What are your opinions on this man?
George Lincoln Rockwell
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Confusion at not knowing who he is.
Sam Rockwell's dad?
I think Elvis was a better singer.
Greatest american.
Crappy McArthur cosplayer.
Closet homo and probably been blackened by Malcom X. Not even kidding.
this is what Jews do every time. Call dead enemy of theirs a homo or other baseless rumors
too obvious kike
Found the faggot lover. Shoo shoo
If he was alive today, most of you would call him controlled opposition.
(((They))) killed all the freedom fighters in the 1960s
>If he was alive today, most of you would call him controlled opposition.
Yeah no. He's not KGB Spence apologizing and shilling against "ethnonationalism"
Too much hate
Prefer Mosley
Top notch fellow, I can recommend reading his biography. Too bad he died.
a man before his time. imagine his power if he could sucessfully harness the power of kek
He was good but I prefer Dudley.
>successful naval career
>had 6 white children
>worked with the American Cancer Society
>founded the American Nazi Party
>spoke in UCLA as leader of the ANP
>assassinated for his political views
I can't see how people can accuse this guy of LARPing.
Everything he said was correct but normies won't listen when you larp as a nazi.
He is opposing the European definition of ethno-nationalism, not the American "all whites are the same" one.
GLR would probably agree with him on that, given that he was born and raised an American too.
Just because he swallows some of the bullshit his brainwashed wife spoonfeeds him, doesn't make him a RUSSIAN HACKER.
He gave speeches in the 1960s about stuff even normies take for granted today. Listen to his Berkeley lecture. You'll be amazed how tame it is.
Yeah but did he call someone a nigger on the internet?
Thought so. What a pussy.
>A nation of immigrants shouldn't take in any immigrants
He speech pretty much encapsulates pol.
Same of Oswald Mosely, everything he said was correct and came true.
He had the willpower to actually get up and do the right thing.
He was a good man
>Nation of vibrant shitskins from Africa = exactly the same thing as nation of various Europeans
>smoked rum and maple from a Missouri Meerschaum
Impeccable taste, desu.
I like his comics.
Life cut too short. Would put our current Preasident to shame if he was in his position.
>hero called Lew Cor
>literally Roc Wel backwards
How DID he get away with that?
He looks like finn.
The entire nazi thing was dumb, The US was full of veterans who had fought against Nazi Germany less than a decade ago.
You're not going to gain any traction when you are your father literally just got done fighting people wearing the same symbol.
yeah i'd have to agree the image was bad, but in all honesty I can see why he came to it. he was trying to work with conservatives for almost a decade before he came out as a NatSoc and nothing got done. When you think about what he tried to do it makes more sense. But nonetheless optics were not the best and hopefully Spencer can become a GLR in some ways and carry this movement foward in honor of GLR