Sup Forums, why is it never the woman's fault?


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Because womyns dindu nuffen

Sup Forums is a board full of effeminate traditionalists pretending to be "real men" as well as slutty femanons lurking who have sucked too many cocks and now blame beta men in their basements for them being single. Sup Forums is not the proper place to ask your question. Sup Forums even thinks "SOCIETYYYYYYY" makes "most men" go MGTOW even though that is objectively false.

I'd say the many pitfalls for men when it comes to relationships and marriage in this society are generally on point.

The law will be on the woman's side no matter what. They exploit this fact to gain the upper hand and in turn ruin men's lives.


prove it was me, leaf nigger.

No copy pasta OP man

Not only that, but socially, women have the total advantage over men in western society. Even "alpha" little dudebros follow the narrative women set, they just frame it to look like the winners. Sup Forums for years now has completely failed in finding a solution to this problem. It's a cultural and societal problem, and it will only be solved by approaching it from that angle.

Beer, Pizza and video games with my friends? Fuck yeah that sounds great

When woman do better its
When men do better its
>We need intervention and campaigns to make woman better
Don't you know? It will never change.

so according to feminist women make 8% more tha their male counterparts, but thereĀ“s still a wage gap against women

Just remember. Its all your fault.

What's some good beer you can find in America? I hear Europeans have it good in that department.

Mainly all youre small micro breweries is where its at.

Your big business brewing companies are shit for the most part.

Because they write this kind of shit.

>Even "alpha" little dudebros follow the narrative women set
... used to. Them days is over.

Its there choise when it helps them but when its negative they can blame it on a man

Fucking scousers, never their fault. Always the victim.

link to the article

Victim complex.

>this thread done the 38th time

I'd say liberalism and feminism makes women the main problem.It makes them all think they can we filthy, entitled whores without any sort of repercussions. It genuinely repulses men.

His name was Seth Rich

Tupac tried being a 'nice guy' and women shit on him for it so he turned into what they truly crave.

>women don't want to settle down with video game/porn addicted jobless neckbeards

And its a legit topic worth talking about 100 more times.


seth rich was murdered for leaking to Wikileaks BY CRIMINAL DEMOCRATS


Angry Orchard.

Tupac was a cuck for doing so then. Why should you have to change who you are for the sake of women?

plenty of successful people play vidya and watch porn

>childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life

I could actually agree with that for different reasons than I'm guessing are stated in the article.
White Boomer parents were very stupid about raising their children. They mostly gave their kids some vague shit about "doing what you love" rather than solid advice and making sure TV and schools did not raise their kids for them.
They were self-absorbed and imagined their kids would fall backwards into stable employment and home ownership, like they did. But that their kids would actually BENEFIT from hands-off parenting and "being their kid's friend."

If Boomer fathers had directed their sons towards lucrative trades and professions and told them their job was to make money, get married, have a family: we could have nations 30 year old men with 3+ children and their own homes, by now.

They think that any guy will be with them just because of the wet hole between their legs

Yeah no shit dude.

There's like 10 threads on it, which I am also participating in. There's room for this thread too.


What do I do in life If I'm completely apathetic and have no interest in studying anything to become successful? How do you successful anons become someone who isn't a video game addict because I'm stuck there at the moment. I know this question is super vague but how do you become someone with value?

It's more mature to not bring children into this world if you can't or don't want to care for one.

>men don't want to settle down with entitled, whorish, easily offended pigs

because women are stupid shallow, surface level creatures who feed off of society and what they think men are/want.

If men are a bunch of beta weak chinned numale faggots, then the women take on a role they are psychologically unfit to become, strong dominant ugly slutty womyn.

When men are strong, decisive leaders who drive society, women are submissive housewives who obey their husbands and live to please him. Kinda like the saying:
Strong men create good times---> good times create weak men--->Weak men create hard times--->hard times create strong men

Strong men create good women---> good women create weak men--->weak men create defective women--->defective women create strong men

Why would I bring a child into this world when I can barely afford to live as is?

How? Plenty of guys still chase women and date and fuck women. Sup Forums is so autistic they think that's not happening but it is.

>Be strong and dominant
>Woman leaves you because the laws benefit her for this choice

This whole "you just have to be alpha enough" meme needs to stop. Society is completely gynocentric and absolving women of any responsibility is what got us into this mess in the first place.

This is true. They can't cook, to lazy to clean, or do laundry. Most of them consider part time minimum wage a "job". They really don't have anything to offer and usually end up cheating and divorcing a guy. And from what I've seen 1st hand, most women are too lazy to be a parent and bitch all the time about their kid and how the kid ruined their fun and life. Just isn't worth the gamble anymore.


I agree.

"you're not alpha enough" is just placing the blame on men again.

its no better than the article.

It's up to men to have responsabilities.

It is true to a certain extent because unless kept in line they shit test your boundaries and if you fail they walk all over you, use you and move on it's kind of biological. There's obviously a heap of other shit to worry about but males being boys not men is one of them despite how much the MGTOW's want to sulk about their feelings, that's what pubs & mates are for not women.

