Well Sup Forums?

Just try and tell me how this picture is wrong.

*sips tea*

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Some of us do, you dipshit

"the love that dare not speak its name"

I'd way sooner fly the union jack than that abortion of shitstained toilet paper that are the stars and bars

You do. The colours of your flag were inspired by ours. Also, the 13 stripes represent the original British colonies.

Why would Americans want to fly the Union Jack???

There'll be a nice moon and star on it soon anyway. Fuck the Union Flag


Never knew the UK was located in the north American continent. But those states that were involved are still located here. Or I am mistaken and op wants the UK to stop flying the union jack since it's empire has long fell apart...


Uh, because we aren't Great Britain?

By the attempted meme infographic's logic, we should also be flying the Japanese flag. And Germany. And Italy.

you can't make me


Yet it's not illegal or a hate crime here


how do bong schools handle your empire getting fucking destroyed by inbred yanks and french men in an improvised militia?

>St. Patrick's flag
>American Revolution

*sips tea*

My neighbor does. Actually there are three, maybe four britbongs in my town. Why are you all coming to the middle of bumfuck nowhere brits?

>empire reached peak 150 years later

He's making a point about Americans that fly the Confederate Battle Flag. People that fly it always fall back on "muh heritage" ignoring the obvious implications of it because they're too embarrassed to admit that they're barely 3 generations removed from actual slaveowners.

*gargles cum*

I don't know bud, because the confederate flag is a flag that murricans actually fought for?

maybe because the war of northern aggression was something that was fought over smaller independent nations vs federalization?

The war of northern aggression was literally the beginning of the modern globalist vs nationalist dichotomy

>they're too embarrassed to admit that they're barely 3 generations removed from actual slaveowners

I bet there's about ten guys in the whole country that fly the flag of the Confederacy and are actually descended from slave owners

>didnt even try to recolonize america during its peak
>settles for burning down a building and getting BTFO by a hurricane

I have a Union Jack in my house. Love the brits

Because your cities are little Mexico

>your empire getting fucking destroyed by inbred yanks
>American """"""""""education""""""""""
Holy shit, you're a fucking retard. Our empire was pretty much in it's middle stage, when we lost your meme war. It didn't peak until the late 1800's/early 1900's.

>*gargles cum*
what the fuck


>declares war
>doesnt consider your side getting destroyed
"b-but our empire was still existing" ok semantic fag, you got BLOWN THE FUCK BACK then, is that better?

The point is that that's the single issue the Confederacy stood for.
>But muh state's rights
Yeah, your state's right to own slaves.

Because the Irish in America won't soon forget centuries of theft, rape and slavery.
Hang yourself

Because backwoods Dixie retards are proud of being backwoods Dixie retards, but we'd all rather be retarded than proud to be a former colony

now thats a nice post, my fellow countryman

>Yeah, your state's right to own slaves.
Really? Every war ever fought was fought ove money. Every soldier that ever fought was told it was a humanitarian/nationalist cause. Grow up, sugartits.

yeah they will

It's wrong because Americans can and do fly the British flag.

Any American citizen who's proud of their British heritage is welcome to display it wherever they want.

Thank Napoleon, he kept them busy.

they teach us the good bits and dont tell us how it ended

>be engaged in conflicts with other European powers across the globe
>dedicate troops to conflicts which threaten our actual empire or income streams
>leave the reserves to fight burgers and frogs
>150 years later the descendants of niggers and burgers thinks his great great grandfather personally BTFO'd the most powerful Empire in history
nice try white minority

>Every war ever fought was fought ove money.
That's correct, and there's no better example than the American civil war on this issue. I'm not quite sure what your point is, or how this is even remotely dismissive of the fact that slaveowners and sympathisers fought because of a natural incentive to defend their economic way of life, but that doesn't excuse them at all. Chattel slavery doesn't have a moral leg to stand on, and that people still insist that others who continue to fly this flag are somehow vindicated in the matter is beyond confusing.

>not 1804

>Just try and tell me how this picture is wrong.
that's the Union Flag from 1800.

Wtf, we don't fly our flag because we lost a war once. We're reaching levels of autism that shouldnt be possible.

He's talking about the War of 1812. Crumpetcunts burnt down the whitehouse after we tried freedoming Canada

It wasn't a slave issue, it was a fight over the power of the federal government and who was going to control it. Who was bankrolling the norths industrialization? That's who the south was fighting. If slavery was so fucking preeminent why wasn't the Emancipation Proclamation only signed as a method of fucking with the Confederacy in 1862.

flying the british flag isn't illegal in the USA. The thing is, people aren't forced to fly the dixie, they choose to and the whole concept is being allowed to do so in a free country, just the same as they wouldn't get flack for flying the union jack

>*gargles cum*