Poland and Hungary are nationalis-


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>Brits have a hard time understanding supernational organisations that isn't the Commonwealth
colour me surprised

The EU is Eastern Europe's lifeline. What's hard to understand about that? Bulgaria would be fucking nothing without the EU. Even Russiaboos like Serbia still want to get into the EU. And that's after the EU pulled all the migration shit.


But why you don't leave the euro ?

Oh wait, if you leave it, you're going to starve and be poorer than at present.

No, I understand it perfectly. European countries are too cowardly and weak to go it alone. Britain however is an exception as we're actually a world power.

Why leave the EU? Germans invited the migrants, we just let them keep the shitskins. We never invited them, never wanted them, we have nothing to do with the migrant crisis.

They love the gibs retard. Now they have to accept immigrants like a normal, compassionate nation they're autistically screaming.

Why is eastern Europe so terrible. Either it's handouts from the EU or handouts from NATO, but they always want someone to give them crap.

>world power
This isn't 1939 anymore.


>72 %
Feel good man.

pay denbts

I think they like the money. And why shouldn't they? They should absorb as much gibs as they can and then bounce.

>You joined this financial and trade union willingly, so you must surrender all your sovereignty to unelected leaders in a foreign country!

That's exactly what we're doing. Even sending our welfare troops into western countries.
Take as much as we can, then abandon ship and build a wall.

Poland and Hungary are exploiting the EU by receiving lots of money without taking any refugees. So far, the EU has been unsuccessful at forcing them to take in refugees. As long as they are unsuccessful doing this, they're going to keep loving the EU. If the EU stops giving money to them, or if the EU manages to force them to take refugees, they're going to leave immediately.

They are gibmedatists

Its the EU who is autistically screaming, we just do whatever we want to do, and dont give a crap about what the west thinks.

Hold on there little buddy. You and Poland joined the EU in 2004. This was long after the EU stopped being just a trade union. You knew exactly what you were getting into.

If you mean eurozone they are not part of it. If you mean the EU then you are right because they receive a lot of money from the richest countries of the union. I suppose they'll just wait for the whole thing to crash and never give anything back. Should expect the same from Greece.

The EU has no right to force us to take any migrants. The money we get is because we opend our economy to western companies. Here is a great article abot the EU funds:

>nationalism means you have to hate other European brothers
the EU is a good idea that got destroyed by social libtards, neoliberalism and bureaucracy.


But it was Germany who violated the Dublin agreement by not sending the migrants back to the first countries where they entered the EU.

So when are they getting sanctioned or kicked out?

Based Greekbros. We stand with the Greeks against G*rman tyranny.

From this article:
>Don’t take my word for it. Listen to what German EU Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Günther Oettinger said on the issue in an interview in Handelsblatt:

>“Q:Why not save even more – for example, the billions in EU structural funds that go to Poland and Hungary, since those two countries refuse to take in refugees?

A: Budgetary policy shouldn’t be used to impose political penalties. The structural funds are for making weak regions more competitive. And a large part of every euro the EU gives Poland comes back to Germany. The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks. So net contributors such as Germany should be interested in the structural funds. From an economic perspective, Germany isn’t a net contributor but a net recipient.”

>Did you get that? “From an economic perspective, Germany isn’t a net contributor but a net recipient.”

That's right bitch, pay up :^)

Once Merkel's children get passports they are free to move all over the EU. The only reason you don't have a problem is because you're too poor to be an attractive place. Just wait until you're more developed. You'll get just as enriched as France if you don't leave the EU in the next 20 years.

>the people giving us free money have no right to demend anything in return

The EU was set up to destroy our countries you stupid autist.

>It is not a form of humanitarian aid or charity to the less fortunate member states. It is an important tool to overcome differences in economic development because the free movement of capital, labor and goods in a common market should be supported by infrastructural and other development across the market.
>In return for the cohesion funds paid partly by the “net contributors,” the less developed member states open up their markets to the companies of the more developed member states. It’s a fundamental part of the equation.

fuck you cucks

Poland I salute you bitches. You know how to play the game and have drained shitloads from EU. Not only that but when it comes to taking immigrants you have balls to say "No". I wish we had politicians who were even half as good as yours. Our cucks just shovel taxpayer money to EU without putting own citizens first. Our politicians treat EU like some charity case thinking it's a cool hip club you need to be in no matter how much it costs.

