>says he's voting for hillary >wears pussyhats at womens rights marches >apologized to the person who stabbed him >didn't know he needed to act on "The Comedy" and just played himself >hires a convicted sex offender and suspected pedophile jew (Vic Berger - twitter.com/vicbergeriv) to go to RNC and make fun of trump supporters >writes songs about killing trump >wishes 10 year old Barron Trump falls out of trump tower and dies >posts a pic of newborn son on instagram, saying that he doesn't know which he's happier about, his new son or trumps pussy tape >half of his fanbase disowns him >people start doxxing him, posting pictures of themselves outside his house >forced to install security system on house >writes a song about Sup Forums called "I Am A Cuck": youtube.com/watch?v=tNTjNkD7ifU >'check it out' not renewed for new season >plays a significant role in getting Hyde's show cancelled >wife leaves him >$4,000 a month alimony >forced to do a 10 year 'awesome show' tour for money(the promo video is cringe-worthy, their chemistry is clearly gone) >tells his twitter followers in california to use deadly force against trump people >his on cinema facebook page gets taken over and destroyed >TimAndEric subreddit gets shut down >makes this video in response to Sup Forums twitter.com/timheidecker/status/857525710193213440 >writes yet another song about Sup Forums: timheidecker.bandcamp.com/track/for-chan >blocks anyone on twitter who asks him about his divorce or ongoing battle with Sup Forums
-UPDATED 5/16/17-
>sends out tweet calling for the hanging of Donald Trump >twitter users forward tweet to FBI, Secret Service, and others >apologizes to his fans >deletes tweet, says it was a joke, goes into full defense mode calling people names
What's next for Tim Heidecker?
Henry Morgan
>What's next for Tim Heidecker? Secret service visit.
Nathan Howard
>what's next for Heidecker He either supports Trump or he fades away..
Ian Wood
If Kek wills he will OD within the year
Wyatt Adams
JUST. What a fat fuck. Pussyhat his the only pussy this faggot could get.
Austin Baker
Henry Hernandez
Is it autism?
Easton Powell
All I know is that he made a video mocking you faggots and you backed up like bitches.
Jackson Bailey
actually we found the bridge he was filming at and asked he'd be there the next night to have an "open dialogue" as he put it. he never responded.
Nathan Allen
He wore a pussy hat and has daily temper tantrums on Twitter, what do we need to even back up from exactly?
What does that even mean?
Christian Martin
I'm gay anyway, so...
Nathan King
឴ ឴
Dylan Cruz
wow i used to think this fag was funny. I only got like a minute into his movie, what a steaming heap of shit. Looks like he continues to reap what he sows!
Nathaniel Torres
Jesus, he's making a living making fun of Sup Forums and /pol is just fucking crying about it. It's fucking funny to be honest.
Jonathan Cooper
Hey Tim, wouldn't you look nice dangling from the Golden Gate Bridge by your neck?
There are IDs here you know.
Henry Kelly
>exploits david liebe hart, a schizophrenic living on disability for his shows and tours. david unaware joke is on him. >exploits james quall, a homeless schizophrenic and heroin addict for his shows and tours. james' unaware joke is at his expense. >uses a mulitude of other mentally ill, semi-retarded, ugly, and other weird people to exploit for laughs (some aware of this, some not) >makes and records prank calls of innocent people on timandericcom to gain a following. >producer of nathan for you which exploits and mocks business owners and patrons (some aware, some not) at their expense. >producer of the eric andre show which exploits and mocks celebrities (some are aware of this before filming, some are not).
so a guy that literally pranks people and exploits schizophrenics and retards gets angry when Sup Forums trolls him back.
Ooh, boo hoo, Timmy, time you looked in a mirror, bud.
Alexander Garcia
Tim how can you beat people who have nothing to lose? He's not picking his fights appropriately. Get your life together Tim.
Leo Sullivan
i feel like you expect me to know who this is
Isaiah James
Nolan Gomez
Ryder Edwards
Carson Martinez
Is this nigger serious, dogs like fireworks if they can see them going off and not just the mysterious noises
Jeremiah Garcia
you can't leave the gang without taking your beating
William Wilson
Lucas Brown
>doesn't like fireworks
Wow, I thought I was edgy, but I'm just a pedophile.
Hunter Butler
Elijah Moore
Colton Butler
someone post the deleted tweet
Christopher Morales
nevermind i found it
Charles Mitchell
post it
Jose Sullivan
I got your six
Aiden Murphy
I fucking hate how he has the flag next to his name. Faggot is the exact opposite of all the ideals that flag stands for.
Dominic Harris
He needs to seek counseling. We don't want him to do something harmful to himself - then he won't be able to pay alimony.
James Ross
Julian Parker
Did you get the JOKE? Wow, do you not understand what a JOKE is? He was JOKING and you obviously didn't understand the obvious JOKE.
Christopher Rodriguez
You know, because that's how you bungee jump, by dangling off a bridge.
Robert Murphy
Comedy genius
Bentley Scott
I thought the entire point of him is he was anti-humor and there wasn't an actual joke?
Julian Cooper
Twitter was honestly a horrible idea for society's sake.
So was anyone giving Tim and Eric money and the belief they had talent, but Twitter is really fucking bad.
