Would he still be taken seriously?

Would he still be taken seriously if he looked like this still?

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who the fuck is this cunt?


it was the 90s man
everybody had bad facial hair

he was a big guy


Some men just look better with age.

Sort yourself out

>Would he still be taken seriously if he looked like this still?


I like Iron Pilled peterson better. You can tell when you see a phat peterson vid that it's going to be a high estrogen talk.

High speed low drag peterson vids are superior high test philosophy.

>Watch his older videos
>He's more conservative blowhardy


It's a good thing his life was threatened by his old diet because he looks like an absolute doughboy in these pictures.

Looks like Richard Hammond desu.

I've been watching Rogan's #877 podcast with him, when he mentiones the Self-Authoring Program he developed. I've been itching to buy it. Does anyone have any experience with it? Is it just a money grab?
>tfw want to save my dad

He sorted himself out

There's a free trial if you use promo code PEPE.

Just make sure you stick to the damn program.

It's great. It's all about strengthening the individual.

>Clean your room
>S O R T

Who is this semen demon?

That's Peter Jordanson

What the hell is "iron pilled" ?

the iron pill is pumping iron. lifting weights, running, diet, etc

I did the future authoring for free. It's really helpful if you put some time and thought into it.

The past authoring is the really effective part. There's a lot of research showing that it produces significant psychological and even physical changes (reduced cortisol levels, etc). Buying that soon.

Thanks, I actually wanted to buy the Past A. first, I've got a lot, as he put it, baggage I need to... sort out.

I love Peterson. What a guy.

I feel Jordan has given me an amazing amount of personal power. I could be just exhausted right now after 3 weeks of working every day, but I feel like the vital components for us to actually truly 'sort ourselves out' are missing in society right now.

I hate to fall into victim mentalities, and I may do so briefly; but I feel he may not take into consideration so much the impossibilities the youth face in 'sorting themselves out' these days. The sheer lack of reward mechanism inherent in society today are real obstacles and a clear indication as to why people don't even bother in the first place.

Our forefathers could make the decision to be a 'real man' and get their shit together and buy a house, car and raise a huge fucking family on a single income on a not such a big-a-deal job. Basic factory meathead work even. That concept is absolutely laughable in modern terms. All the families I see these days are torn apart with their kids either abroad or in the rat race and both parents working full-time and stressed to fuck. They are not not even 'making it' due to crippling debt. They are just keeping the machine rolling. One step forward, two steps back.

Throw in on top of this feminism and the clear undermining of men and men's place in society by government and court systems.

I respect Jordan a lot and what he is saying IS true and how a man should live. But, we quite clearly have a huge problem with our societies and how they are structured which is stopping us from fulfilling ourselves. I feel, as Jordan is of a different generation (he's 54), that he doesn't fully accept or understand this. His answer is to work harder, but working hard in a system that is the anecdotal equivalent to trying to hold a handful of sand in your hand while the wind is blowing is just impossible and also foolish.

I hope Jordan reads this and addresses this issue as the way he speaks he must think society is still in the 50s golden era and we are just being lazy shits.

Physical fitness is only one part of it. The most important weights to lift in iron pill are mental.