There is a very high probability that
1) Un plays video games online
2) Browses and/or posts on Reddit
3) Might even shitpost on Sup Forums
Things to ponder
There is a very high probability that
1) Un plays video games online
2) Browses and/or posts on Reddit
3) Might even shitpost on Sup Forums
Things to ponder
Other urls found in this thread:
I wasn't aware that Nork was sandy with lots of desert
i thought he played starcraft
I had photos of him playing Everquest. North Korea still runs 1999 version. Of course Kim is in the BEST raid guild and always gets the drops first.
I'm 90% sure he jerks his micro penis to interracial porn.
Imagine being in Kim's position, you get to order things and people need to obey or else they get executed. Video games and shitposting
>Brings up benis
fucking hell Ahmed
he has posted on Sup Forums before
Bullshit you faggot
he has an unlimited supply of new pussy. he doesn't waste time on those things
But he has, he always shit talks South DPRK
nuh uh. he does it with a serbian proxy
You probably just replied to Kim
yeah but he probably gets sick of smashing gook puss everyday.
>yfw kim is responsible for about 80%of the funny memes about his dad
He doesn't read/write English. He knows Germanic Swiss and Russian.
This pls
Jag håller med, börja med Malmö och Trollhättan!
Yes but does he care about who murdered Seth Rich? MIchael Hastings? Antonin Scalia? Proofs?
Kim please watch your diet
Maybe sometime we should have a thread where we feed ideas to KJU on how to lift his country up.
>how to lift his country up
he can't even lift himself up
Hi Best President,
Please nuke Israel and Hollywood.
Thanks guy love your work looking good bro.
he cares. but like so many of us, he cares just not enough to do anything about it.
Some say, he frequently changes proxies to troll
Some say, he almost never talks about North Korea to maintain OPSEC
Some also say, he unveils his flag to avid flag hunters that ask nicely...
A few others say, he is on this thread right now...
But those are just rumours... And besides, who could possibly know which flag he is hiding behind now...?
Oh God that would be awesome
AT this point in my American life
Why do we even care what N Korea does ?
I mean other than throwing people in Gulogs and torturing them ?
Its okay to have concentration camps when its not ethnic cleansing
if you read this Kim
I want a qt wife I pledge all of my Loyalty to you and your God like family
Give me a North Korean Squirter you can lay with her when you please my Lord
The North Korean government does lurk on here tho. Ive seen them post two times at least
Sorry for shitty screen cap, on mobile.
Please show unveil your flag to me, if you know what I mean.
Why is sweden has more trash strewn about than central san salvador? Are we first world now?
Kim c'mon nuke the shit out of everyone specially Spain, please do me that favour
Dont talk about stuff you dont know faggot.
He went to an international English speaking school.
I've seen enough to know that things over there are bad enough to legit want to be nuked but even then I doubt I'll ever fully know just how bad it is. I hope this all ends for you guys soon, one way or another...
Kim you know what to do.
He is the source of those "I caught a ____ roll decides what I do to it" threads. But its really some korean prisoner and not a spider he does it too..
How many asses has her fucked?
Kim, you need to get a fake resistance to "raid" your weapons and use them to put the poor European peoples out of their misery
...Or hit it right at the source, Israel
Buy some random island in bumfuck nowhere, launch missiles from there and have some death row cons dressed in some antifa-tier uniform, fire missiles at the island and say "Fuck, sorry, at least we got those fucking rebels"
hey guys. Un here. using german VPN. AMA
proofs or get out
Ok, that's enough internet for today.
i like this webm
makes me comfy
Op is a faggot
imagine kim posting on Sup Forums with a timestamp
would be a great timeline
He's probably on ilbe instead
A nuke that small would barely touch the bridge at that distance. It would kill a hundred thousand though.
NK will probably have a dozen weapons capable of doing that to America in the next fifteen years. And fat boy would use them. And people will ask why Trump didn't do anything.
>Not hanging with his fellow Asians on Ylilauta.
We need a Pearl Harbor before we can start war. Kim just need to man up already.
Seoul will soon be a verb like Hiroshima.
he has, youre just too much of a newfag to have witnessed it
>le Asians have small dicks meme
The military situation in the south China seas is untenable. What if USA attacks North Korea and China backstabs? US would be down one carrier group straight away, with troops stuck in Korea.
Kimmy has steam
this is a best video of best korea
I think I have Kim in my friendlist
>Weird guy added me randomly after I played some CSGO with him
>Strange Korean name
>Spray used to be the NK flag
>Everytime I go online he invites me to play in his group
Thought he is still some fat American who wanna make fun of NK until one day when he plugged in a headphone to shout and insult in Korean language when he got shot by enemies
Not surprising, he's a millennial, look at his baggy pants.
trully amazing.
>you might be shitposting with the great leader and you don't even know it
>you might have given him a (you)
>he might have given you a (you)
I won't be able to sleep anymore
Invite him in a game, record it, compare the voice with Kim during his speeches.
Then 1v1 him and cause a global thermonuclear war after beating him and calling him scrub.
Ok kim, not too subtle. But ill add. What is steam name?
Oh great leader! Please build a 500 meter tall kek statue to protect your country from foreign invasion.
Come on now, it can't be THAT hard to get a North Korean proxy for shitposting, can it?
Can anyone tell me why he is bad? Other than he wants to nuke you like you want to him? He is fucking based
Table turn: UN is PEPE.
Why is he so pig like in appearance?
Rescue the Seth Rich family from those demoncratz plantation owners.
Do it for the lutz.
graceful af
Undercover chink. Everybody point and laugh!
Dear Kim,
The thought that we may have played online games together at some point brings warmth and joy to my heart. Do you play starcraft?
gook detected
>there are people on the planet with 5" erect cocks
>there are people with cocks smaller than 5" erect
my flaccid penis is 4.5" and it looks tiny. 7.75"-8"+ depending on how hard i am (stretched flaccid is over 8"), i still feel like my dick looks small when i'm fully erect
i genuinely feel horrible for people with small cocks
he doesn't have a Rothschild bank
he's got a huge cock actually. 8 inches. shame that it's riddled with genital warts.
I can almost imagine him, destroying all the SK pros in Starcraft lol