American politics are such a joke

I stubbed my toe on my coffee table this morning because the Russians moved it over an inch while I was sleeping then shot my dog to cover it up.

this is getting to be beyond absurd. how long until someone in the DNC just snaps and spills the beans? you have to have absolutely no soul and no self respect to keep this shit going.

So a Democrat in the deep state pedo network leaked a cover story to a Republican who was dumb enough to believe it.

Sorry Podesta, we know left wing operatives are behind it and "muh Russia" ain't gonna fly this time.



You can tell how the Seth Rich issue is hurting the (((Democrats))). Shariablue shills are really desperate today.

I don't understand how they don't see the "muh Russia" narrative is going to epicly backfire on them. Washington aside, it's making people question "why Russia?"... and the answers will lead them to the redpilled truth. See:


Well I see the spin doctors found their new narrative.

Also kek

Is it weird i want 3?

Why do the democrats want war with Russia so bad?