>"Wheeler is a former homicide detective and current Fox News contributor. Wheeler told WTTG his source said DC police investigators were told to "stand down" and back off from looking further into Rich's death. DC Metro police called Wheeler's assertion of a stand-down order false."
How does it feel to be a useful idiot, Sup Forums?
Seth Rich "investigator" is a fox news contributor paid for by a 3rd party. Sup Forums was a mistake!!
Other urls found in this thread:
I support the actions of Our President.
Call what evidence do they have that he's wrong
A Fox News contributer is investigating a murdered Democrat after DC police refused to do so, and you think there's something wrong with that?
"MUH SETH RICH" narrative will not excuse Drumpf of his crimes (he released information to the Russians illegally!). Face it, Sup Forumstards, your little orange man has lost. Now stop looking into this stuff, get a glass of water and head to bed or have a long, relaxing bath. CNN, Bloomberg and multiple other news sources have already debunked this bogus “MUH SETH RICH” narrative. Go look up “Trump” right now and you’ll see that it’s already be shown he is in contact with Russians. Maybe if you guys weren’t so fucking busy putting your noses in places where they don’t belong, you’d realise the truth. Go to bed.
Don't you fucking dare post another picture like that.
And Carl Bernstein of WaPo helped cover up Benghazi so everything from WaPo about politics should be disregarded.
Who cares? How does this change anything? Seriously, by today next week there won't be even 1 thread about this anymore.
But the "investigator" doesn't have any evidence at all. He just said that someone told him that there was evidence on a laptop. And seth's family is saying they didn't hire him. This story is 100% fake
It's called investigative reporting, dipshit. Something leftist media is incapable of.
They start with a suppositions and the look for the "evidence" to support those suppositions. Deductive journalism (yellow journalism).
Someone forgot their genderless meds. billary isn't prezzy and never will be. donate to her 'resistance'.
>Don't you fucking dare post another picture like that.
We are Sup Forums and you can't tell us what to do. thanks to you we will make sure to post twice as many pics like that! lel-kek
disinfo shill
A political partisan is claiming that the FBI is stopping him from investigating on behalf of the Rich family. He claims that there's evidence on a laptop that he's never seen.
The Family says that he is not investigating on their behalf, and that he was paid for by a third party. The DC Metro police chimes in to say that this guy is full of shit.
To reiterate: a political partisan is claiming things that he has zero evidence of, is lying about who he's working for, and is lying about who he talked to.
This Seth Rich/wikileaks/dc metro police story is 100% bullshit. And it's no coincidence that it broke when it did.
Oh, NOW it's "investigative reporting." I thought it was a private investigator working on behalf of the Rich family stumbling on to major evidence? Wait, he's now proven to be a liar about every single thing he said? Shocker.
I'm sure it's a coincidence that the story broke 30 minutes after a trump scandal
Except it broke before you stupid cunt
1/10 no more bait for me
>How does it feel to be a useful idiot, Sup Forums?
you tell us:
useful idiot
daddy putin will be proud
I trust Donald Trump, no question.
oh man, getting talking points straight from the kgb now huh? I guess I don't know what I expected
Who cares? You idiots wanna weaponize fake news? We are in power we will use it to throw you in jail
>I am a proud cuck!
yes that's called a leak, perhaps you've heard of it
You cunts are everywhere...
Same shit in every fucking thread...
>Fox News contributor
you are aware that the Seth Rich story popped off about 45 minutes before the WaPo fake news about Russia, right?
might want to check your narrative, shill
yeah literal copy pasting, they're so desperate to slide every thread off the front page that they don't care if the mask falls off
Damage control teams on suicide watch
The family called him out for lying about being hired by them.
The police called him out for lying about being told to stand down.
Gee, but I'm sure everything ELSE he said is true.
The Riches also learned that their son’s watch and wallet had not been taken, although the watchband was damaged.
how interesting, the DC police report his murder as a robbery, yet the only things he was carrying of value WERE NOT TAKEN
>Rich killed in suspicious circumstances.
>Told to not investigate.
Sounds like someone doesn't want the truth to come out.
>Sup Forums rationalizing a murder committed by violent blacks
What timeline is this?
>DC Metro police called Wheeler's assertion of a stand-down order false
>DC Metro police
Why would the complicit party admit to wrongdoing?
You can't trust DC locals.
Sure boy. The connection is already made.
