC analyst Seth Rich was murdered after discovering Russian operatives had hacked the DNC and has asked Congress for investigation
itt: CIA propaganda
Fuck off nupol shill
When will the Cheeto be impeached?
I actually found this google searching for seth rich.
I want to believe, but fuck me if (((they))) run to this narrative next.
fuck off yourself shill, it is propaganda. he was murdered by american operatives because of the leak not because he exposed supposed russians. you people are so transparent even boomer cucks can hardly believe your shit tier shilling. Your ship is sinking tool
When Seth Rich's girlfriend heard commotion on the phone and asked him what was wrong he told her not to worry.
That response would be inconsistent with Russian agents murdering him. Rather he clearly had an altercation with somebody he knew.
Fuck off already, why on earth would Russia actually have to have contact with Trump to fuck with our election?
I mean shit, Hilldawg was talking shit about their elections just 4 years ago.
isnt it interesting this comes out now after the family's investigation news? hmm makes me think
After your mom stop sucking these nuts shill
Holy shit this is actually a way that they can try to pull out of this without being found out. They are working fucking overtime right now.
Check the date. This was premeditated.
Trump isn't the only one playing 3D chess.
Threadly reminder that Seth was Jewish AND based and as such should be included in all Based Jew threads from now until the end of time.
>anonymous sources now say that analyst Seth Rich was murdered by the Libyans after he gave them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts
Wait...why would the DMV hace Seth rich walked for catching russian spies
Almond status
>Seth's family claims he was in contact with wikileaks
>Seth Rich gets killed
am i going to die for opening this thread
>Rather he clearly had an altercation with somebody he knew.
They're trying to pretend the russians/Trump did it.
so then the obama-administration has killed him and covered it up so the russians can destroy the dems own reputation with the russian hacks that got covered up by the dems themselves through the murder of seth rich?
so why would obamaadministration/the dems try to cover up that russia hacked them when they are talking about nothing else the whole day?
this story doesnt even make any sense.
>Burkman believes that Rich was killed after discovering Russian operatives had hacked the DNC through his work on a 'highly important voter registration program'.
Here's the real plot twist, How did the Russians know he knew? Did he contact the FBI?
>this story doesnt even make any sense
Has any part of this Russian saga made any sense?
niggas really have to straighten up their propaganda game
before it was at least not completely denying the own narrative.
"When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster. They have to. Because they have to justify thier wages."
Never have I seen truer words spoken. o.o
By Louise Boyle For Dailymail.com
Published: 16:05 EDT, 27 February 2017 | Updated: 00:18 EDT, 28 February 2017
clearly Deep State disinfo
they pimp it out big then ...nothing
I'm actually reaching for the narrative that the Russians are DNC puppets.
After all, they act like complete sociopaths.