Tim Heidecker vs Sup Forums UPDATED 5/16/17

>says he's voting for hillary
>wears pussyhats at womens rights marches
>apologized to the person who stabbed him
>didn't know he needed to act on "The Comedy" and just played himself
>hires a convicted sex offender and suspected pedophile jew (Vic Berger - twitter.com/vicbergeriv) to go to RNC and make fun of trump supporters
>writes songs about killing trump
>wishes 10 year old Barron Trump falls out of trump tower and dies
>posts a pic of newborn son on instagram, saying that he doesn't know which he's happier about, his new son or trumps pussy tape
>half of his fanbase disowns him
>people start doxxing him, posting pictures of themselves outside his house
>forced to install security system on house
>writes a song about Sup Forums called "I Am A Cuck": youtube.com/watch?v=tNTjNkD7ifU
>'check it out' not renewed for new season
>plays a significant role in getting Hyde's show cancelled
>wife leaves him
>$4,000 a month alimony
>forced to do a 10 year 'awesome show' tour for money(the promo video is cringe-worthy, their chemistry is clearly gone)
>tells his twitter followers in california to use deadly force against trump people
>his on cinema facebook page gets taken over and destroyed
>TimAndEric subreddit gets shut down
>makes this video in response to Sup Forums twitter.com/timheidecker/status/857525710193213440
>writes yet another song about Sup Forums: timheidecker.bandcamp.com/track/for-chan
>blocks anyone on twitter who asks him about his divorce or ongoing battle with Sup Forums

-UPDATED 5/16/17-

>sends out tweet calling for the hanging of Donald Trump
>twitter users forward tweet to FBI, Secret Service, and others
>deletes tweet, says it was a joke, goes into full defense mode calling people names

What's next for Tim Heidecker?

Other urls found in this thread:


You have a screenshot of the tweet?



What a cuck, i used to like him

shit taste, my dude

Kys fag

>Their chemistry is gone

You think it's because Tim is losing his mind or because Eric has become distant?

If we were in an alternate reality where Tim was a huge & outspoken Trump supporter, you'd be saying the opposite lmao

That goes for a large majority of this board who will let an actor's political opinion get in the way of enjoying the work itself. Grow up lol

A little of both. They've simply grown apart.

I think Trump would enjoy bungee jumping.
It's very fun, and one of the safest ways to experience free-falling.
And off one of the nations best landmarks too

Eric is doing his own shit now. Between working on his show with Aziz and being on a different tropical island every week. And Tim is over here arguing with Sup Forums

>1 post by this id


Tim is a nobody. A few young adults who like to get high and watch adult swim is his entire fanbase.

I would literally prefer another 12 shill threads about muh russia instead of just one thread giving attention to a 4th class celebrity who, shockingly enough, is a huge pussy and faggot.

I will never forgive him for cancelling World Peace

Nah the other guy was right. KYS

>people start doxxing him
>public person

I always thought tim and eric shows were awful. I like check it out though.


just gonna leave this here..


>bungee cord

fuck off tim no one cares

i dare someone to tweet this to him

i went from loving this guy to loathing him

This faggot needs to be tarred and fathered.

How many idols did you lost because of Trump?

or text..

(818) 484-5604 - Landline

(917) 363-2501 - Wireless
(310) 435-5192 - Wireless

Matching up two pieces of publicly available information isn't doxxing, you tard.

This cracks me up, in that phone conversation he had with Sam Hyde, he claimed he lived in a "working class neighborhood" and here he has a million dollar house in the hills, lmao

Yeah me too. I don't really care if some faggot on Sup Forums thinks that means I have shit taste, but this whole thing has taught me to separate people from their work. Pretty much the only people in the media that I still like are the ones who don't spout their political beliefs. With the exception of people who actually talk politics as their job.

Tim would probably still be above the water if he'd just kept his mouth shut. I don't care if he's a libtard or what, but what did he expect was going to happen from alienating half of his entire fanbase? He really backed the wrong ideological horse.

Tim Heidecker is a huge cuck and he can go fuck himself for all I care.


You can even hear the difference in lifestyles over their phonecall. Tim is whining about living in a small blue-collar style home, and Sam says he can't even afford healthcare, just as some sirens go blaring past his window. Sammy lives in a shitty apartment and Tim Cuckdecker is crying over his daughter having a case of the sniffles. Oh also he has a sore back.
Poor Tim. It must suck to be him right now.

Tom claims to be a "moderate guy" while calling for Trump's murder.

That's not moderate....

Sweet. Thanks for failing to scrub your PCI from that upload.

This is why some of us use links.

Doesn't The Comedy seem like a cry for help now?

What? That gay Indian isn't funny in the least.

ah he gives me good chuckles, some very good chuckles.

He really doesn't understand the age old internet advice "Don't feed the trolls". I'm pretty sure if he never acknowledged Sup Forums or any of Sup Forums he wouldn't have activated the weaponized autism currently obsessed with him. Every time he claims not to care about all this he shows how obsessed he is with this criticism by dedicating hours of his own time making songs about Sup Forums and taking time to make videos and tweets about it. But more importantly fuck him for getting Hyde's show canceled.

Kys you drunk

I have gained idols

Do we have grounds to meme him into a jail cell?

