Chinese cartoons

have chinese cartoons had a negative effect on society? i realize posting this on a chinese cartoon website may yield some bias results but i'd like to discuss the socioeconomic effect of chinese cartoons, especially on american culture

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Fuck off stupid cunt

Anime is very problematic.

ad hominem retard bitch faggot, everyone from japan is gay chinese cartoons are way better

They're pretty rare. The most recent I saw was one about pro gaming or some space shit. Probably has next to no influence. Now Japanese cartoons on the other hand..

japanese don't make cartoons, only tentacle and odd fetish porn. chinese cartoons such as the one shown in the OP have infiltrated american culture and made a bunch of weebs using chinese words such as 'desu' 'senpai' and other weird shit

The answer is it depends on the individual. For many anime viewers it's just more vapid consumer entertainment that they consume along with their junk food and worthless college degree.

In the hands of a thinking young conservative male, anime can be a weapon in his arsenal against degeneracy, offering pure girls, family values, and a realization of beauty in art as opposed to postmodernism, which values ugliness and realism.

I for one think it's a good thing Anime is hated, just that Anime hate has no place here specifically. Keep in mind that every time something becomes popular, it's immediately shit.

Chinese cartoons are positive for my dick, that's for sure.

2D > 3D

how can clinging to this idea that this Chinese cartoon lady is your 'waifu' and is 'kawaii' helpful to anyone? it seems like something brewed for lonely losers to me
are chinese cartoons hated though? i see chinese cartoon memes here every day...


bring degeneracy** Excuse my typos Gentlemen. I get fucking trigger seeing anime.

can you please discuss the subject in a more mature manner?

Cute anime girls are like air to me. They're required for living.

>it seems like something brewed for lonely losers to me
When I say that anime hate has no place here shit like this is what I mean. Even if you aren't hating on anime, you still ousted yourself as a newfag Chad. Chads aren't welcome here. Leave.

as you can see Hans requires chinese cartoon to survive, and you see how well things are going in Germany... I urge all Americans to speak out against the chinese cartoon propaganda infection
my names not chad... i thought you guys were doxing pros

How mature do I need to be ? All their theme are about relating to pedophile and transgender traps dick chicks. IT"S DEGENERATE. Check out their porn and you'll see.

Chad did nothing wrong.
Chads are welcome here as long as they acknowledge their Chad privileges kek.

Girls in anime reflect traditional gender roles and are idealized as being cute, feminine, kind, and youthful, as opposed to the "strong independent womyn who don't need no man" of Western media. If a young man buys into this he's essentially embracing conservative ideas of the role of a female. He's also embracing beautiful art - representations of a beautiful, idealized human, as opposed to the extreme ugliness and nihilism of the current "high art" of liberal society. Just look at art museums that show stuff made in the last 50 years to see what I mean.

Either I'm falling for weak bait or you're REALLY new.


His name was Seth Rich

OK, this level of newfaggotry just isn't acceptable.

Loli is traditional. Futanari is traditional. Since where?

It's only a negative effect right now because anime hasn't become real yet. But once anime is made real, hoo boy are you gonna be glad that we have it.

> implying there is such a thing called american (((((culture)))))


Pretty soon the only culture your country will have is whatever Islam dictates Pierre, I suggest you fuck off and quit voting for shitty leaders.

I'm not a degenerate, I will never consume any form of chinese cartoons

There's nothing wrong with anime, despite what normies will tell you. Filthy biowhores are just jealous they can't compete with 2D girls perfection.

nice to see theres no shortages of degenerates in greece too.

This "Chad" shit needs to stay on /r9k/. Every man on Sup Forums should be a Chad or aspire to be one, including people who like anime.
Anime porn ≠ anime.


You don't need to consume them user, you need to consummate them

>for liking this pure perfection
Oh, whatever you say user.


You just call them anime porn. The only difference between them is porn. SAME SHIT.

This is what you all should all aspire to never be, by all costs

Pedo bear. is that you?

>60% white

Speaking of dead-ends...

But seriously, I'm enjoying life with my chinese cartoons and you're worrying about creating an impossible ethnostate and whining online.

Who is the loser again?

Your grandfather would be real proud of you, for ruining your country and consuming 2d women

I believe chinese cartoon porn is the proper medical diagnosis term, usually a symptom of extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia

>pornographic movies
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded

user, there's a reason MGTOW, asian fetishization, and waifu worship is so common today.

chinese cartoon porn is still chinese cartoons you retarded fuck
i'm aware, i'm also aware it's an absolute problem


>Your grandfather would be real proud of you, for ruining your country and consuming 2d women
It's OK. I'm memeing extra hard so that other people will save it.
Here, have some 3DPD in a wheat field.

