Why don't Trump supporters care?
Because it's fake news, faggot.
The whole story was fabricated by CIA/WaPo to distract from the Seth Rich story that came out one hour before that.
Also, saged.
The timing is fucking impeccable
Because fuck you thats why
We care about more important things, like /ourguy/ Seth Rich.
Because they are Trump cock-holsters unable to think for themselves.
I don't care about it because it is fake. It's a media fabrication made to make Trump look legitimate. He's a puppet of the American government and they want him to look like a puppet of the Russians so that he gets more sympathy, satiating the "alt-right" and preventing an actual revolt.
I would respect Trump far more if he was a Russian puppet, but he's not. Right now they're trying to distract from Seth Rich. Trump will help them cover it up.
seth rich
bunch of
Cause they are partisan hacks who trump himself said he could murder people in the open and not lose support.
It's actually kind of embarrassing.
The dumbest 0.5% of Americans are so determined to voice their ignorance and stupidity, it just makes the rest of you guys look so bad
>Comey fired day after Yates testifies
>Russian foreign minister and ambassador invited into oval office day after Comey firing
Canada, your president is fucking Trudeau. Stop trying to talk about other countries looking bad.
Shills just promise me when this fake story is outright retracted or walked back like all the others you will commit suicide.
(((Wall Street))) faggots who bet their entire life savings on this mess.
>ignorance and stupidity
Too busy cousin/sister fucking?
The Washington Compost's (Unverified Unnamed Sources) have been garbage and proven to be bullshit time and again. Fuck off faggot. And even if true which has already been discredited? It'd be perfectly legal.
Stop deflecting from the DNC being full of murderers and Seth Rich.
because its bullshit and unlike libfags who only read headlines, we're not retarded
i also like that this faggot news source had enough time to gather what trump fans think of this....during the day the fake news blitz came out.
A 'journalist' actually calling a trump supporter a troll..
The media doesn't and will never understand what >we care about.
Canadians support sucking off dogs and suicide bombing. If a Canuck thinks something's bad, then it's probably good.
thats because what you care about doesn't matter, you fucking leaf.
>a fucking ski instructor
I can't speak for anyone else, but I voted for Trump because I hate liberal faggots and it's illegal to kill them. From my perspective he is performing above and beyond any expectations I have for him. Stay mad, faggots. I literally want you to die. Literally.
>Everything that disagrees with me is fake news
God you're such a cuck lmao
>w-why don't they believe our fake news anymore???!!!
the absolute state of the mainstream meteor
>Because it's fake news, faggot.
no dipshit, it's a whole fake movement around a fake fucking populist who's actually just another fucking REAL neocon
>trump revealed super secret code-word intel to Russia
>our sources have told us everything, so much so that we need to withhold information
This whole thing makes no sense. Why would we be keeping information about Isis away from Russia? Aren't we both fighting them? This is retarded.
>fake movement
>got elected
>real neocon
>hated by neocons
>readit typing
Back you go!
You would know. Cuck
'if you are not a fan of trump you shouldn't feel this way'
Talk about manipulation
Should have changed the filename, shill. You guys are making it way too easy to identify yourselves. Need to hire better pushers.
There was a leak.
It was just the DNC instead lol
Nothing wrong with sharing information about terrorists with your allies, this is literally fake news.
Because people can smell your agenda.
Shills shrug off the assassination of Seth Rich
Sage Seth Rich!
Because we all know it's bullshit from all the repeated lies.
Because it is under his purview to do exactly what he did.
Also, we're not at war with Russia, and haven't really ever been.
i don't want it to be real.
so, it's fake.
the media that cried impeach
go ahead... keep making yourselves look worse, it helps us.
You're failure president is about to get impeached, hows that feel? :)
Like the man said, because the allegations are total bullshit and the investigations a complete waste of money and resources that could be devoted to (say) busting child prostitution rings or solving the murder of Seth Rich.
Trump won the election fair and square. It's not his fault the globalists refuse to accept the result of a free and fair election.
>Trump is the enemy of globalists!!!!
His step son is literally selling our real estate to China. Trump is nothing but a globalist cuck.
you say that the globalists control very major event in the world; how the hell did Trump win then? Trump is a globalist puppet maybe?
i dont understand why people are so obsessed about russia.
i believe that trump probably goofed in collaborating with the Russians to defeat Hillary but he seems so dumb that he could well be totally unaware fo the significance of what he has done.
far more worrying is the fact that he has appointed goldman-sachs and exon mobil executives to the financial and foreign relations positions of his administration.
rick perry as energy secretary and betsy devos as secretary for education?... she believes in faith based drug rehab for fuck sake.
the corruption and ineptitude is right there, no need for a conspiracy.
They're rooting for their team. They take one statement by this serial lying administration saying the report is false and cry victory over news as always.
>The story that came out tonight as reported is false.
"As reported" as in if any detail is something not entirely correct the whole thing is false.
Is there a better term for him? (Besides president obviously.)
>a prominent internet troll close to the administration
Threadly reminder
They voted for Trump because of his 'less wogs more jobs' platform. MUH RUSSIANS is irrelevant.
It's classified information, we don't know. We do know that Trump revealed what city we had spies in that discovered ISIS was using laptops as bombs.
