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gee, I'm totally not thinking abut that FBI guy anymore

Is Seth in here?

>classified information is given out like candy

Yeah, from you to the Russians, Mr. President.

He's already dealing with leaks via disinformation.

He's gone Area 51/Majestic 12 in the White House and is now playing mind games with the media.

The most important thing he's done didn't leak... Comey's firing.

The media has been "destabilized" like a fucking country. Now they've resorted to making shit up.

They're getting BTFO but they are fighting back.

No you really did not get it. Both Ukraine and Georgia have not been invaded. Even worse, Georgia attacked first. He never said the UN is ineffective, there is no law against nations talking outside the UN. Yes he wants everyone to follow int law, just like he does



Fuck off tinfoil dumbass


>february 15 2017

>The most important thing he's done didn't leak... Comey's firing.

That I agree with.

Muh Russia is a dead end itself and reeks of a group smear campaign against Trump by butthurt Dems.

Why Comey was fired is interesting. Whether it was "incompetence", or something else.

Link to tweet friend? :3c


>Muh Russia is a dead end itself and reeks of a group smear campaign against Trump by butthurt Dems.
And Republicans, including Trump's own cabinet.

Nobody denies the Russian hacking except for Trump and his frog avatar cuck concubine.

>muh tin foil
im lmaoing at your pathetic life

>Obama administration intelligence collectively agrees that certain information can be shared with russia for best foreign policy interests

>The big cheese discloses sensitive information that can hurt alliance with x country cause he wants to impress people and inflate his ego

Anyone with half a brain can spot the difference.
>inb4 'faek newz'!

>Anyone with half a brain
This is Sup Forums though.

The reason for this warmongering talk in the comments is pretty simple though: it's the right thing to do.
Talk will accomplish exactly nothing. It's time to send in the bombers and missiles before we have a nuclear incident.
Yea there will be civilian casualties, but there are civilian casualties NOW. At least after a takeover it will be better.
Stop being an asshole. It's time for war.

>the Russian hacking
What exactly did the Russians """hack"""?

he needs to root out all the leftist dissidents who cant do their fucking jobs without breaking the law and hurting america just to obstruct trump

Are you new?

Nope, I've been here all summer, now answer my question, faggot.

DNC and Podesta email accounts.

If you weren't new you would know that.

>Trump revealed highly classified information

[citation required]

Oh, 'current and former US officials.' Should've just said "anonymous sources."

>here all summer
Sup, Aussie fag.

The DNC even admitted he didn't hack the vote machines, so what did he ""hack""?

But it is in fact fake news. Prove me wrong.
I'm an anonymous source so you can trust me.
Le ebig zigger XDDDD

>DNC and Podesta email accounts.

Last time I checked, emails are not the same thing as an election, how did they hack the election? Bear in mind the machines were not tampered with.

.....just go


Do you have any proof?
>inb4 your bullshit muh hacker used a Russian proxy it has to be them.
>inb4 it was a Russian program because we said it was goy i actually know nothing about computers.

>DNC and Podesta email accounts.
DNC was actually leaks, not hacks. Leaked by someone in the DNC
Podesta hacks was cause he's an idiot and his shit got phished

>emails are not the same thing as an election
When did I say election?

To add, how is forcing transparency a bad thing?

Ask Trump. He seems to bitch a lot when white house staffers leak shit.

Do you have a single shred of evidence to back that up, faggot? Surely you wouldn't go on the internet and lie to strangers, would you?

>how did they hack the election

This is the left wordplay to instill fear in their constituents.
When they say "hacked the election" they mean shitposted on facebook.

as best we know, those weren't hacked.
They were accessed via correctly using passwords.
The public doesn't know (for certain) how they obtained those passwords, which is where the "hack" claim comes from.

>how did Russia hack the election
>lol are you new XDXDXD
>answer me snarky faggot
>He hacked the emails
So either you are implying hacking the DNC (which Russia didn't do) was hacking the election or you are moving goalposts like a pathetic faggot.

In reality you're just shilling and trying to slide.


Good job missing the point.

>Do you have a single shred of evidence to back that up, faggot?
The conclusion of literally every single investigative body in the United States?

Why would a random ass-hat on the internet have classified information on a Russian intelligence op?

>which Russia didn't do
Sure thing, Gustav

>changing goal posts
How is having more transparency a bad thing and do you have any real proof it was Russia.

My opinion is not relevant. I responded to with .

Ask the entire Republican party, included Sessions and Tillerson, who are both confident that Russia hacked DNC and Podesta, for the evidence.

And stop moving the fucking goalposts. Come at me with solid logic or I will eat you alive.

Prove it.

>ignoring everything i stated and moving goalposts again because you were cornered.
What a predictable faggot.

>Prove it.
How do I prove it when you won't accept expert testimony as proof?


>ignoring everything i stated
Well yeah, you're a retard. Why would I listen to a retard?

>moving goalposts
I just fucking got here, I didn't move shit.

>Sup Forums memed a literal traitor into the white house

That tweet is 3 months old

Yea seriously only idiot dems claim the Russians hacked the election. The truth, which everyone on pol seems to deny is that Russia tried to influence the election in Donald trumps favor through many means. I don't understand why this is so hard to fucking understand countries do it all the time.

So's Trump, what's your point?

Prove Russian hacking. It is up to you to prove your wild conspiracy theories.
The argument "everyone says its so" is not an argument.


