What has Trump even accomplished yet?

What has Trump even accomplished yet?

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Looking like a Cheetos Puff

He thwarted Hitlerys presidency?

being a clown

>Twarted hillary presidency.
Pissed off liberals more than I could ever dream
of. I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat

He made liberals cry

Those damn liberals lols :ppp xDD

Making the left lose its mind

Well he's good at being incompetent and also at devaluing your country's highest office on a daily basis.

>about 4 years more of this

I feel slightly sad for you, Clapistanis. Then again, you are a truly retarded people.

Approved Keystone XL

Being a total moron and cucking his supporters hard.

He's exposed the inherent weaknesses of republicanism by showing how much blatant lying and corruption a politician can get away with in such a system.

>No wall. Mexico told him to fuck off.
>No lock her up.
>No muslim ban.
>Haven't really done anything about ISIS yet.

Only positive thing is he's trying to improve relationship with Russia.

It's fascinating to me that there are 10s of millions of virgin morons who think this is the most important thing they can do with their lives.

Thank christ for heroin.

Bombed some goddamn muzlimms, goddamit

>defunding planned parenthood
>approved pipelines
>Christian business can tell gays to fuck off
>Industry can expand now that climate regulations dropped
There's probably more but thats all i can get off the top of my head. Also incoming tax reforms and Obamacare replacement.

>>Haven't really done anything about ISIS yet.


Seriously, go back to red dit.

I'll make sure I vote for him again too.

If Russia attacks california, I'll fucking help them. At the end of the day, they are white, and you aren't ahmed.

Pissing off liberals while being very fun accomplishes nothing on the long-term, 'muribro.
Still, anyone who's not brainwashed will always choose him over Hillary killton.

>implying our overblown imperial presidency shouldn't be taken down 8 pegs

I hope people become exauhsted and stop listening to the nonsense out of washingotn


>Oh yeah and MOAB

It hopefully will escalate into civil war.
I want them to become literally unhinged.


He kept Hillary Clinton from appointing a Supreme Court Justice.

Remember what goes in all fields boys.

I mean, do we actually want California? After all the flag would be alot more aesthetically pleasing with only 49 stars.

He's sheer presence has slowed the waves of illegals and he shot some missiles into Syria.

For not even the first year, I'm happy. -would vote again.

have you heard of gorsuch?

No we don't, but it doesn't have to be habitable once we are finished.


stock market, unemployment, business growth, have not been better in years

trump is a horrible president for the political status quo, but there hasnt been a politician in a long time who has had such beneficial effect on the economy just for showing up on the job

Can anyone actually defend Trump's actions without mentioning how retarded liberals are?

>Making promises and completing those promises
> when he got elected Market got up like my cock when i see an indian pussy
>Deliving Jobs
>Making factories like Ford going to the US
>He make action in global issues
>Insert a Dildo in the ass of Assad
>Using sex to make better relationships it other countries
>The wall contruction was stopped by some normies in Sactuary
LOL there is much more than this. He should start puting those cuck in a gas chamber and making them marturbate to his photo until they swear devotion

What actions should I be defending?

I like russia more than germany, I'd be withholding intel from them instead.

>stock market, unemployment, business growth

All of those things were rising when Obama left.

torching his hardcore base for israel in the syrian missle strike

So much golf.

No they weren't.

Making Sup Forums go "WTF I LOVE ISRAEL NOW"

>Indian pussy
Fucking monkeys I swear

I will send my big guy hes called monkey hes from favela he will travel from amazon to america he have a big dick he will rape and cum in fat normies like u

They absolutely were. I know you like your alternative facts, so I'll let it slide this time champ.

A hole in 1?

25 million americans lost health insurance and saudi arabia got 100 billion arms deal.... And russians got highly sensitive classified information.

1) Consumer confidence is at an all time high
2) Corporate profits are at an all time high
3) Among people 20-30, there are more first time home buyers then there are renters
4) Illegal immigration on southern border down 60%
5) Un-employment claims at record lows
6) Job creation of business service jobs has sky-rocketed providing millions of american families meaningful incomes (50-75k)
7) College graduate entry level position starting salaries rose as well. (40-60k)

Sedition, treason, interfere with a federal investigation, collude with a foreign adversary.


Look, i know Obama did all those things, but this is a thread about Trump, ok?