Sure thing.


> Mass Immigration
> Compassionate
> 2017

Examine the economic reasons and consequences of mass immigration and how they relate to the war strategy in the middle east. You will find that the argument of compassion is pure fantasy meant to make YOU feel good about the utter travesty of what's going on.

>free money
Lern about economcs, filthy frog.
That money pays dividents by opening their markets to the western ones.
It's like a mix of bribe and loan that is in turn used by the easterners to purchase shit from us.
How the fuck do you think that goymany is so high up on the global export leaderboard and has 52% of its economy in exports?
Why the fuck do you think there are Aldis and other western stores all over poland for example?

And even if "free money" were the case, then the EU would just behave like some pimp.
Which it tries to do.

Get salty, niggas.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I'm not interested in discussing the ethics or morals of the situation we currently find ourselves in. I'm saying your leaders knew very well what you were getting into when you joined the EU. The EU gave you temporary economic gain in exchange for legitimizing the future European superstate. Part of this is receiving immigrants, and that's what the EU expects you to do. They also know that if they try to push harder you're going to leave the union, and that's the last thing they want after Brexit, despite you being an economic drain on other EU countries.
They did it to maintain the stability of the union. Obviously the EU isn't going to shoot itself in the foot. Also, the Dublin agreement gives responsibility to the first state where they arrived, only that country can violate the Dublin agreement. The secondary country can't violate the agreement. That's like saying a store owner broke the law by not reporting shoplifting to the police.

>be eastern Europe
>poor af
>join EU
>economy going up crazy
>don't have to take in rapefugees
>develop even more
>when Germany is fully Muslim and want to come over just leave EU
Are we the Jews now? Profiting off the poor Germans, guess they deserve it.

True, also:
>The structural and cohesion policies were established long before the 12 new member states joined the EU, but the EU does not have an agreed upon population relocation scheme according to which people could be settled down on the territory of a different member state.
>Southern member states, however, have received far more in structural and cohesion funds from the central budget than eastern member states. Southern states, like Italy, struggle to secure their borders and manage properly the migration pressure according the Schengen and Dublin rules that they signed. It seems a strange approach for them to be demanding greater solidarity and attempting to politicize the structural funds.


Merkel invited the rapefugees, we just let them have what they wanted.

>despite you being an economic drain on other EU countries
That is exactly not the case.
You have understood nothing.
Stop posting, your position is invalid.

This isn't even a secret, Jean Monnet was writing about this 60 years ago.

How can people not understand the whole purpose of the EU was to dissolve nation-states and create a new European identity, stretching right back to the ECSC and the Treaty of Rome? It's not like the founders of what would become the EU kept it a secret.

But you're still there. Demeocracy my ass

See first point:

Good. Fuck the EU. Fuck Western Europe. Take all you can and more. As long as you don't become pozzed and enriched, keep on truckin'

Based Greeks

And that's where you are wrong. They may not be an economic drain on YOUR country, but they are an economic drain on mine. Your country may pay a large share in total, but per capita you pay nothing. The eastern states don't buy Swedish stuff for the gibs, they buy German shit. This may be a win-win deal for you and Poland, but it's a net loss for us. So kindly go fuck yourself, kraut.

They give gibz so we like them. Wouldn't you?

Then maybe your country should leave the EU if you win nothing by being a member.

NATO doesn't give any handouts. Our politicians generally want some NATO troops over here because it means that you'd have skin in the game if Russians attacked. This would force you to send more troops over here, instead of asking us to delay them until they reach Elbe so you can finally stop the Russian tank hordes in Fulda Gap.

What's bad for Sweden is what's good for the white man.

Start investing then in those countries? We have a lot of german&italian companies here.

This. Everyone who scream muh gibs should read this. Part of the funds goes to corruption of our political leaders and rest ends up with German or French companies. Like I could live without that new overpriced bicycle path that we used to build 10 times cheaper without donations from EU. If some of you think that without EU we would all die of starvation you need to wake up. Germany can import as many rapefugees as they want but they still will have factories in Eastern Europe because the low wages and mainly because unlike rapefugees we acutally work.

I can understand that, but remember that the EU is a sinking ship and the gibz will soon stop.

