How come Jews get all the best jobs and all the hot chicks?
Some guys have all the luck
High IQ
Picking high profile careers
Great work ethics
Adaptable to changing circumstances
>Jews get all the best jobs
Scheming, unscrupulousness, tricks, deceit also because of guileless and naive Goyim.
>hot chicks
She looks very fake, no natural beauty, her face appears to be 'off'. Jews can have this Slav mongrel.
You never go back to a foreskin.
i don't though
Meanwhile, in the former Nazi republic of Norway.
Probably you are not Ashkenazi master race, but only belong to an inferior Jew subgroup
You can have Chelsea. Lol!!!
any other answer makes no statistical sense
pic related
Thanks for pointing this out. Most people assume Israeli posters are white, but 61% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahim and look like the one on the right. There is a way higher chance they are a shitskin considering Ashkenazim are only 30% of the country
>one on the right
I mean the one on the left REEEE
Yes, and Ashkenazi may also be mixed a lot with actual Whites too. You see all those celebrities who cannot resist the White attractiveness.
Yeah, most "Jews" we see today are half-jews so they LARP as (((white males))). Someone who's 100% Ashkenazi looks like Marx though, and has no "actual white" dna unless you consider Italians white.
Sholam. Where is your rabbi faggot?
but i am ashkenazi
we don't get no pussy
black mizrahi niggers get all the ashkenazi pussy destroying our race ::(((((((
Did you know 60% of the world's billionaires under the age of 40 are Jewish?
What's your excuse, user?
they don't, that just shit jew people say to foll themselves being better off other people they massively hate
>Khazar theory
Please stop promoting this theory invented by LITERAL communist Jews, and solely pushed by them. Check out the link and see if you can refute any of the points. You have fallen for a semitic trick, and that's okay, we all do sometimes.
theres no excuse you mong, user is not at war with the rest of humanity trying to outdo 'them'
just following the path of his life with no big highs or lows *is* normal, and respond to ones heart
the rest is for the those who respond to ones lust, hatred or pocket
who gives a shit what you said koestler said you existential midget,what matters is what I...I...I... will do or how, with what he wrote or said
In fairness, Greece is broke because so many of you cruise along on the public purse.
Brutal control maintained with viciousness and lies.