>upset about this
not upset about 5 eyes


Yes, this


>supreme court judge]
>ended the war on coal, now the industry is booming
>Illegal immagration down 70%
>stock market at the highest its been in history
>met with business leaders personally, convinced them to stay and invest in the USA
>Killed TPP
>completely undone Obama's Legacy, by repealing all his executive orders and regulations
>Lobbying ban
>law for every new regulation 2 must be repealed
>Got the AHCA through congress in a little over 3 months when it took Obama to get the ACA 16 months.
>Better relations with china, and isolating North Korea, we negotiated a deal where the Chinese are now buying american coal instead of North Korean, and China is allowing US carryer fleets into striking distance of NK.
>Bombed the shit outa ISIS.

They're not violent monkeys like you; they engage in appropriate means of petitioning for change.


He honestly hasn't done a damn thing. Which is fine by me. Id rather have the government do nothing than have some dem try to explode the size of government

this is dead because 90 people aren't going to give up their land so some kikes in canada can make more money
property rights, nigger
by the time this gets out of the courts, the tar sands will be depleted

he didn't defund PP
the spending bill doesn't cut PP by a single dollar
try again
and the pipelines are dead because of property seizure legislation

It is no measure of worth to be well respected by Angel Merkel and other corrupt politicians of the world. All it means is that you are just as much a slave to ((them)) as they are.

Hi Warren Buffet. How's your day going?

Wall has been built. check
Hillary is in jail. check
Americans are running the country, not jews. check

I mean, sheeit, Obama ordered the extrajudicial killing of american citizens, oversaw a DOJ that gave untraceable guns to the mexican cartels, sent Iran 400 million in foreign currency, told eric holder and others to not enforce minimum mandatory sentences for federal drug offenders, expanded all the bush era surveillance programs and even created a bunch of his own. He used the office of the president to campaign for another party member, who he ran against previously and the list goes on and on.

Who really was the tyrant?

>property rights
Ill take eminent domain for $500 alex

i'll take "stuck in litigation for eternity" for $1000, alex

For what reason could you?

the only reason to litigate is because you dispute the "fair market value"

those cases run on a finite timeline, not an infinite one.

Coal isn't booming. They be laying off workers while upping coal production while the jobless miners need medicare and obama for the black lung.

The AHCA is total shit compared to obama care which was a slight attempt to be bipartisan. The AHCA also passed due to the nuke option happening.




>obama care which was a slight attempt to be bipartisan
you lost me there nigger

>total shit compared to obama care

Obama care was literally collapsing under its own weight.
GTFO libshit.

>Coal isn't booming. They be laying off workers while upping coal production
Firstly whats your source for mass lay offs, secondly if the coal companies are upping production why would they lay off workers now instead of when the coal industry was suffering under Obama?

He has accomplished Hillary not being president.

Youre right, unemployment was going up when obama was president

You dipshits realize if the saudis dont buy from us they will buy from the chinks or russians right? Do ypu people pretend tocbe retarded, or just dont understand geopolitics outside of your select pet sandniggers?

not only that, UNDER-employment was also massive under Obama. You had people with college degrees and 15 years experience working as cashiers at the grocery mall after being laid off from their jobs.

When someone with that level of credentials is operating that low beneath their potential for earnings, it really fucks the system. not only are they now financially strapped, but so is the low income, low skilled worker who SHOULD be working that cashier position.

If you live in a republican-dominated state (trump country):

-Your child is less likely to finish high school
-Your daughter is more likely to get knocked up as a teenager
-You are more likely contract an STD
-You are less likely to have affordable access to health care
-You are more likely to be obese and/or acquire diabetes
-Your neighbors are more likely to be on entitlements like welfare or food stamps
-You are more likely to live below the poverty line

Wow, you sure are "winning"!

How's it feel to be cucked by the people you vote for?

>t. 15 year old effeminate child

Role-playing this hard is about as sad as it gets. I can only imagine the burning shame your father must feel when he looks at his little faggot son jerking off to Trump on the internet instead of bettering himself.

>Obama care was literally collapsing under its own weight.

Not really. It's collapsing in Republicuck states because their governors and state legislatures intentionally sabotaged the program by not accepting expansions and funding that were key to making it work. But then again, why try to examine anything critically when you can just regurgitate stuff you read on kikebart facebook posts. How's burgerflipping working out for you kiddo?