It's over. He's finished.
It's over. He's finished
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Better than hiding in the bushes?
Source: The reporter's ass.
>nuh uh we got a leak, drumph!
Yeah ok nerd.
Shill prefers hillary the murderer as president ?
How much would you pay for a ticket to a Trump press conference where he calls one of the reporters a nerd?
I think we could fund the Mars program with things like this.
White House officials are busy at work before 8am. Kike media spins it as hiding. Someone build some gas chambers please.
What fucking flub? Fuck. How do these people sleep at night?
>Hillary Clinton 'drunk as fuck' after latest assassination flub
Drumpf BTFO for all time. Seriously guys it's for real this time I swear.
I didnt know rockets could run on salt
You're not familiar with molten salt reactors?
aren't they supposed to be in offices
Does the news even posts facts anymore?
Grumpnmmtffff's latest Flummbbppgggfffffff
Just like I've been saying before the election was held, he's done for this time. It's for really reals double triple reals this time.
It's weird how Sup Forums will always spin the latest Trump administration shenanigans into being nothing but just the (((mass media))) at it again trying to discredit Trump, yet the very next day he has to respond, the cabinet changes depending on the allegations, and the people involved either outright go or are in the process of going. Why is Spicer going to be removed if all the reports about him hiding in the bushes and fighting in the press room are false? Why are they screaming at each other in the press room right after bad allegations come out, and yet it's all fake and there's nothing to report? All simple question that the Trumpet doesn't care to answer as it would imply criticizing the (((leader))). Gas yourself, you commie niggers.
Fuck these kikes
0.2 shekels have been deposited into your account kike. Make sure to use them to buy a good strong rope so you can hang yourself.
Its all for show and the (((media))) is lying to you
1.4 alt-right points have been deposited in your account. Your friends are all very impressed, and mom will surely give you extra tendies tonight! Long live KEKISTAN!
And who you think you is, sucka! I walked my momma on stage for gbp and then some.
Wow, imagine how easy it is being a journalist in 2017... You don't have to do any research or break any stories, just make up shit about drumpf and get paid above minimum wage.
Seriously, on mobile, what shit country are you?
>muh flag doe
Gas yourself, kike. Don't make yourself look bad just because you have no arguments. Here's a hint about the flag, though: it's 99% white and we have a long and historied tradition of killing niggers, sandniggers, kikes and commies, unlike where you live.
God damn mulatto
Russians control the WH
Whiter than you'll ever be, sweetie :)
>Gas yourself, you commie niggers.
says the man who wants to install commies into our gov
Or you read your competitor's paper and then report on it so you can say you have citations and shuffle the blame off when it turns out to be baseless bullshit.
how long has it been since they have reported on anything as a fact rather than a rumor?
>trusting /pol
you're going to have a bad time
Want some shekels?
Takes some serious mental gymnastics to be a drumpflet and simultaneously pretend to hate the kikes.
Trump delegated all the important strategic decisionmaking to kikes. you blumphies are the biggest goys on the planet.
Trump could literally shoot jewish people in times square and I wouldn't give a shit besides for the fact that the media would spin it to sound negative.
>a man who isn't the type to take advice or be cautious, who acts on his gut instead of considered analysis, gets into a job where caution, advice, and considered analysis are crucial
>he crashes and burns
I supported Trump, but only for the memes. If you weren't idiots you'd have done the same. Trump will not be a good president, but he sure as fuck is a funny one.
they just make up shit and get away with it because of their "anonymous sources say" escape hatch
It's comfier and you can play vidya
They are shitting their collective pants over the Seth Rich breaking news
Someone should say to Spicer that he need to duck
>Sup Forums in one sentence
Trump needs to resign. He's waisting the precious time we have in the Whitehouse. Let pence get in there and pass some.anti LGBT legislation and thing we need. Trump can't do it anymore.
I love those non-existent sources
The "news" has fully accepted their responsibility as the propaganda ministry of the globalists.
This board is full of gringoyim
is this phrase responsible for keeping this man in office? Everytime he comes under fire I see many on Sup Forums chanting this mantra, what ancient power are you guys wielding?
except we all know that would never happen because trump loves jew cock
> reports that Sarah Huckabee Sanders ran out of a room where shouting could clearly be heard and quickly slammed the door
> someone asked her "what are they shouting about in there?"
> she says "there's no shouting" :3
> reports that staffers turned the volume on all the tvs way up
^ oh look it's my friends parents in high school who never got a divorce but probably should have
We carry on the spirit and are gifted power from our lord and saviour KEK (praise him)
Can confirm,I'm a part of the Trump administration and I literally left the country.
>reporter wants to talk about bullshit
>whitehouse officials don't leave the office and say fuck off
>hurplf flurpf theybare hising I'm like Woodward and bearnstein!
The media is garbage today
Trump demanded three scoops and no scoops for everyone else but WH cook declined so he geot mad and later fired him.
We welcome WH cook to the #Resistance
Seth Rich