
This is Latvian political discussion for people who have questions about tourism Kā mēs varam salabot vispārēju vērtību trūkumu?
Kas ir noticis ar letiņu domāšana, vai tiešām mēs vēljoprojām domājam kā komunisti?

Other urls found in this thread:

How is welfare in Latvia?

>How is welfare in Latvia?
Pensioners are on welfare.

Any welfare for the poor immigrants?

a bullet to the head with funeral expenses covered

>Any welfare for the poor immigrants?
Yeah bigger than our minimal pay but still shit.
I'm more worried about our coal burning loving women.
Hows your welfare situation?
I'm thinking about moving to Romania and maybe starting business there, seems like an uncucked country apart from gypsies.

>vai tiešām mēs vēljoprojām domājam kā komunisti?
Diemžēl jā. To varētu labot ja jaunākās paaudzes sāktu mācīties no vēstures,
bet tā vietā viņi izvēlējās kopēt deģenerātismu gan no Krievijas, gan no rietumiem.
Tikai paskaties uz viņiem, un paklausies ko šie runā. Viss iet pa burbuli.
Man nav īpaši lielu cerību par mūsu nācijas (un visas pārējās Eiropas) nākotni.

Nav joks ir pakaļā mani vienaudži (1999-1998) ir pilnībā apolitiski un neuztver ģimeni un darbu savai valstij kā pašsaprotamu lietu.Skumji.

Since we now know Latvia is actually controlling (((Them))) and the Rothchilds, when will you reveal your powerlevel to the world?

ej dirst mauka

>Kā mēs varam salabot vispārēju vērtību trūkumu?
Labi kā jau kūtra tauta tad laikam būs jāizsaka viedokli pašam, lai visiem pēc tam ir par ko brēkt un īdēt.
Vērtības tīri var atgriezt tikai ar cilvēku iesaisti ticībā kaut kam, pēc maniem uzskatiem tā ir baznīca kā to parādīja Gruzijas gadījums, kura ir valsts ar lielu Kristiešu skaitu , kad pēc 90-tajiem valsti atražoja paši cilvēki bez liekas migrācijas, kā nekā Letiņiem nav bērnu, un ja ir tad nosacīti viņi tiek izaudzināti ģimeniski. Tieši šī ticība kā nekā bāzēta uz ģimeni varētu atgriezt ne tikai demogrāfijas rādītājus par pozitīviem,bet vienreiz arī izbeigt audzināt vīriešus par vecenēm, liekot viņiem saprast savu vietu, kā nekā laikam maz Latvieši šeit zin kas ir Jordan Peterson.
>Kas ir noticis ar letiņu domāšana, vai tiešām mēs vēljoprojām domājam kā komunisti?
Šo es novēroju ļoti daudzos cilvēko, it īpaši iekkš Sup Forums kas ir noticis, vienkārši vai tiešām ir tik viegli visu vainu novelt uz valdību?

I love you too braluikas.
>Since we now know Latvia is actually controlling (((Them))) and the Rothchilds, when will you reveal your powerlevel to the world?
We are actually so redpilled we kill ourselves because at the end of the redpill there is a huge bluepill.

>vidusskolnieki neuztver dzīvi pārāk nopietni
Pastāsti vēl kaut ko jaunu.

>Pastāsti vēl kaut ko jaunu.
Janka ir debils.

When you willing to take back some of your people that are over here? What do you think of them? Most of the ones I met are nice people and you have some beautiful women but they shouldn't they be in their native lands?

Iečekoju. Tas, ka letņiem nav bērnu ir veca plate. Lielais robs dzimstībā bija 90to sākuma, lasi, pirms teju 30 gadiem.

>When you willing to take back some of your people that are over here?
Taking back! Why? They want to be there.
>What do you think of them?
Nothing. There are only three types of people there overly educated people who hate ex-commie thinking humans, low skilled fools that like to reap benefits without working, and coalburners.
>Most of the ones I met are nice people and you have some beautiful women but they shouldn't they be in their native lands?
You think our local woman like us? Most of them would go for a welfare getting Nigger if you promise getting them out of this shithole.
We are maximum cucks.

They don't want to be in their native lands. Or do you think it was war or a natural disaster that made them go to ireland to pick mushrooms.

> Tas, ka letņiem nav bērnu ir veca plate. Lielais robs dzimstībā bija 90to sākuma, lasi, pirms teju 30 gadiem.
Domā nezinu, pēc 92. gada mēs jau sevi neatražojām, jautājums ir kāpēc?

They are getting sent back if we have our way, that was about the impression I got from other eastern countries about their diaspora. A shit ton of them are on the dole over here, not as many as the actual niggers are.

>They don't want to be in their native lands
I know but I don't really want them here.

>They are getting sent back if we have our way
Good come with them we lack humans with normal thinking, we mainly have shitty sovoks thinking that government owes them anything without doing nothing, just be white
t. Ginger.

>I know but I don't really want them here.

Understandable. Kick them out then.

