Net Neutrality

What is Sup Forumss opinion?

Nobody should control it, let it be the wild west it is.

Saying that "all bits should be equal" is like saying all cars on the road must drive at the exact same speed. Including fire trucks, ambulances, etc.

That this is a slide thread.

a scam.

why'd the even name it net neutrality? fucking scam for normies to fall for. so soft and non-threatening.

true. His name was Seth Rich

go fuck yourself shill

Net Neutrality is bad. It causes problems that it says it tries to prevent.

If you want less censorship, cheaper internet, more internet access, less monopoly, you don't want net neutrality.
The free market does not cause censorship, expensive product, less access and more monopoly.
Net neutrality is socializing the internet and killing competition.

Sage all slide threads. Fucking murderers

Fuck off, this is an important issue in our time. Sage all your posts you homos.

you are dumb

Are you denying that Podesta ordered Seth Rich to be assassinated?

Who the fuck cares? I am asking about the internet and ISPs controlling what content you can see.

It's shit.

Post nose, kike.
It really does seem like you faggot kikes are trying to slide the Seth Rich stuff.

Come back when you have something to contribute.

Seth Rich

What a nice canned insult that doesn't even make sense in this context. You shills really are incompetent.
You might as well have told me to ''go back to Stormfront'' and it would make as little sense as telling me to go to Reddit Donald.

>tfw nupol has completely infested Sup Forums

Nobody gives a fuck about seth rich. What is your opinion on net neutrality?

I don't give 2 shits about Seth Rich. What is your opinion on Net Neutrality? YOUR opinion, not reddits.

bits are on a spectrum so depending on the way they feel they should be regulated or free

Our opinion is you should stop posting that faggots face here

The correct analogy is "the speed limit on roads owned by vegans is 0.1m/s if you are driving to any supermarket or food outlet selling meat products"

My opinion is thay these data mining threads are shit tier and need to be banned. Stop Cluttering up the board with shit posts and go back to Kikebook.

Sliding and data mining? Good job, kike.
What the fuck?
What the fuck is a nupol, you retarded shill? You mean neo/pol/? Update your shill lists, faggot.

>trying to bant when you live in latvia

>when you get called out on being a paid shill, so you grab some random tactic described in your shill manifesto and you hope it makes sense in the context

Some people are not jews, not controlled by the media and are intelligent enough to form their own opinions.
I bet you're squatting right now. Worse than slav.

idk.. i always get confused because i read an article that said net neutrality was 1 of those: 'how it seems is not how it is'

honestly, i h8 these snakes who atk me without provocation

Go to Sup Forums, you're not going to get any decent responses here.

>Ah, here in the shill infographic it says that if a person calling me out has an Eastern European flag I can say they're squatting...hmm... I don't understand what it means, but daddy Podesta must be right!
>hmm, here is says I should randomly throw it words like ''bants'' in there, what's a ''bant'' though?

Net neutrality is good, without it 95% of ISPS would throttle or block Sup Forums like Verizon tried to do back in 2010. Why? Because it's not part of their Sponsored Premium Good Goy Content Network(TM)

pic related is sort of outdated but it's what the internet would look like without NN -- i.e. the cable subscription business model

I'm from New Zealand, as you can see by my flag, I don't give a fuck about podesta.
>he doesn't know what a bant is
Die of poverty

At this hour it'll be NEET lolbertarians and unironic Comcast shills.

You're not from New Zealand. You're either from America or Israel, and it looks like they haven't taught you how greentexting works either.

If John Oliver is for it, I'm agin it.

Plus, violence is associated with pro-net neutrality activists = further proof that "net neutrality" promotes a leftist agenda.

Reminder that when Facebook, Twitter, and Alphabet do everything in their power to suppress your online activity that they would never do that, because of the free market. :^)

>wanting the kikes to control your internet
brainwashed puppets

>If John Oliver is for it, I'm agin it.
nu-Sup Forums everyone

it's the one thing john oliver is right about

You're a massive newfag and I am done with you and because of you your shitty country is getting shat on everytime someone from your faggoty nation posts.

Net Neutrality is as neutral as Affordable Care Act is affordable.

More government = bad
Republican is for less government no shit they would be against it

Fucking this. What happened to this place? Open opinions overshadowed by fags and jews.

The problem people have with it is that it's Comcast who wants these price raises. It's effectively a monopoly and has plenty of cash to build more capacity, so from an emotional stand point, people can't stand this corporation crying about getting screwed.