Good work Sup Forums

Good work Sup Forums

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Just fucking wow.

American politics are a joke. I want off this planet.

Sorry bud but you are gonna stay here


Fucking kek
Is there anything those damn white supremacists wont ruin?

Aw I can't use this in public anymore

kek - I just saw some fat negress using one of these

What in tarnation is a fidget spinner?

>Never heard of these until yesterday when black friend told me he's going to get one for his son
>open thos thread

Damn, that was fast

U faggots
My sister emailed me this article.


I swear to god I thought this was just another ad for Ian Miles Cheong - the guy that went from nazi to sjw back to nazi.

Fuck off, you fat chink.

>nazis errywhere!
I read this shit 10 minutes ago and still haven't stopped laughing.


shut the fuck up hipster faggot

idk..either looks like a monkey face or symbolizing the 3 orifices into your body.

Heat Street is one of those places that like to suck Sup Forums's dick.

It's satire you dumbshits

nice work indeed


>symbolizing the 3 orifices into your body.

Freud would have a field day with you.

You must go back.

holy shit, the leaf sign looks like an actual flag in this

Praise KEK!

Swastikas ain't even evil, they bring good luck

Do it maybe it will get rid of some of the shitskins/chinks


I don't even know what i just read. I feel cancerous.

卐 women 卐

When the news see this post, will they declare women white supremacist? Let's wait and see.

Literally made by Jews. Don't buy the kike spinners. They are using our memes to sell us stuff.

WTF? Seriously, who would be stupid enough to do this?

>fidget spinners

a what?

Hahahaha. You did it.

No idea.

Funny, I made this thread earlier and got a delete and ban warning.

Sup Forums really has conquered the online meme machine

"journalists" come here all the time trying to find stories and eat any shit they find on the ground

Haha it's like they're doing pol's work for us! This is great!

a stress relief toy.

yes, not even a dumb little stress relief toy is safe from being ruined by those dang old nazis.

ha ha ha, oh wow!