Of course we should. And you should as well. This situation may be beneficial to you right now, but we all know that it's not going to last. The EU gets bigger and bigger each year, and the larger it gets the more difficult it's going to be to leave it. And when it's large enough to threaten you with an economic collapse if you attempt to leave the union, do you seriously think you're going to be able to refuse the refugees?

And if you consider that those southern states are in the eurozone and they recieved loads of "structural and cohesion funds" and still their economy is far behind the likes of germany opens up another problem for the "free money" crowd.
Their weak economies keep the value of the euro lower than it should be for strong, exporting economies like germany.
So the southeners buy and sell for more money than they should, while germany and france buy and sell for less money than they should, making a net benefit for german economy especially.
But now the south is so deep in troube that germany needs to bail them out, like is the case with italy and greece right now, to keep their merkets open and the overal scheme going.

>tfw Greek diaspora

>you're going to be able to refuse the refugees
there is no need to even if we take some the next hour they are on route to Germany and if we put them in detention the SJW from all over the Europe start shitstorming us

Can you retards just let Germany run the show for once? They are clearly better equipped than you considering you needed the entire world's help to stop them the last two times. And for fucking what? Your country created this mess of current day Germany.

Tell that to Argentina. Being a world power means being able to BTFO countries on the other side of the planet.

You might want to realize that the UK has won a war in the modern era while the so called number one hasn't even with the myriad coalitions (mainly because none of us are trying hard enough but the point still stands).

I am correct.
Go suck your mothers dick, sven.
Germany and france always were THE EU.
You scamed yourself by joining and can't just conviniently shift away the blame on the easterners.
You say they were aware of what they were getting into, but you talk as if your shithole wasn't.
Also you are in the eurozone and your economy is supposedly strnger than theirs so you still benefit from Fucking hypocrite.

>takes billions of moneyz from european taxpayers to finance luxuary bullshit for a decade
>hates EU for giving them more money after going bancrupt so they can still get pensons, healthcare and schools

fucking parasites



Hold the fucking Line Hungary, every brexiteer supports you and Poland, never cuck to merkel

Yes, at least eastern-european countries are trying to use those funds effectively. We dont have so high wages, that we can't afford like southern-european nations. Our economies are growing, and it is also good for the german companies, we have a lot of them here. Eastren-european workers work for low wages, but still are qualified enough to use the german technologies.

>tfw ancient meds were redpilled
>tfw med diaspora is just as redpilled
>tfw greeks/italians stricly adhere to preserving byzantine/ancient greek/roman culture
>tfw the (((debnts))) meme is all modern greeks are associated with today
>tfw meds will be the ones to save western europe from the orcish-afro-islamic hordes

t. diaspora

They only get the positives of the EU and their people are far too happy with the prospect of being able to leave for any other country for them to have a negative view on it.
Watch their views on the EU plummet as Macron starts to put sanctions on them for not taking in darkies.

>You scamed yourself by joining and can't just conviniently shift away the blame on the easterners.
I didn't blame anyone. Sweden is obviously at least as responsible for its current situation as the eastern European countries are for theirs. When did I ever claim otherwise?
>You say they were aware of what they were getting into, but you talk as if your shithole wasn't.
I never said that. I'm saying we're not net beneficiaries of this deal. You are. Most of the Swedish population wants to stay in the EU regardless of the economic impact it causes.

>he doesn't know about the 53D chess eastern europeans are playing with the western cucks

Orbán's opinion =/= the country's opinion.
The majority here are either leftwing liberal degenerates or orbáncock sucking braindead retards.
I'm so mad at Orbán. Not because he and his party are thieving, criminal bastards, but because when he talks about the negative side effects of globalism and migration he is correct about many things, however since the majority of normies hate him, they all associate anti-globalism and anti migrant stuff with unintellectual idiocy.
Fuck my life.

Thanks. Maybe one day V4exit will happen. I dont support the EU membership myself, but most people in this country does. My hope is Brexit will be an economic success, so others will follow.

>make billions of profit from an undervalued currency and bribing your way into foreign economies
I fucking hate the fackt that germans ate that shit and act all arrogant, looking down on the southeners and easteners.
The greeks were irresopnsible with the money that they got, but the scheme was a lose-lose for them in the long way anyway.
And they are a country that is just not capabel of building an industry and economy like germany. Just look at their geography. They are a tuorist resort, forever dependant on a larger beneficiary.