Get rid of poo in loo.
RTU is fucking full of them

Cik daudza LV meitenes ir ar viņiem?
Es minēsu katra 10-tā.

0:0 hoķī, Friči spiež bet mēs cinamies.

When I walk down the street and I see Latvian shops and hear people speaking a language I don't understand where once my parents had a Irish town, I get upset. I can put up with them however, I'd prefer a white nation than a nigger filled nightmare. But this land isn't for them. Its for us Potato Niggers. Our Forefathers fought for the freedom of the land and Ireland should be both independent and Celtic.
Thats the plan. Need more edgy political parties first.

I know your feels.
The same here our forefathers fought for this land and still people can't comprehend how much blood was spilled for it.
Well you can't ask patriotism from Nu-males and women.
I really do advise you to kick them out induced pain will only make them stronger because till this point they are running away from issues and blaming others.
t. got GTFO'd from home at age 16.


Kāpēc mums ar vāciešim vienmēr tik grūti iet? Tad jau gandrīz labāk pret jeņķiem spēlēt.

Thanks lad, you guys are alright.

Well we are potato niggers too, the only difference is our banter consists of cynicism not satire.

We are the original ones though. We had a fucking famine where we lost like a million dead because we loved spuds so much. I'm sure some Mister American 60% man would call us non-white but fuck 'em sure.

> I'm sure some Mister American 60% man would call us non-white but fuck 'em sure.
I'd rather be a potato Nigger than a cuck that is for sure.
Talking about the Potato Nigger Belorussians are the original, even though we have 16 names for a potato they have more than 200 recipes for it, well I call that devotion.

Don't hear much from them, they're still under a dictatorship or some shite. I'm simple with my potatos I like them in their skin and boiled with a bit of butter, goes well with beef.

>Don't hear much from them, they're still under a dictatorship or some shite
Yeah their laws are getting even more foreign to humanity, lately they are talking about a new tax to unemployed. Not taking ion account that their industry ,apart from agriculture machinery production ,is dying.

> I'm simple with my potatos I like them in their skin and boiled with a bit of butter, goes well with beef.
I'm more of cooking person, just simply cooked potatoes with sour cream and dill.
I'll probably die at age 65 from heart attack but hey at least I will be filled with potatoes.


>simply cooked potatoes with sour cream and dill.
well fuck, I going to have to try that now.

Be sure the sour cream is 15-25% fat and add it both with dill after cooking.
To add more flavor after the cooking add some peppers and some cumin,tarragon and maybe rosemary.

Okay to make it a bit clearer:
1. add all those fancy spices while it is still hot.
2.add sour cream mixed with dill when you are serving the portion.
My wording sometimes gets very horrible. It is the cost I'm paying for knowing three languages and thinking in them interchangeably.

Ejiet taču jūs visi labāk strādāt.

nice digits, I hope all the girls like the fancy spuds I'm planning on making. Thanks Latvianon.

>mfw 2:0
Ardievas astodaļfinālam.

Daily reminder to get on Twitter and follow these Latvian Right wing/Nationalist accounts:


I understood it don't worry. I'm not a complete fool with food.

I have programmer issues.

I assume you mean just grammer. Anyway thats enough of me derailing your thread with fucking food.

Where do you see so many of us? I live in Ireland for some time already and i'v met only maybe less than ten latvians here.

No I mean programmer issue, i literally think in actions and loops.

Hello ice cream sandwich flags!

Tell me about yourselves, what is Latvia like?

>Tell me about yourselves, what is Latvia like?
Not nice with ability to read.

kek sorry then.
I was about to leave the thread sure. I live in Dublin, I'm hardly going to doxx myself but their is a fair few of them, about the same amount of Poles and niggers where I live as there is Latvians. I was using Hyperbole abit there but there's still a fecking load of them.

Well my first impression is rudeness!

Been in Dublin only few times, so might be that there are a bit more of us. I live near Cork and can surely say that there ain't that many.

Tell you this:
>Cheap whores
>Cheap booze
>Lot's of nigger tier lads
>bad roads
Tip: Never go out of tourist friendly areas in Riga.

>Well my first impression is rudeness!
What do you want me to do?
Say sorry and ask "ho do you do?" after every third sentence?
It is very simple how Latvia is. It is not America.

Pretty much this.

Corks a kip, so is Dublin for that matter. But theres a fair lot of you up here. Not to many Muslims though.



Explain "big guy"

priekš tevis

Negribi nolaizīt manu rozā desas kadiljaku?
Es taču zinu ka tev patīk ar ādas cigāru dabūt pa lūpām.

par savām bērnības nodarbēm runā?

>par savām bērnības nodarbēm runā?
Vau, tu esi slims, vajadzēja tevi vairāk uz galvas nomest varbūt tad būtu prātu pareizi iegrozījis zinot tavus vecākus.
Vispār ko domā par tēmu?

Ej sūkā tālāk neveiksme. Uzreiz var redzēt kāda tu esi ja lieto vārdu iekš Sup Forums. big guy tu esi tikai tad kad tavējie vakarā piepisušies kādu pārsteidz 10 pret 1. Kurwa.

