>You would be cute if it weren't for your filthy white skin.
How doo you respond?
Blake Ward
yeah b-b-ut 4d chess! and all those articles are fake anyway!
Nolan Perez
Hey crybabies, would you accept Trump impeachment proceedings as long as Hillary goes on trial for her crimes?
Grayson Sanchez
Stop bringing readit shit here. We actually read the news.
Jordan Morris
Jordan Edwards
Daily reminder that it is over for Drumpf
Henry Wood
Where are the mods when you need them?
Zachary Adams
>tfw to intelligent to win an election
Reminder that elections have consequences.
Isaac Foster
Saged. Here's your (you)
Adam Walker
Trump is secretly our guy. Trump will secretly free us from the Jews.
Isaiah Davis
Elijah Gutierrez
fuck off shill
Thomas Scott
Jack Butler
Ayden Roberts
i know right it's time we move /ptg/ to a containment board "MUH SETH RICH" narrative will not excuse Drumpf of his crimes (he released information to the Russians illegally!). Face it, Sup Forumstards, your little orange man has lost. Now stop looking into this stuff, get a glass of water and head to bed or have a long, relaxing bath. CNN, Bloomberg and multiple other news sources have already debunked this bogus “MUH SETH RICH” narrative. Go look up “Trump” right now and you’ll see that it’s already be shown he is in contact with Russians. Maybe if you guys weren’t so fucking busy putting your noses in places where they don’t belong, you’d realise the truth. Go to bed. Don't you fucking dare post another picture like that.{
Can't you come back to jerking off about sources and mistaking me for more people?
Jackson Reed
Aiden Cox
Bentley Young
Parker Taylor
Matthew Johnson
>I disagree with you
Dominic Rogers
where'd you copy and paste that error code from shitposter?
Adrian Reyes
>Donald Trump 'not even aware of where intelligence was from' before telling Russia, White House reveals Lmfao what a retard, this is your chosen leader ameritards smdh
this sounds like the perfect world except we should just let trump do his thing so the rest of the world has something to laugh at for the next 4-8 years you're right trump isn't israels greatest ally, that's just more 1488D underwater Chaturanga
Alexander Rodriguez
Anonymous (ID: X8hPmQrx) 05/16/17(Tue)13:48:25 No.125778389▶ (You) >stating my argument where?
I stated it several times, when I told you that no one was claiming that Trump gave away sources and methods.
But I understand now, you're a trumptard of the highest order. You're just playing 1337D Settlers of Catan when you refuse to answer my actual statement, quotes you asked for, when you fabricated quotes from me, and when you mistook me for someone else
It's okay buddy, don't feel bad. It could happen to anyone like you, who's tasted their dads cock juice everyday for the past 18 years
Asher Rodriguez
lmao you think spamming 'shill' 'slide thread' and 'divide and conquer israel is our greatest ally' is an argument? i made the pasta and have been spamming it all day :^)
Cameron Gomez
Seth Rich.
Grayson Butler
If Trump could actually do a Chaturanga I'd eat my left nut for breakfast
Ian Richardson
oh right the PI has never even seen the laptop he claims to have so much proof from
Benjamin Garcia
Why is this even an issue? Hilary Clinton was cleared of this as well. We already know it's a nonissue.
Jacob Sanders
that's not how it works.
Josiah Gomez
I wonder what group is responsible for this Seth Rich shilling.
This last minute desperation makes me realize just how genuinely stupid his supporters were to begin with. To see them so easily distracted by actual fake news while their king is about to be impeached is kind of poetic.
Adrian Rodriguez
Noah Anderson
TWO SCOOPS WAS ONE TOO MANY, FLOMALD FLUMPF! (I mispronounced his name on purpose, LOL!)
Kayden Hernandez
did you
shoop the scoop
Brayden Hill
>2017 >listening to WAPO lel
Noah Murphy
go to reddit if you want moderators to delete every post you disagree with
Lucas Evans
This is some fucking desperate shilling right here. This Seth Rich story has got to be huge with how much shilling is hitting the board.
Elijah Turner
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit desu
Julian Morales
Yes - she deserves a kicking, but I think that's even less likely than Trump getting impeached.
Eli Gomez
I like this brown awoo. It's better than the white awoo.
Evan White
t. gets his his info from "the shows"
Blake Gray
trump is just doing 67 degree chaturanga's while playing 4D chaturanga. trust him.
Thomas Bennett
More of her pls
Hudson Murphy
Fuck yes. That would be a happening to end all happenings. Trump administration canned and Hillary in jail. Then Gary Johnson rises high like a phoenix from the ashes.