We have the leaker and hopefully soon the killer. They are nervous af
>make up some strawman and then knock it down
negative ghostrider, I was merely pointing out that to claim the "brothas" robbed the poor Seth Rich makes no sense, since he still had his fucking wallet
Hmm, not suspicious at all, right?
Seth's death sure was a crisis to them.
I wonder why?
A leak from an anonymous source? but pol told me that anonymous sources were always lies and that articles with anonymous sources were fake news.
I'm so confused now, should I believe a man with anonymous sources that's lying about who hired him, who he currently works for and has no evidence of anything he claims whatsoever? sounds pretty legit but I get a weird feeling
what do you mean breh?
The president can share what he wants with the Russians
Brad Bauman is a partner at The Pastorum Group, a "progressive" political strategy group. He is shilling and covering for the DNC.
I mean DC police are members of a criminal organization.
I can assure you everything here is on the up and up.
>Seth Rich worked for the DNC
>Had associates who also worked for the DNC
Wow, hard hitting journalism there.
Get in here now faggots
Smoking gun
> leaks are real fake unless they fit my narrative
Is it hard deepthroating mr trumps shaft while trying to post?
>How does it feel to be a useful idiot, Sup Forums?
In what manner does this sentence follow from anything you greentexted? Are you implying that you are so ignorant as to believe the president has authority over the D.C. metro police, and not the democratic mayor?
Sorta like claiming "Russia hacked the election" and then scrambling to find evidence
Doesn't seem like the DNC is very concerned about finding who killed one of their staffers. But hey, political party workers get killed after massive email leaks all the time. Not even worth looking in to.
>Wikileaks puts up $20k
>DC police put up $20k
>DNC put up $0 and you're a lunatic if you ask any questions
And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you murdering Democrats!
Yeah, it's called letting the police do their job.
What's supposed to be suspicious there? Oh, you're saying it's suspicious because the PR guy works for the DNC. Wait, I thought Seth Rich worked for the DNC? OH MY GAWD ARE YOU SAYING THAT SETH RICH'S FAMILY ARE DEMOCRATS??? HOLY SHIT WHY DIDN'T POL TELL ME THIS SOONER
Like the third party investigator that was paid by partisan hacks to compile the MUH RUSSIA dossier??/
Oh well gee, if alefantis sides with comey...
>doesn't seem like the DNC is very concerned about finding who killed one of their staffers
This is a fucking good point. As far as I'm aware, they haven't even made so much as a statement about him. Anybody who thinks this isn't astronomically dodgy is a fucking idiot.
Are you seriously saying that the guy handling a right-wing witch hunt against a family of a guy that worked for the DNC is shilling? Way to blow this wide open, Columbo
>family spokeman is a DNC shill
>DNC hasn't made a statement
This is the logic of a 20 IQ trumptard.
>>Seth Rich is a staffer for DNC
found bruised, shot in the back near his home
still in possession of jewelry, phone, wallet, but police file as robbery
Wikileaks begins dumping captured John Podesta emails
Wikileaks offers $20 000 for information on SR murder
DNC crisis handler turned SR family handler, Brad Bauman, rejects 'conspiracy theories'
Julian Assange tells Sean Hannity Russia not source of emails
SR family private eye, Rod Wheeler, claims evidence on SR laptop proves communications with Wikileaks
Wikileaks retweets the story
Brad Bauman claims evidence is nonexistant
anonymous federal investigator corroborates Rod Wheeler having witnesed fbi forensics report
>assange offers bounty
>assange talks about seth rich @ 0.28
>assange denies russia ties @ 3.50
>wheeler comes forward on local fox
>story picked up on national fox
Hmm, I've read my post back, and I can't find anything about a family spokesman being a DNC shill. Strange! I don't even remember writing that! Where could it have gone?
wikileaks bounty
nope, just wait until the Washington Post (with their $600 million contract with the CIA) publishes the leak, with their "credentials"
then your stupid ass will believe whatever the fuck they tell you!
wikileaks retweet
fox reports multiple sources
Seth's own family confirmed this is false.
Let the poor man rest in peace, anons. The family is still grieving.
>May 16, 2017
unicorns exist
>May 17, 2017
jet fuel can melt steel beams
>May 18, 2017
Trump goes a whole day without a scandal.
Look, I can make up fake shit too!
>And seth's family is saying they didn't hire him.
It is only fake news when it is negative about our God Emperor. Haven't you jumped on the Sup Forums half ass retarded wagon yet? Even if Trump admits it, it is a lie! WSJ and CNN lie! REEEEEE
what part of my post do you have the balls to challenge?
