What's your view on genetics...

What's your view on genetics? How did genetics influence your mind process and in consequence how much free will do you have?

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Genetics gave me anxiety.

Thanks genetics!

So why do people go to psychiatrists and don't take gene cocktail instead?

T H I C C .

Anxiety doesn't HAVE to come from traumatic experiences with life that a specialist can talk through with you. Nothing triggered it for me, it just happened and happened to my sister too. Happened to her first at around 15, i was 13 at the time and didnt understand wtf anxiety was and thought it was stupid, then i turn 15 and start having debilitating panic attacks, daily, for months, numerous times a day to the point i would have to sleep numerous times a day because i was that mentally exhausted from worrying about nothing.

whos that semen demon ?

>panic attacks

What does a panic attack feel like?



jelly fatlardo

Wow, she got thicc.

Genetics are a lie.

Things are also very remarkable
Of people who obey no king,
Reckless companies
Which should be rightly celebrated,
Rare industries, laudable terms

>Alonso de Ercilla on the Mapuche race.

Seems to be 80% genetics vs 20% nurture in determining who you are and how you behave and think

what a whorish outfit

nurture is important, genetics is bonus

btw pls join comfiest pol discord

like your wind pipe is closing (it's not) but the anxiety makes it feel like you can't breathe, then you start believing you can't breathe which starts you off on the downward spiral, then because you think can't breath you start taking more and more breaths eventually leading to hyperventilation, which includes tingling limbs, dizziness, heart palpitations, feeling sick etc due to increase in blood oxygen which further adds to the downward spiral. add that to the fear of having to endure it and not fully understanding why it's happening and mix it all together. wa la! panic attack.

I was taught to cup my hands and put them over my mouth and take deep breaths and this helped me a lot to slow my breathing, get it regular and normalise oxygen levels.

How much was really in our control from the start? Our genetics determined our brain chemistry and our upbringing sorted it out. Together they make someone smart, driven, and good looking, or stupid, meek, ugly. With any combination or little nuance in between. Was any change of heart you had to change the course of your life inside you all along? The people who get help from men like Dr. Peterson, was that out of their hands? Is the whole of mankind caught in an endless cycle of people with no control over their lives controlling the lives of others without even knowing it?

Aren't there pills which help with anxiety and panic attacks?

zero free will, behavior = mostly nature, + nurture

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.

yeah. benzo's, alcohol or ghb. beta-blockers also can help mask some of the physical symptoms. basically any sedatives / cns depressants. a good indica works well too.