Sup Forums cringe thread

Let's see some of the most cringe worthy stuff you've seen here.

Pic. Related

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Christ man, where do I even start?

With drumpf posts

go back to r/cringe, faggot

What's even cringe worthy in this?

beta faggots are obsessed with picking up scraps because porn has fried their standards

>Remember boys
>No shit that doesn't matter, no other shit that doesn't matter

If you really have time to get outraged about this inane shit, then you are blue pilled as fuck.

>marrying used goods
Fuck off

>Let's see some of the most cringe worthy stuff you've seen here
The catalog every time I open it

I remember reading about these Mexicans who have the entire village fuck the woman while she's pregnant so they're all partially the father. Mexico is like super-Sweden in terms of cuckery. We're going to build a wall. And a moat. And have drones on auto-targeting.

what kind of grown man uses the term 'cringe'. fucking reddit spergs


You newfags do know that these pictures were created to bait degenerates like you?

and then you cucks wonder why the white race is going extinct

>Live in America


Neckbeard sperglords thinking there is a problem with a women not having a piece of skin on her vagina

i dont think you understand, im talking about betas that refuse to find a nice homely girl to start a real family with because they want to fuck 10/10 sluts


>not fucking sluts
Fuck off back to







No hymen no diamond is a God awful meme that brazenly ignores the fact that oral and anal sex exist.
I had a "good Christian girl" fuck buddy in college who only did oral and anal because she was "saving herself for marriage", despite the fact I dropped more loads in her than a laundromat.

All the "PRAISE KEK, 4D CHESS!!!" shit. The meme is completely played out, if it was even funny to begin with. It's corpse is now propped up by The_Donald redditors who can never let anything go. They're going further now with the "kekistan" flags and banners that are even more embarrassing. I don't have any problem with someone supporting a politician but I have a problem with them thinking this board is some fucking safe space for them and anyone that calls them out on their childish bullshit is a "shill".



i still cant believe this meme because i never saw it in real life, and also sodomy is a worse sin that fornication.


Kek we found where you live OP


Youre right, getting married at all is cringeworthy

Fuck off shareblue


PLOT TWIST: The school is renting lab equipment from the KKK

>there are 10 year olds eating salads and lean protein
That's fucking cool.

I fail to see what's bad about this.

Then it's a good thing I don't care about what a book of Jewish fan fiction says on the subject.

That's it. That's the one right there. Can't unsee that shit. I'm about to die. I'm dead, literally dead.

tbqh famalam the guy is pretty hot I could imagine a 12yo bieng into him


>Because girls who looked like me as a little girl are dieting. DIETING. There are 10 year olds eating fucking salads and lean protein.
>When you are so fucking fat that you think 10 year olds having a healthy diet is another holocaust.
Yea 10 year olds should have a diet of butter and trans fats.

How delusional do you have to be?
How much longer until this hambeast dies from heart disease?



good thing you wont get to breed either

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

>hahahaha don't marry virgins!!!!!! Their not fun!!!!

I don't know if you're unironically from T_D or you're just being a leaf

bls join fags

BGSU Confirmed for having no nigras in STEM. These people see racism in everything.

I married a virgin, feels good man, would recommend


Yes because it's a literal phrase instead of something that just rhymes nicely. The meme is about the idea of a pure wife, the actual hymen doesn't matter other than its an indicator of virginity.

lurk more

Why didn't she do breaker of glass ceilings, i mean fuck hillary but i feel like they really should have included it.

Fuck off with this shit meme, nigger.

>muh rare flags n sheit

>similar to original sin
Before whom? Before great Leiba Bronstein in communist skies? Good, i'll ask to put ice axe in my coffin then.

It demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of the female anatomy

This post is pretty cringe, good job

Remind me of the context of that pic

I think this picture is more accurate than the artist would have liked.

>complaining about trans fats

check your fucking cis-fat privilege, shitlord

All sins are equal in the eyes of our Lord except taking his name in vain. Only forgiveness through Christ will allow you to enter Heaven. Whether you fornicate, sodomize, or lie to your parents, all are just as bad.

Our watch has ended


Youre arguing with fifth graders on an user image board. Re-evaluate your life choices, "grown man".




I don't get it.

Sup Forums first shitposts how you should find a low count/virgin wife ans have children.

Then they shitpost with " hahahaha such cringe no hymen no diamond"

Are reddit cuckolds in full force now justifying their ex gfs slutting it up?


it's like they're baiting each other

Sup Forums is one person with gender dysphoria.

That can't be real, can it?

>those lips

me thinks someone is burning the coal

roasty detected

Hahahah. Libs...oh man.


I tend to agree.

>t. roasty

Why do americans put pigs on pedestal? Cops = Criminals

>Autistic GoT profile picture

It's almost as bad as a fedora and trenchcoat.

UGGGGHH. The left has really lost it haven't they?

Who says I haven't already?


What's wrong with the pic?

>post pepe


fat neckbeards who think women should all be virgins until marriage.

Fat neckbeards and their hilariously unrealistic standards regarding women despite being the ugliest of the ugly make for some serious cringe

That's a nice projection you got there.

fuck off shill

This. Fuck all the reddit Trump posters here.

Probably the worst I have


It's almost as if Sup Forums is more than one person

>falling for the morality meme

>Implying pussies cannot get ruined.

>Implying that women with over 4 lovers can pairbond.