How dare we live our lives as we wish

>muh weak men
Oh you mean like the autistic neets that browse this website?
Fucking traditionalist fags always blaming "muh society" for their problems. Fuck off.
The problem is technology, you stupid cunts. The internet and digital devices are making people more introverted and anti-social. It's not "muh degeneracy", it's not "de jooz". It's websites like this one.

The nice guy was the facade, not the other way around.

What if I don't want to get married and would rather stay a manchild enjoying myself with vidya and a loyal dog? She can't make me fuck her.

>be strong and dominant
>date ugly feminazi womyn
>fail to study her character thoroughly before marrying
>the pussy veil is ripped from your eyes after marriage and you discover she was a huge bitch all along and you just ignored it
>she leaves you because the laws benefit her

user if you squat your nuts into a bear trap dont whine when it cuts them off. The trick is to be Alpha AND partner with a woman worth keeping around.


No mental disorders (mainly depression, eating disorders, anxiety, or BPD)
Not from a broken home
Hasnt slept around
Takes care of her self physically
must hate feminism or at least not identify as a feminist
No use of sex to get her way
must see you as a leader and her as a follower
doesnt party or do drugs
decent relationship with her parents
her personality compliments yours
conservative political views

If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone you want to make damn sure it's the right one not the first 6/10 with big tits to sit on your cock. So you make damn sure before you say your vows that she is worth keeping because either youre stuck with her or she gets half your stuff.

Nah its because women ride cock carousel then expect the guy they do actually like and get along with to magically appear at 25-30 with a house and a 200k job.

Taking no responsibility for your actions is the most common thing amongst people and entities. So why should we? Society thinks they can just abuse white men and well just take it whilst they can do whatever they want with no repercussions. This sort of article is just projection.

>It is true to a certain extent because unless kept in line they shit test your boundaries

And why is this? Two things; gynocentric culture which rewards female promiscuity and female nature which trends towards hypergamy.

And your answer is: just deal with it.

Hell even if you pass all the shit-tests that doesn't protect you. Nothing does.

Men have no protection in relationships and any whimsy on the part of the female can result in game-over and financial loss.

But hey, guys just need to be more alpha, right? Nevermind the fact that someone who tries to undercut their partner doesn't seem like someone who genuinely loves the person they're fucking over. But nevermind that, you just need to man-up to bag one of these fine sociopaths.


When woman do better its
When men do better its
Not fair!! Male Privilege!!

All women are hypergamous.

Women lie, they are adept at lying.

So even if I mind-read the bitch and find she is loyal, she'll still possibly fuck me over. Why is this? Because women aren't even conscious of their hypergamy. So yes, in the moment they'll say they'll be loyal and absolutely mean it, but that does not guarantee she will continue to feel this way, and if she perceives you as lesser, by doing any of the following:

>being nice
>failing a shit test which can be as petty as who washes the dishes
>not being nice enough and giving away your insecurity about her leaving

She's calling up one of her back-up beta orbiters and dumping you like garbage. But hey, we need to pursue these lovely people right?

>conservative political views

This is the only criteria you should have in mind, period. Only conservative/libertarian women understand basic principles of social and political interaction.

So she'll understand she has all of the social and political power?

Hmmmm, I don't see how that would end up badly at all.

No, you'll know when you pass the shit tests because they back down and become like little puppies hanging off your arm that will do anything for a real man it's fucking crazy to watch in 10 minutes how an attitude can change after a subconcious shit test.

It doesn't mean they don't love you, you just need to understand them and stop treating them like they have male brains.

All of this is a divide and conquer tactic to turn gender against gender and so forth. This leads to lowered birth rates, degeneracy, increased promiscuity and STD infection and ultimately the death of normal, human relationships in favor of artificial mechanical lovers. The grassroots beginning of a transhumanist fascism on the horizon. All part of a total Satanic agenda on the part of the elites in the government and media.

It is a PSYOP. It is a form of MindWar.

Get to the root of this demonic infiltration of the military and the mental war being waged on all of us.

>not enabling women increases promiscuity

Really makes me think.

>giving up 50% of your money on gambling bet with a quote of 50/50

So women allow their eggs to literally rot away and they find a way to blame men. Cool.

Can you blame a retard for being a retard? Women are telling us that we are superior and we need to take charge.

fuck women and fuck their shit tests. if they can't accept the normal you, then fuck em. For a guy to be constantly on guard for some random fucking test where your relationship is on the chopping block Everytime..

fuck it, not worth it to me. I simply won't play their game.


It is fucked up, but now you know why men had studies to be alone with their toughts, pubs to hang with mates, whiskey all day, aggressive attitudes and obedient women.

It's nice when you pass shit tests to have women swooning though, it is a sigh of relief but the problem is guys get too comfortable, we think they are going to be our companion in life and get angry and confused when we find out we have to keep up the facade like our forefathers did and relax only around friends. Doesn't mean you can't control women by being manly, smelling good, keeping them safe etc all those male/female fantasies can come out.

gotta find out what agenda its pushing then do the opposite

Diversity is the problem.
I don't want my children to ever have to experience the ungodly sight that is the Nigger.