Hi i have a quastion. Why do you have so many russian's in your country? Why don't you deport them all back to russia?

Because your lad's would call them fascists. Just because from Baltic states. + It's not how it work's when they are already in third and fourth generation living here.

Beatiful country
Nice and friendly people and not a cuck like my nation is now

and one of the best allys against the red death

>Why do you have so many russian's in your country?
USSR policies regarding destruction of the local population and russification.
> Why don't you deport them all back to russia?
They don't want to.
Besides the moment we send them out we are fucked by UN,EU and NATO for breaking international human rights.
The simple answer is we aren't Russia.

Not a cuck is false. Half of our citizens would greet russian troops with flowers on border. Only few true patriotic latvians left.

Because Russia would invade us if we did.
They want the diaspora here, to be used as a political tool.
"Noncitizens! Human rights!" and stuff like that.

thats really sad to hear

dumb cunt, kill yourself

cheers, mate

Mēs šito vienreiz jau nemalām? Plus skatos hokeju un dzeru alu, nav garastāvoklis iedziļināties baigajā deep shitā

>thats really sad to hear
Not really Russians are getting calmer every year the bydlos well are well a different story...
>dzeru alu
Plebs. Viskijs un šmakofka proporcijās 1:2 ir vislabākais kombo.

I have a question: why is Latvia such a shit hole? I've been all over the EU, and countries like Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovakia, etc are a lot better than the Latvian shithole. As a Croat, I'm ashamed my country is in the same group (EU) as your pathetic frozen shit hole.

Your people are low IQ. Your women are hideous. Your food and culture is trash. You are just so fucking pathetic... I spit on your street shitting country.

Spend it wisely

mēs domāsim kā komunisti tik ilgi, cik ilgi Saeimā valdīs pēcpadomju kliķe

Go rejoin Russia, you street shitting Russian mongrel... you'd be a lot better off. I take a shit on your entire """country"""

Stop speaking fucking gypsy. Disgusting barbaric language, just like Latvia a fucking shithole.

Tourism? Lmfao. Nobody I repeat nobody would want to go to your Russian street shitting roach filled nation.

Tev ir taisnība, tikai Dieva dēļ nebalso par KPV.
Well you deserve this (you).
Anything else?

Tur ir tava jobanā problēma.Tu sēdi skaties hokeju un dzer alu jo tā ir tava prioritāte. Tas ir tas kas tev pis un viss ko tu saproti. Tikmēr tava valsts iet dirsā. Tu nevari iedomāties kādu naidu manī izraisa tādi "patrioti" kā tu. Tev atliek vienīgi lūgties lai tu jau būtu 6ft under kad tādi kā es atgriezīsies uz dzīvi latvijā. Tu esi nodevējs.


Is beer and vodka really cheaper in Latvia than in Estonia. I read somewhere that Estonia is raising the price of beer and was thinking of buing my summer drinks from other one where should I go for that?

Latvian women are good for nothing except for cleaning my house and sucking my cock. All Latvian women are disgusting whores. Low IQ, pathetic nation. Most pathetic in EU

kys leaf

tu nekad nekur neatgriezīsies, jo esi mīksts sūds, kas cenšas panākt kaut kādu revolūciju baltiešu cirvju kalšanas forumā

nolec no kāda tuvēja tilta, atkritum

rīt darbs, fām, negribas aizrauties

Nobody takes a leaf seriously. Go get annexed by murika

Hurr durr hurr durr Latvian language sounds like you are gagging on a cock... like all your hideous whore women do all day. Russian faggots. Your country is absolute shit. Nobody would go to your disgusting shithole filled with disgusting low IQ people foe tourism. Only reason I'd go to Latvia is to fuck cheap, dumb whores... since that is your entire country. Everything else about Latvia, your food, your culture, your people, your architecture is absolute shit

Jūs abi esat sūda gabali, laikam šādi arī izmirsim raujot deķi katrs uz savu pusi kā sūdīgs 40 gadīgs alkoholiķu pāris.


pis sūdu mūlāp :-DDDD

>t. Latvian diaspora
Though I am not surprised you left your shit hole of a country, you need to go back gypsy

Nu tu jau zini sakāmvārdu par latviešiem...

Kāds viņš latvietis? Pseudo "patriots", kas gvelž sūdu aiz jūras. Tādus kā viņus nevis vajag aicināt atpakaļ, bet noslīcināt peļķē. Ne centa labāks par kr*evu.

you understand that these you's are saged?

Iemauc vēl vienu un ej gulēt, tofiks jau beidzies.

Tu esi sūdīgs alkoholiķis kas skatās sportu.
Ko tu gvelz?
Tu esi sūdīgs bēglis nodevējs.

Es esmu LARPOJOšs kretīns iekš Sup Forums
Ko jūs gribat?
Labi ka vismaz Bībeli lasu, kaut kāda konsitence uzskatos man ir.

Un tas arī ir viss ar ko tu spēj uzbraukt. Tas ka es esmu ārpus robežas. Kā parasti.