>pornographic movies are still movies

yes a pornographic film is still a film, are you retarded or just fishing for (You)'s you pathetic bitch

It's call cultural displacement you dumbass. I dont want to see McDonald everywhere I go. If I go to another country, I want to see that native culture of theirs. If I want anime, I'll go to Japan. You're too dumb you can't even see how Western culture is being diminish. Let's keep praising the gooks then. It's a cultural war.

Don't be mean. Just go look at cute girls and calm down.

this man is beyond saving one of many who are contributing to the demise of our wonderful society and the worst part is i'm not sure if he even knows it

>posting this on a chinese cartoon website
This is a porn website.

Hur Hur is da chiner man angggerry?

Jews fear the anime right

Chinese cartoons are completely degenerate, really all cartoons are degenerate if you're older than 10. Chinese cartoons lead to "2d waifus" which is the very definition of bluepill. Avoid at all cost

Stick the chopstick up your ass, island chink.

Young girl is being tied up = cute. Seriously?

What negative effects are there?

It is just another hobby. You have people that take it to the extreme, become dangerously obsessed, etc. Anime is such a broad topic, might as well ask if anything is wrong with any form of animation (movies, television shows, etc.).

>have chinese cartoons had a negative effect on society?
It's pro-white propaganda. I want you to think about it really carefully: It promotes white people as most of their characters, encourages healthy (got your romantic animes, got 1 guy interested in 1 girl) or productive (harem) relationships which would result in more white births and, most importantly, do you think they'd betray their allies? Nazi Germany couldnt save us, so the noble Jap took it upon themselves to save the white man from the jew.

You know what else can be movies? Propaganda.


Tell me user, are you baiting or just new to this place?

yeah because adults watching cartoons isn't a bad thing at all, very masculine pussy slayer material very prone to saving the white race

Hentai and anime are different.
Anime has no diversity in it which makes it 1000x better than (((hollywood))) degeneracy being pumped into all corners of the globe

2hus aren't anime though

>he still doesn't get it
I'm sorry that English isn't your first language user.
>western culture is being diminish
I think you and that other guy are both the same person. Where are you actually from, China I'm guessing?

Cry more Jew.
2D>3D all day everyday.
That doesn't mean I won't procreate for the sake of it. Love for marriage is overrated.

Look whos talking. Niggers and Jews dictate our culture already and youre here whining about anime

Yes. They inspire pedos since they are the major market for animoos

No, but I think you're from China. Says the one promoting this shit call anime.

>Ask if I'm baiting
>Post a young girl force in BDSM.
Okay I'm done with you.

>usually a symptom of extreme social anxiety and agoraphobia
Symptom or cause? lel

Isn't it?

Only if you watch degenerate weeaboo shit. There are many anime that have traditional values

I use it as escapism and I love it

doesnt matter

I want to have lots of fun with Aoi-chan. Socially awkward girls are so cute. Maybe I'll bully her just a little bit.

Whatever issues anime generates in people today, they pale in comparison to most mass media and the internet.

Anime is a good vehicle of art, but its fanbase and industry is cancerous nowadays

2 nukes weren't enough and japan still needs to see the same stories being told 1000x times by beta MC who has a harem of girls who are all pure and want his dick, and don't even get me started on moe and shonen crap

maybe japan was a mistake

Considering the image name, I'm guessing you saved this and don't have the source?
I want to watch them fuck. I love when they have ridiculously vocal objections like that and do it anyways and it ends with "Baka, take responsibility, I'm your girlfriend now."

mug nigga


Can we post more of this girl here

It looks good user, that's it. There is NOTHING good about it.
Its just a trap in the end.

I know right.

Modern woman dont know love, its been programed out of them.
These cunts walking around aren't our mothers or grandmothers, they're just that, cunts. Worthless, empty shallow cunts.

That was probably the strangest internal creampie shot I've seen.
Pretty funny though. The guy should write and hire an artist instead.

younger than me in my factory was a "whoops". Not even that, some of them were a "Fuck it, just cum inside. Oh look what happened."


NEETs are NEETs because they have no will and are lazy as shit, the cartoons don't just make you give up on life you idiot.

>inb4 "he watches anime"
>inb4 user thinks that would be an argument

>ruining your country

his kids did that, not me. Reflects really well on the values he instilled in them, doesn't it?

You can thank your friendly kike for that.

What are you gonna do about it?

How many nukes do we need for favela monkeys?

2D > 3D


Better to have weeb culture than disgusting gook or nigger (((culture)))

It creates jobs for creative people that don't destroy their hands and eyes, and it gives otherwise bored/miserable people a sense of fulfillment and wonder.
What more could you ask for?

Best girl will lose.

MC is gona fall for some fucking girl that is afraid of men.

Just edgelords trying to be cool by repeating a meme over and over and over and over again.

The only problem I can remember is incoherence from poorly translated or edited anime. A cartoon originally made for American audiences won't have this challenge, although the Japanese have probably improved localization. But anime will always have a funny "foreign" feeling.