Benjamin Reyes
This is cute. Trying to make it out like the Trump leak story was in response to the Seth Rich story by deliberately screen grabbing an article that was published later than all of the others. In reality, the Trump leaks were reported hours before the Seth Rich "story"
Wyatt Sullivan
Oh my gosh! xD that's SO clever!!!! :) I haven't seen that before! :3 Upboated! :DD
Nathan Barnes
>he thinks shills would stick to their own thread instead of sliding the 500 seth rich threads > 0.02₽ have been deposited to your account
Dylan Brooks
Christopher Jenkins
WRONG in reality, both stories are fabrications to cover up #scoopgate sometimes i think 4D chess is real
Brody Richardson
Tyler Lee
Umm... No sweetie.
Evan Parker
Aww, that's cute. You shouldn't take life so seriously, Achmed. >BONALD BUMPF IS OVA! TWO SCOOPS TOO MANY!
Henry Foster
post more BASED ISRAEL memes. it's time reddit went back to their containment site and realised trump was always a meme
Zachary Hernandez
If you impeach Donald Trump which is unlikely you'll have Mike Pence fat chance you'll impeach another president even if you'd have to get lucky like 10 fucking times till you get democrat real fat fucking chance. So if you do impeach Trump I guess you really don't give a fuck about abortion or gay rights because pretty likely that'll be down the toilet with Mike Pence and I for one don't want the LGBTQIA+ community to be subjected and enforced into electroshock therapy unwillingly and even though I'm conservative I realise Trump made it a state issue for abortion but you still get abortion with Mike Pence fat fucking chance you'll be allowed to unless it's through back alleys and I don't want that either I'm conservative but I also think for myself and I'm definitely pro choice at the very least and I know whether or not it's legal people will get abortions and I don't want those awful things happening to you or possibly me one day. If you have such problems with Trump do what you feel must be done though I don't like it I disagree with it and I'm willing to fight back but you get Trump impeached unlikely you'll get Mike Pence impeached and you kick us all in the face but let's make it clear I'm fine with him as Vice President because he doesn't have as much power but I'm reasonably scared to have him as full on President where Trump can't change up any of his ideas. But if you want to shit in the toilet then what can I do stop you
Noah Diaz
>african momoji NUKE IT
Leo Fisher
who /hilldawg/ here?
Nathaniel Carter
>Believing Hitlery would've been any better as POTUS How fuckin' dumb are you people?
Connor Peterson
Either impeachment hearings start or I still don't give a fuck. Wasting your keystrokes until then. Stupid faggots.
Jace Smith
All wrong. The real american hero would rise.
Ryan Jackson
>he doesn't want the LGBTPXYF community to receive electroshock therapy what are you, some kind of fagget?
Oliver Wilson
William Campbell
Nice work shills, we're all really fucking proud of you. Saged
Carson Allen
I hope Trump gets impeached just so Mike Pence becomes president and electrocutes faggots like you OP
Hunter Price
Why was Sean Spicer off camera for the press briefing today? Is he covering up a black eye from last night's fight?
Grayson Brown
Blake Gomez
Levi Butler
Justin Wright
Easton Collins
Nolan Jenkins
it's not wanting a safe space
Jaxson Thompson
Impreach Drumpf! No one gets an extra scoop!
Leo Wilson
Congrats on your original thought, so funny lel XD so clever too. How do you think of such clever things and have them be so original as well.
Jose Hill
Take your Fiat and go away.
Asher Hill
>lowest ratings of all presidencies Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bullshit? Does the name Hoover ring a bell?
John Thompson
Two schoop poop poop :DDDDDD
Anthony Johnson
can you point me to the post that says "you guys wan't a safe space" or did you just read that on tumblr?
Anthony Gomez
I predicted all of this, feelsgoodman
Robert Clark
>Drumpf general is being devastated by shitposting because nobody can defend his treasonous acts loving every laugh
Christian Parker
>its totally gonna happen this time i swear guise lmaoing at your life
Blake Scott
oh no Trump shares information on an imminent islamic terror attack with Russia. WHAT A TRAITOR.
the fuck is wrong with you shills.
Juan Fisher
Jason Jones
here how about you read the comment chain you're replying to next time
Alexander Butler
>cnn >wapo >guardian >these threads only popped after major DNC leak happening Yeah ok buddy.
Brayden Hall
You ShariaBlue faggots are too obsessed with the orangegutang. Even if he is impeached you lost the war of attrition the people have woken up to your pedophilic libshit ways and will only grow larger in numbers. His impeachment will make him a martyr not a Jew nose Nixon in the history books. Stage has been set and expect me on the battlefield of California decapitating you one by one with a dull machete for extra thicc fat removal.
Jaxon Reed
>kikebart >infowars >Thekikestuff >PJW no u T B H
Charles Gonzalez
Josiah Carter
>implying it's your safe space you really are autistic aren't you? here have a based israel tweet
Kayden Brooks
Oy vey! Let me tell you that in the job contract we signed you are not allowed to use ANTI-SEMITISM oy vey! For subversion tactics. I have to report you to the shoah officer and some of your 0.02¢'s have been nullified.