Why can't we just be friends with Russia?

Why can't Russia and the West just be friends?

There is no Soviets nor Communism any more
Why can't America and Russia work 2gether?

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Putin is an asshole who runs his country like a Mafia

Despite being a big and rich country(like the USA) Russia has the lowest quality of life compared to all the European continent. People live in 80 years old commie blocks while Tzar Putin has a net worth of 100 billion. If it wasn't for him quality of life in Russia would be as good as in other developed countries.

Putin and his Mafia have to go

Russians are retarded.

Russians are eternal threat to humanity

all opposition is controlled opposition

how do you usurp two generations of pseudo-capitalists without making a fuckload of enemies? not going to defend him directly, but they have to operate in a different way

Russia is a glorious nation lead by a strong and smart leader. Fuck off.

Once you become too close to Russia, there is a high chance of your country becoming a part of Russia.

Fuck off paid Putin shills, Kremlin waits you. Oh wait you're just a peasant who can't afford to live in Moscow, too bad.

They're a damn corrupt and morally bankrupt nation headed by a dictator

As soon as Nostradamus islam-christ war begins, we all will be brothers

Man whats up with all these fucking Russian, Polish etc. posters on this board.
They don't post in their own language, because it is SHIT.
They move to our countries, because their own are SHIT.
They want to communicate with us, because their own people are SHIT. If it weren't for their mongoloid faces and pale skin I would be thinking slavic shitters are actually poo in loos in disguise. Shit at everything and still have no shame to shitpost 24/7.

Russia is that friend who will steal from you, finger blast your girlfriend while she's asleep, and shit outside your toilet. If you even attempt to bring it up, he'll freak out and have his friends start spreading shit about you.

Mobster manlet.

country =/= government you silly taco

Lobster lesbian

Jäbä, you just misspelled Jews bretty bäd. Two shekels have been deposited to your account etc.

Jews hate Russia and all the elderly Cold War crazies that make up the majority of the US Govt. are so badly brainwashed that even uttering the name "Russia" triggers their MK Ultra and makes them start foaming at the mouth.

Only attack vector dems have left on trump. Their only method of attack is based on 100% unsubstantiated bullshit but they've still doubled down on it

Whats the matter that bride in the mail from kokol land wanted you only for that citizenship?

This. Sadly You have had many shitty governments for the last 120 years.

Because the MIC needs an enemy at all times to justify stealing our tax dollars. Russia is no more of a threat to our national security these days than Iraq was. Unfortunately, the U.S. is is filled with fools who lack critical thinking skills, and the public at large is easily swayed by even the most blatant propaganda

>100% unsubstantiated bullshit
Russians shilling so hard today.

Faggots hate on Russia cause they are unkillable as an entity, unlike themselves.
Russia freely gave assholle Balts their statehood just so they could shoot themselves in the head.

Putin won't let jews control Russia . Russia has nukes. They don't like that.

Why are her gloves german flecktarn?

All governments are bad. All states are bad. Who gives a fuck which conspires with whom if you aren't an elite you are getting blown out daily by these parasitic organizations. Trump is full globalist by the way he's wrecking my state's economy by allowing import of Chinese """"chicken"""" into the US. He maintains a trade relation with them in spite of the fact that they are the global exporter of a chemical weapon (carfentanil) already responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of US citizens expected to be 1 million this year. Trump is literally allowing the mass slaughter of his own people. Putin is no better an ally; Russia still maintains a huge nickers arsenal and regularly commits provocative actions against our Navy. Not to mention we are currently funding a proxy war between our client states. These fucks are literally depopulating and destroying the planet in an effort to curtail the uncertainty which undermines their models of control. If you support the state unironically you are a cuck and a shill.

Putin is a (((Chabad))) agent

Pic for proof

Sure lol

Huge *nuclear arsenal

As opposed to the world power your government has led you to become?

Russians are bad news.

>putin works for the jews
>while arming Hezbollah
>while america gives 38 billions

Jews have no influence on Russia (max 3-5%)

I guess that you just wanted to hear that my government is shit so here you go:
My government is shit

Jerusalem post article praising Putin as a true friend of Israel. Too bad that 3-5% is probably the 3-5% of Russians who are rich and powerful elites.

We armed ISIS you idiot. Muslim terrorists are actually what Israel wants. Politics aren't as simple as fairy tales Ivan.

Russia should invade Europe and genocide all leftists. USA should genocide Canada because of too much shitposting.

>durrr shitposting
Fuck off "huehuehue"

its hard to sell weapons without the Eternal proxy wars

How is this proof?

>being a big and rich country(like the USA
it's much bigger than the usa and it spends a lot on protecting its borders.
the usa has fish on the western border, fish on the eastern border, canada to the north and 3rd world mexico with no army to the south.
this means americans can project power outsider their borders while russia can not on the scale the americans do.
americans have the mississippi to transport goods from one part of the country to the other.
the russians don't have this luxury. they have to transport goods via rail road or plane which is much costlier.
and the list can go on.
read a fucking book once in a while.

Couldn't agree more

America will never forgive Russia for the death of Creed. Until Drago in prison there can be no peace

bankers and jews.