>Democrats have never killed Democrats ever.
If they know for a fact it is false, we can safely assume they were involved with his death.
Satan had a point though. The DNC democrats seemed unusually quiet about this. I even just saw on Fox5DC that a (((republican lobbyist))) said a retired intelligence agency approached him and told him Russians may have killed Seth Rich. Well if that isn't just a back up cover up story then why no outrage by the DNC to investigate? Seems like the DC police should've been watching CCTV from inside the bar before Seth left the bar. The police just quickly dismissed this as a robbery. Yet no wallet was taken.
Uhh, the fact that the "investigator" is a fox news contributor and not hired by the family? I didn't say shit about the president, but it is weird that this "story" broke the same day as the trump meltdown
>no arguments
You are indeed a very useful idiot OP.
hang yourself
Trump didnt have a meltdown, the lying media made up a story that has already been debunked.
but I should definitely believe a fox news contributor lying about who hired him with zero evidence, anonymous sources and claims of proof he's never seen with his eyes
>Yes goys, don't believe faux news. Only CNN and left leaning outlets can report on the news. By the way, the Susan Rice story was a Russian right wing conspiracy too... Trump was never spied on, he was just incidentally surveiled :^)
So they were in on it?
If someone killed one of my family members, you better believe I'd want it investigating.
SR family private eye, Rod Wheeler, claims evidence on SR laptop proves communications with Wikileaks
Except Rod Wheeler isn't associated with the family and is working for Fox News, and he has literally no proof of his claims.
> reading comprehension
I know you fucking hicks have a hardtime understanding anything thats not in tweet form from your "god emperor" but holy shit.
>Wikileaks offers $20 000 for information on SR murder
>Julian Assange tells Sean Hannity Russia not source of emails
False narratives meant to push a conspiracy theory. Assange is a known liar and not credible.
>SR family private eye, Rod Wheeler
SR family said he was not hired by the family and not authorized to speak for the family.
>claims evidence on SR laptop proves communications with Wikileaks
He's never seen the "evidence"
He's already lied about being associated with the family.
He is however associated with Fox News, which he did not disclose.
Therefore, he is not credible.
>Brad Bauman claims evidence is nonexistant
100% correct. There's literally no evidence.
> anonymous federal investigator corroborates Rod Wheeler
According to Rod Wheeler who we've established is not credible.
(((anonymous source)))
Learn to #FakeNews it could someday save your life.
Oops meant to respond to Satan poster I was saying that not even the alibi of "muh Russia" assasinating Seth Rich holds up cuz the democrats might try that (pic related)
>In this much denial
They should've hired a Buzzfeed contributor if they wanted something legit
>the try guys solve a murder
>"The services of the private investigator who spoke to press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party." "WTTG's initial report suggested Wheeler was "hired" by the family. Wheeler is a former homicide detective and current Fox News contributor."
Yes. I mean if you're willing to believe WaPo and not believe WikiLeaks on the basis that it's fake news according to whatever MSNBC says...
Since the leaks are anonymous do not trust Wikileaks either.
>The revelation is consistent with the findings of Wheeler, whose private investigation firm was hired by a third party on behalf of Rich’s family to probe the case.
>Assange is a known liar and is not credible
Oh so that's why not a single Wikileaks' release has been false? IF you're going to present on argument, present some evidence.
Upvotes won't save you here.
>Private investigators are fine to prove that DRUMPF was a Russian shill
>Even though all they found was that some of the script used to hack the DNC came from the Russian Mob
>But private investigators can't be used to counter our narrative, especially when it's fake news like WikiLeaks
>Assange is a known liar and not credible.
what did assange ever lie about?
>SR family said he was not hired by the family and not authorized to speak for the family.
>He is however associated with Fox News, which he did not disclose.
Fox news itself disclosed that
>According to Rod Wheeler who we've established is not credible.
(((anonymous source)))
agreed, there's nothing to this story without further info.
However, the fact we still don't know anything about seth rich was murdered seems to me weird. Why didn't the media pick up on it? The "conspiracy" theory, be it as it may, has some ground.
Hypocrisy makes me kek so much more than trolling
How is he not hired by the family?
>The services of the private investigator who spoke to press was offered to the Rich family and paid for by a third party, and contractually was barred from speaking to press or anyone outside of law enforcement or the family unless explicitly authorized by the family.”