Juan Davis
Need more Heidecker shit to add to my collection. Post!
Bentley Reed
>Twitter was honestly a horrible idea for society's sake.
It's the greatest thing ever, people think it's almost like a vacuum sealed diary and then shitlibs go on someone's show like Tucker Carlson's and he brings them up to watch them squirm.
Stay away from it unless you have an anonymous account or something.
Noah Flores
not sure if i should feel bad for Tim. not only is his wife taking thousands of dollars away from him every month for the rest of his life, but his faggot partner Eric (((Wareheim))) is not a fucking mudslime thanks to that brown nigger Aziz.
Brody Ross
>hires a convicted sex offender and suspected pedophile jew source? link to charges/conviction?
Leo Allen
Jeremiah Harris
No one cares about you Tim. Fuck off
Luke Gomez
Matthew Nguyen
Fuck this guy
Nicholas Allen
(((comedy elitists)))
Jesus Christ.
Adrian Fisher
William Martin
Michael Foster
not when we need to spread social democratic propaganda on the computer and teevee
Isaac Morgan
I don't understand I thought he was divorced?
Maybe he is purposefully tanking his entire existence in order to fuck her over on alimony payments.
Bentley Cox
Jesus fucking Christmas.
Camden Cooper
Heidecker is passé his comedy is tired. He hasn't evolved he's devolved. Regressed, his patty pat partner Eric has opted out of their partnership. My rats off to ya Tim. You should end it all with that explosive dildo you keep squirreled away ICOE
Ayden Harris
Post more Tim tweets
Samuel Harris
He is clearly joking. This is his usual ironic schtick.
Stop giving attention to this fag.
Jayden Long
Good job bumping the thread of the man you don't want anyone paying attention to.
Noah Scott
i want sauce on eric as a mudslime. the worst ppl on earth are western converts to islam.
Jeremiah Cooper
Jonathan Barnes
On cinema is phenomenal.
I really feel awful for p ople that think Sam Hyde was funny or talented in any way.
Brayden Morgan
Fuck tim and eric right in the pussy
Jonathan Campbell
Jaxon Perry
>What's next for Tim Heidecker? It is too late for suicide. If he would have an hero'd 2 years ago, he would go down as a great....Now he has had time to ruin his career, so no matter what happens now, it is downhill all the way.
It is his life, and frankly he made some really poor choices in the past few years. Professionally and personally.
Heres the thing. He knows that IF he fights with /pol, he will have relevance again. He saw the HWNDU debacle.
The meanest thing /pol could do to him right now is IGNORE HIM. Don't visit his sites, and don't promote his media.
Negative attention like the OP provides is still attention. You feed the retarded liberals ego
Jayden Foster
Anthony Watson
Brody Reyes
It's too bad Check It Out was put out by Heidecker, it was only good as it was because of John C. Reilly. Also fuck him for getting Sam's show cancelled for no reason, that was bullshit. There's nothing fun to watch on Adult Swim besides Mike Tyson Mysteries now.
Julian Gutierrez
I miss young Tim Heidecker who didn't talk about politics. It sucks when people you liked grow up to be major dicks who automatically hate you because of your political opinions.
Jack Sanchez
People like Tim are immature children, putting feelings before anything else.
Cooper Rogers
I miss MDE boys...
Dylan Carter
Sam always wins baby!
Chase Hernandez
Jonathan Kelly
>bright lights affect him more Could be
Wyatt Hughes
>the equivalent of an e-celeb got so mad at an image board that literally worships a frog that he made a fucking youtube tier response video feeding internet trolls Think about it if I were to sum up this scenario in a way a five year old could understand they would think something is wrong with Tim or they'd laugh at him
Daniel Johnson
Yeah Tim, Shia Lebouf, Sarah Silverman, these are typical examples of hollywood frying people's brains. They get surrounded by people who constantly suck them off and it makes them feel like they can't be wrong, or that they can be insufferable douchbags. Tim is looking more and more like Shia these days, he acts like people here are just losers who dont matter, but then he very obviously can't let it go and has to prove how much tougher and smarter he is. And it just makes them look more insecure.
Tim please go back to 'Nite Live' type stuff that doesnt touch on politics or anything serious.
Ryder Watson
fuck off tim
You aren't even big enough to be a Sup Forums target anymore
your moment has ended
enjoy the divorce payments
You could have listened, found God, married a good woman
but you didn't
Now you have to get a real job
Adrian Barnes
Liam Ross
Why do you care though? This used to be funny, now its just sad. I love to see idiots suffer a bit, but I guess I'm not sadistic.
Evan Howard
Blake Scott
Im a fan of his comedy and even i agree with this post. Very fair point.
Christopher Morris
Yep nope nope nope G Turkington talent is wasted by having to carry heideckers bloated corpse the entire vid. Your snatched review was abysmal. I wish you really were a purveyor of toxic vape juice! How can hating you be so easy when loving you was just as hard
Adrian Peterson
yes, the man who has nothing always wins
Mason Ramirez
Ryan Morales
time hydecker is fucking done BTFO he cannot recover from this
Isaiah Bell
Julian Cooper
Why is it that every single death threat made to Trump is "just a joke"?