>If Boomer fathers had directed their sons towards lucrative trades and professions and told them their job was to make money, get married, have a family: we could have nations 30 year old men with 3+ children and their own homes, by now.

In time when in most western countries society has been stacked against men? You know affirmative action towards women and minorities makes getting into college/university harder for white men than it is for everyone else. That also applies to lots of public sector jobs. Quotas for women, minorities and shieet.

It is easier for women to get into stable job than it is for men by all means. Since they are economically better established than their male counterparts, there is absolutely no incentive for them to pair up with economically less well off males.

TL;DR Affirmative action for women in education ruined traditional family.

I drove a 260 crane today through Central Sydney what do you do you shemale?

I'd worry more about the spic

> boomer parents
> solid advice

lol they don't have solid advice to give because so many were actually able to shake hands, get a job and climb the ladder into interesting positions you need a Uni degree & 5 years experience for now. They don't know how to hand the current economic setup for youth. They're for the most part shit with money which is hilarious because they've earned & received the most in human history but siphoned everyone around them for it & had an easier ride than they make out.

It's true we all needed good advice & good role models but it wasn't going to come from the majority of boomer parents.

Define "real men"

lol fuck that

MGTOW boys


Nah man
Tupac is the OG MGTOW redpiller
Bitches aint shit, we don't love them hoes


OP deserves a ban

why's that?


These are divide and conquer threads

We should be having threads on how to redpill women, not threads bitching about them

That would be productive, anything else is not

You ever had a dog that misbehaved, or seen a person in public whose dog wouldn't shut up? 99.99% of the time it's because they have no idea how dogs think. Dogs don't just naturally fall into a hierarchy based on their family unit - they need it to function correctly. A dog can't feel relaxed or happy unless somebody is taking charge, and if they think their owner isn't doing it, they'll try to step up to the plate. Unfortunately their owner doesn't realise this is what's happening and will nearly always do things that just stress the dog out even more. Unless, that is, they give the correct cues that they're going to take charge, in which case the dog won't just immediately fall in line, they'll fall in line and be happy about it. 'Finally, someone's taking charge. That means I don't have to worry anymore.'

Obvious analogy is obvious with the exception that while a dog's misbehaviour is an attempt to control the situation the only way it knows how, most women gravitate towards people who will lead them because they literally do not want responsibility for anything. It isn't about who you are, it's about what you're willing to let her get away with. Passing the shit test is, in effect, showing her that you'll exercise some limitations over her - which is exactly what she wants. She doesn't want to have to face the consequences of her actions. She wants someone else to dictate the limits of her actions so she doesn't have to. 'Finally, someone's taking charge. That means I don't have to worry anymore.'


even men who have taken charge and provided for women have been cucked and destroyed in courts by women.

what youre saying isn't a sure thing.

Study math

MGTOW sounds like a bi-curious gateway to turning gay

>women expect you to go to university, travel the world, do this and that
>waaaaah waaaah waaaah why won't you make me pregnant when you're 24 only to have me cuck you 10 years later "because i settled down too early"

Because women cannot be held accountable for their actions

Kind of like puppies except they bleed from their vagina every once in a while and its morally OK to fuck them

That poor woman had all that facial surgery and still looks like shit. Put on all that makeup and still looks like shit. Airbrushed to hell and STILL looks like shit. Why do they do that? It doesn't make sense to me. If you're trying to win at beauty isn't the point to take yourself and figure out how to make it go as far as possible? Isn't that real beauty? There are hundreds, thousands of makeup and beauty channels on youtube. Just try different looks.
God damn. Not everybody looks the best with a stick figure and big fake tits.

I'm glad to see this thread again it is really needed on the board, praise Christ.

I'm sure a leaf on Sup Forums knows what the definition of a real man is, and I'm even more sure that he fits that description.

eh its kinda true

Sup Forums as a board are the ones that keep circlejerking about how they are all "real men", I'm merely insulting them for doing so. They are the ones pretending to be something they are not.


"I'm gonna dump that man and make it on my own."

So many songs by women follow this theme,so what do they expect.?

Drift along try to be happy in who you are, not who you are not.

You're wrong, we don't need threads on how to redpill women. They are actually even more dangerous when they know the truth because they can use this knowledge to plot against men even more effectively. What we need are threads on how to get this bitches back into the kitchen, out of the voting booth, and under control. Female sexuality needs to controlled by men or society will collapse.

Change it then.

Have you noticed that none of you think you've been emasculated. No, it's just everyone else, and you have to go along with it because of societal pressure. You've all given yourselves the perfect justification for becoming Nietzsche's last man.

>women admitting they want to get pregnant earlier in life
I don't see a problem with this.

Men take the blame, who gives a shit? They're conceding that they want to be loving mothers of big families.

women are dumb and they know it, also white boys are assholes who play csgo and jack off to furry porn so they aren't helping their cause