It isn't typical a president releases classified information to anyone, especially not to nations that don't share US interest.
that was obviously written by some fag that's never been here
so it might be legit
The only traitors are the CIA and liberal journalist.
>We do know that Trump revealed what city we had spies in that discovered ISIS was using laptops as bombs.
citation needed
What was the info that was shared? I'm at the gym and CNN is showing that Trump shared info with Russians. I asked my gym buddy what was shared and all he tells me is that it was private info.
>"We can't tell you what he told them"
>"But take our word for it; it was private!"
What's even more retarded is that we knew about ISIS laptop bombs months ago.
And by "we" I mean the general public, at least those of us that pay attention.
So I'd be shocked if Russian Intelligence wasn't already aware anyway.
Good point. I'm not exactly happy with his performance thus far, but I knew it would be an uphill battle against deeply entrenched forces working against the actual citizens of this country in advance.
Moreover, the alternative was far worse, and if we had a round two of the 2016 election in 2020 tomorrow, I'd still vote to reelect him.
At the rate things are going, I doubt that's going to change in the next four years especially since I've largely tuned out the MSM crying wolf at this point, and I'm probably not alone in that.
>Pic related, the REEEEEing of my enemies
this 100%, just because something happens behind closed doors doesn't mean ww3 tanks in 20min russian hackerz puppets bullshit
The msm and the baiting morons wanting attention are like an annoying buzzing noise that just persists, it's not enough to get angry but enough to annoy someone.
>anonymous sources
Huh. I wonder.
mutual enemy. he's doing exactly what he campaigned on. fuck (((isis)))
Pretty much.
They're just pissing off the few remaining centrists at this point, and everyone else sees Trump Derangement Syndrome for what it is.
Not all Chinamen speak english
I'll care when non-shill sources that have been bashing Trump non-stop since mid-2015 say something.
The American mainstream media has ZERO credibility at this point, and that is their own doing.
When? oh right, NEVER, and you favorite witch is going to end in jail for killing Seth Rich, hows that feel? :)
Do you want a serious answer? It's because it's hard to take the media seriously when it gave Hillary a 99% chance of winning the election and has been busted time and time again pushing fake news ("Russians hacked the Vermont power grid!" "Comey asked for more money!"). And it's hard to take the left's concern about laws seriously when, to this day, they poo-poo Hillary's criminal activity.
The timing man. The timing.
we are being raided hard tonight, i think reddit might be behind a lot of the raids in recent months. Along with the raids shitposters hop on board and stir the pot of shit
This is just as dumb as the Trump-will-be-impeached-over-anonymous-sources BS, to be honest. Hillary isn't going to jail for shit. Nor is Podesta or any of this board's sperglord targets.
And before someone responds with there have always been raids i know but the frequency is increasing and for longer periods of time.
> 6/30/16
Golly gee, I wish I could read, but muh maga
Why does anyone care? How does it harm people? Does it matter besides riling up people that hate Trump?
Why is the media suddenly making Russia out to be our enemies?
rule 7
One is about Obama offering Russia info, the other is about Trump. The dates being different doesn't change that. Fuck off you retarded shareblue shill, did they open up the applications to downys?
since you cant ill read it for you
spot the differences
Hahahaha from 0-60 mad in .2 seconds gg
>not understanding that not all information given on a subject is all information on a subject
>not understanding what a metaphorical olive branch is
>not realizing that you can give a half-truth to influence toward a result
And that goes for Obama or Trump, though I'm less inclined to think that Obama did it so nonchalantly - at least the guy understood the weight and potential consequences.
Nigga really
Do you have to be autistic to get what's going on in this pic? It just looks like one person reposting the same bullshit on Washington post that's been happening all day and someone at twitter reposting the same bullshit.
I drove a different car to work today. I took a dump when I got to work today. They must some how be related.
I think it's the Seth Rich thing tonight, but it's felt like we were waiting on something explosive to drop for a while and I don't think that's actually it, just why the shills are in overdrive right now.
Fake news makes us sleepy.
>I'm less inclinde to think that Obama did it so nonchalantly.
Totally. Remember when Obama was so careful about telling everyone when the election was over he'd have more leeway with Russia? Very responsible to say that with a microphone pinned to his suit.
That was some hard backpedaling though, impressive.
>a prominent internet troll
Another false info leak in Trump's game of outing leakers
He probably believed it.
Nice job projecting tho. I'd be pretty upset to admit I voted for a dorito too.
drumpf supporters are just agitators with no integrity
Sup Forums in a nutshell:
>believe in massive Jewish conspiracy to control earth
>believe in Jewish conspiracy to import Muslims into Europe
>believe in white superiority because We Wuz Romans n Shiet
>believe Alex jones is Real News
Also Sup Forums
>Russian Active Measures influencing elections via fake news, paid trolls and bots (confirmed by every western intelligence agency from the USA to the Baltic) is FAKE
>Donald Trump is literally 100% unfaillible and media reports are FAKE
>MSM is only true when it's pro-trump. Still FAKE
nigger you're retarded that's opposite of good timing
what did he shill by this
>"why doesnt anyone listen to our lies anymore"
Everyone already knew about the fucking laptops.
Including the Russians