Stop polling people in gaybars

Germans were the idiots that invaded Russia in the winter, let them control anything is insane

Jobbik supporter?
Vona is the biggest cuck in this country.
Orbán was never this popular: 888.hu/article-orban-viktor-rekordot-dontott

Poland soon will have enough of merkel's:
>letz play death, i mean tolerantz kampf, um camp* together

>linking state propaganda

its literally worse than breitbart kill yourself

Jó meme István

>I'm saying we're not net beneficiaries of this deal.
Not so sure about that.
Not nearly as much as goymany, of course, but you export expensive hi-tech(machinery, electrical machinery, pharma, optics) with a small population and as such I believe you do benefit from the eurozone.

>respectable source

top fucking kek

>And they are a country that is just not capabel of building an industry and economy like germany.
The Greek merchant navy is the largest merchant fleet in the world for the record. It's a ridiculous claim that they would be incapable of becoming a modern industrial economy because of their geography.

EU brought Polish people with all the gibs
We can't even protest it, because going against EU is here like wishing bad for Poland or denying our country additional money
EU is painted as wealthy uncle, who brings here civilization and funds us from good heart
When the money runs out and we will be charged then we will start raging

In current state it is impossible to say fuck the EU, because a lot of people would riot that government isn't acting in a country best interest
So here we are wishing that we can reform EU in any way or EU collapses by itself with second option more and more realistic


hello putin

Not going to do that, I have a happy life. Me and my family are in a much better situation since Orbán is the PM, so I will support him, not just because his migration policy, but because his economical policies as well.

>Brexit will be an economic success, so others will follow.
Hopefully that's the plan.

>We succeed
>EU countries see the mistake of the EU and leave
>European counties join us in sensible pan European trade agreement with no EU supper state controlled by corps and with proper immigration controls
>Europe returns to safe, prosperous happy place where the only conflict is the footie every other year.

Fun fact : France is in a much deeper shit regarding debts as there is the equivalent of our entire debt as "non officially recorded yet" debt used to fund retirement pensions for public workers.

In reality, we're at twice that amount of debt and we're most likely at 180/200% of GPD ratio. We're in deep shit and we're the next Greece.

Hello Soros!

We get money, and we dol not have to take any single rapefugee... which is awesome and we love EU for that. What is so hard to understand.

>Just look at their geography.
You can't setup a software company in Greece because of its geography?

>And they are a country that is just not capabel of building an industry and economy like germany.
Yes, they are complete Untermenschen, right? They need to be under our boot. It's best for them.

>They are a tuorist resort, forever dependant on a larger beneficiary.
>I fucking hate the fact that germans ate that shit and act all arrogant, looking down on the southeners and easteners.


Sounds like a bright future awaits!

Also the EU is a synonym of the broad West here
Everyone who says fuck the EU is quickly painted as person who wants to fuck all the relation with whole West, USA, UK and start cooperating only with Belarus and Russia then to be on a mercy of Russia and whatever Russia wants
It's like there only 2 options, because if we say
'fuck you' what we have left? USA or China? And what guarantee we have that they will aid us and we won't be left alone like in 1939

Russia isn't an option, because we hate them, so it is down to staying in EU and accepting everything EU wants or staying in EU and trying to reform it in any way

>where the only conflict is the footie every other year
and local muslim chimpouts, gang rapes etc :^)
man that would be great

>Brexit will be an economic success
it won't, unfortunately. Unless an asteroid hits the earth or the EU are so dumb to continue on the path of the last 5 years. If they're smart they won't, if they're not, the EU deserves to die. But no matter the outcome, you are fucked unless you become a US colony. I'm not even kidding.

France'''s collapse will be something unseen and fortunately a lesson for all other western countries.

Same here. Everyone who wants good relationship with Russia or China is painted as a Putin puppet.

Lol, don't be ridiculous.
That makes them a hub for others, profiting by being a middleman for greater markets.
Like I said, they are dependant on outside beneficiaries.
Thats the only thing their geography and position allows: exploiting their location in the mediterranean.
But I hearded recently that there were some natural resource discoveries on greek territory, so they'll maybe get some more into that in the future.