Maybe if they had kept them on government servers this wouldn't have happened in the first place? :^)

The smearing seems only fair! Especially since she didn't face charges for fucking treason!

(Hint:She will)

Stop! That will just discredit the Seth Rich narrative! We don't need extra things to make the Seth Rich story huge. Just stick with the facts for right now. We don't need assumptions...yet.

>appeal to authority
Prove it.

They hacked the EU Referendum.


See and learn to keep up.

Already debunked.

I guess this post proves I win

>Trump said something that Russian might or might not figure out where the info is from through some digging
>Trump give top secret to the RUSSIAN like slice of pizza!

It really doesn't compute.

>The truth, which everyone on pol seems to deny is that Russia tried to influence the election in Donald trumps favor through many means.

No one on Sup Forums is seriously denying that.

Because that is not a real argument that anyone on the national stage is making, they are making the claim that Russia LITERALLY hacked the ELECTION.

This is provably false.

the president is allowed by law to declassify anything he wants to anyone he wants, better luck next time shitlibs desu

I declare you the winner

Most likely that the tweet is completely irrelevant to the discussion, you fucking mongoloid.

>Yea seriously only idiot dems claim the Russians hacked the election
Paul Ryan issued an official statement saying that Russians meddled in the election.

>The conclusion of literally every single investigative body in the United States?
name a single investigation that has concluded

Wow what a zinger. Did they train you shills in comedy? You're almost as good as le drumpf man.


To be honest, every US president and world leader discloses top secret information. That's how our allies, and enemies alike, learned of the atomic bomba.

Let's assume for the moment that the Russians hacked Podesta's emails. So what? Now the voters had better information about the DNC than they did before. Is it really a bad thing for voters to know the truth?

> It is up to you to prove your wild conspiracy theories.
You sure are fucking dumb. Read again. Read it slowly. Have your mother help you if it's too hard.

Debating you faggots is like arguing with a woman, lmao.

My point is the Marxism from the left wing party that would have become mainstream like in Canada if Hillary would have gotten elected.

Instead of destroying the capitalist system they are attacking the power and rights of the people.

Rosenstein is briefing almost every senator on the Comey firing this thursday

>still failing this hard
Sweetie try harder next time.

>equates appeal to authority fallacy with an actual appeal to an authoritative authority
Fuck you

>The valid form of argument (Latin:argumentum ad auctoritatem)[6] is one in which a recognized and knowledgeable authority on the relevant subject is appealed to by citing a statement by that authority. This is a form of inductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not logically certain, but likely.[7] Examples include following the treatments prescribed by a medical doctor, or citing a respected author to establish claims of fact in a written work. [7]

Political campaigns are private entities. Holy shit, go to college.

Don't sweetiepost me, honeytits. I will grab you by the pussy so good you will squirt.

Depends on the discussion. It does show more hypocracy.

But none of that happened at all. Its all coming from yet another anonymous source which probably has as much credibility as me.

Still waiting on this irrefutable evidence, sharenigger.

You have to go back

Evidence. Now. Or shut your gaping hole.

Distraction thread! Focus on what matters, avenge Seth rich!

You literally have no idea what a Marxist is.

Democrats are Republican-lites.

Ask Sessions and Tillerson.

I agree they meddled in the election dumbass. That's my point. The thing is only idiot Dems are claiming they literally "hacked" the election which is easy for pol to refute so they keep the argument framed as such and choose to ignore any actual troublesome Russia stories.

So you don't have shit. Got it.

>No one on Sup Forums is seriously denying that.
I am. Prove it. People keep talking about Russian shills and I still haven't seen any proof of their existence. Just like I haven't seen proof of Trump shills existence.
The only shills that really exist are CTR and JIDF. everyone else is plebbit, /leftypol/ and an assortment of faggots.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. It happens literally all the time. It's like you shills forget that it's the president who chooses what is classified and what isn't.

The real treasonous crime that needs to end with execution is the officials that told wapo about it. Funny how they say Trump jeopardized the source by giving info to Russia in orivate, meanwhile they are broadcasting that it happened to the world. For all we know, trump was sharing the info because they were planning an attack on ISIS and they just fucked it all up by leaking it to the press.

>name a single investigation that has concluded
Name a single investigation that has found exculpatory evidence that caused them to retract their preliminary findings that Russia did hack the DNC.

Oh yeah and guess what, tons of government officials say they worked with fucking little green men.

They are sold on the bullshit rhetoric that Russians manipulated social media to create things like Sup Forums, grass roots conservatives and storm front. That's the fucking fact.

The only evidence they have is that they rigged the election through Facebook through misinformation online which is a fucking reach because these things are all based in fact.

The only claim I made was that Trump's own cabinet believes the Russian hacking story. I can prove that if you like.

>I am. Prove it.

Prove that Russia attempted to influence the election?

Besides Putin saying he preferred Trump to Hillary?

I am not saying there is anything illegal or even unsavory about it, but he clearly did not want Hillary in the position. Most likely due to the threat of thermo-nuclear war.

>Evidence. Now. Or shut your gaping hole.
The conclusions of the intelligence community is evidence in an inductive argument you fucking retard.

Evidence of your counterargument or fuck off back to Moscow.

Here you go.


>The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

>The Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities.

>“Everyone knows this stream is very sensitive, and the idea of sharing it at this level of granularity with the Russians is troubling,” said a former senior U.S. counterterrorism official who also worked closely with members of the Trump national security team. He and others spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the subject.