I love how all these libtards think they're living in a far-right fascist state under President Trump, yet they all have the freedom to protest, riot, and openly call for the murder of their leader.

Really gets my sausages frying...

Awesome a new episode!

I love when he says he lives in a "working class" neighborhood in the Sam Hyde call

yes, because fascism happens over night. kys

Tim is v lame, but if you seriously think Sam Hyde is funny you're probably 10 years old, and you should terminate yourself

I never knew about any of this. I kind of always assumed that with all of his crazy "OH SO RANDOM" actions that he'd be kind of like "us".
Then again, all of Adult swim has turned into a giant SJW circle jerk, which is why I stopped giving a fuck about any of their shows


I do think he's funny, but I'm not too fond of the world peace show. I just think he's funny because he doesn't afraid to speak his mind.

(917) 363-2501 This one said he isn't Tim. Trying the others.

>exploits david liebe hart, a schizophrenic living on disability for his shows and tours. david unaware joke is on him.
>exploits james quall, a homeless schizophrenic and heroin addict for his shows and tours. james' unaware joke is at his expense.
>uses a mulitude of other mentally ill, semi-retarded, ugly, and other weird people to exploit for laughs (some aware of this, some not)
>makes and records prank calls of innocent people on timandericcom to gain a following.
>producer of nathan for you which exploits and mocks business owners and patrons (some aware, some not) at their expense.
>producer of the eric andre show which exploits and mocks celebrities (some are aware of this before filming, some are not).

so a guy that literally pranks people and exploits schizophrenics and retards gets angry when Sup Forums trolls him back.

Ooh, boo hoo, Timmy, time you looked in a mirror, bud.

Well at any rate, we've got 8 years to see if you're right (which you're not).

>(818) 484-5604 - Landline No answer

>What's next for Tim Heidecker?

>(310) 435-5192 - Wireless No in service


His Aziz show is blowing up. I wish Netflix released ratings info. I know he's doing well and he starred in an episode that was really funny. Rest of it is pretty garbage though.

I've tried all of those numbers and gotten nowhere. One of them sounds like some random innocent dude, the first one.

>check it out not renewed for new season
It this true? After he got sam's successful show cancelled, that would be hilarious.

Absolutely. That's why I have a rule of NEVER researching a musician or actor's political beliefs. Too many good albums ruined.

Last time we did this it summoned Tim. Just leave him alone to be forgotten. Its too much to see him this cucked. His legacy is dead.


Member Tim and Eric go to the mayor?


I member...

>there are people on this board right now who werent alive when tom goes to the mayer aired

pretty much all of media is political now, you can't escape it
It's already in your face usually

>hires a convicted sex offender

Ahh. They were simpler times, eh?


He reminds me of Randy pitchford.

that parts not true, cernovich got trolled by berger fans on twitter and they sent him some Sup Forumsmeme-level spam, and cernovich said if his fans like this stuff, then berger must be into it too.

berger has fans?

Same, I fucking loved ASGJ. The Comedy was also a pretty great movie.

That movie is now more real than ever, I bet his character on that movie would be a rabid Hillary supporter just like he is.

I like that Bergstein inadvertently helped meme Trump into the Hwhite House


So, is Eric also an SJW fag or what?

it's hard to look up likes on youtube videos when you're a millennial that struggles to understand the internet

Sup Forums and Sup Forums were way into berger when he was mocking all the non trump republicans.

sorry man

Why the fuck does anyone care?!?!

The Tim and Eric Show was the most retarded, nonsensical cringiest autistic pile of shit to ever be broadcast. It makes Bill Nyes my vagina is so oh oh oh look fucking decent.

So seriously why the fuck does anyone care????

Goddamn, man. What the fuck.

Eric is editing and directing their video shorts. That's the main problem. He's a great director but he doesn't understand what made their work great. It was all DJ Douggpound and Jonathan Krisel, and they're both working full time on their own projects. At least DJ Douggpound works on Absolutely projects every once in a while. Hot Package season 1 was amazing thanks to him


Abandon all hope. Trust no one, not even yourself.

Hey cutie.


This actually doesn't sound AS bad as the rest of the shit I've seen him spewing in this thread.

Give up Sam, you're never going to get your show back.

This makes me sad.


God the cringe. Make it stop.

Fucking pathetic. I KNEW Adult Swim seemed like it was getting cringey as fuck bit by bit.

Right after he posted this on facebook, he pretended to be interested in some twitter girls le random comedy schtick.. for about 10 minutes


it wasn't supposed to end up this way, damnit!


This is the only thing he's done that's made me cringe. Probably helps that I'm only on Sup Forums for the conspiracy theories and humor and not an actual retard


Wow, you're so intelligent and enlightened, what a superior breed of individual you are. For sure we are all very impressed with you, good job.

Thanks. I appreciate a little reassurance every once in a while

wow, i literally knew nothing about any of this. it;s sad as fuck, i've always enjoyed their style of full retard comedy.

like others said before, entertainers shoot themselves in the foot the second they try to use their popularity to push a political agenda. dude is a pissyfag snowflake about trump winning the election, but isn't pro enough to realize he shouldn't mix that with his entertainment career.

yeah, 56 odd million people voted hillary, but another 50 million also voted for trump. simple math tells me that maybe i should keep my mouth shut and try not to offend 50 million people who are literally paying my bills