Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.

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>muh memo that comey wrote

This is just Trump springing the trap on Comey like he warned he would. Trump's the guy who bugged himself going way back into the 1980s. Of course he knew that Comey was shady and he took steps to protect himself.

Watch this video, Trump keeps tapes around forever, too.


Prepare yourselves anons, this is just a pre-happening before the real happening.

>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo


>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo

More distraction from #SETHRICH #WIKILEAKS

Holy shit today really is the day of Happenings


But but... Trump has tapes of Comey, and Comey only met with Trump 3 times since the start of his administration.


TFW shills are using more reputable source images (Drudge Report) to try and make their own fecal matter look more trustworthy.

Do everyone in this galaxy a favor, and go inhale some agent orange.

Fresh reporting from NBC's Pete Williams: Seth Rich's laptop did not have emails to WikiLeaks. And FBI never had it.


He doesn't demand he end it. He says 'I hope you can let this go'. Very different

>all these Trumpcucks in denial
The sooner you realize that not everything you don't want to hear is 'fake news', the sooner you'll realize that Trump is an incompetent faggot and his administration is imploding in record time.

>I have a defense for everything, it's all just 582347D Kit-N-Kaboodle, T-Dawg can literally (and I don't mean figuratively) do no wrong.
Don't you ever feel like an idiot?

>Is asked to testify on "russian interference" by congress countless times
>Never states that Trump is pressuring him to drop the case
>Gets fired
>Claims that Trump pressured him to drop the case and instead of giving the "memo" to the proper authorities, leaks it to the press

>He says 'I hope you can let this go'. Very different
Hmm, lets see here
>>pls stop investigating
>>pls stop
>I need more money to investigate
He wanted to stop the investigation. He fired Comey because he wouldn't bend the knee. Plain as day.

We won brothers

We finally caught Trump red handed

Good night Nazis

They're so scared!! Comey was their last hope. Now they have nothing but lies and fake news.

Drown yourself

0.0000001¢ saged

stop trying to slide the real news
blumpf BTFO

Sage isn't a downvote, retard.

We have got to do something to stop all these god damn leaks!

>we never had the laptop
>but we know their were no wikileaks e-mails on it
>DC police have the laptop
>but there's no reason for them to have it

Comey worried about his obstruction of justice and assistance in the fabrication of evidence to cover up murders for thr DNC. The CIA Black Ops deep State media are going ballistic now. Anyone who still says "Russia meddled in the election is an accompliss.

So they've never seen the laptop but they say there's no emails on it? kek

I don't know if you guys know, but trump is the president of the united states.

yall acting like some random in the streets is trying to influence world politics and shit, yall needa get your act together

still obstruction and it was a threat he executed on by firing him
it's fucking over, nigger

Nobody cares.

The deep state has no authority.

Seth Rich was a hero that saved our nation.

The least we can do for him is bring his killers to justice. (John Podesta, Hillary Clinton)

This man might have saved us all from WW3. One brave young man.

We must bring him justice. His spirit demands it. God demands it.

We must be the sword of God's justice in this world.

says increasingly nervous man for 6,000,000th time



he never asked for money. The problem is most of the stories, such as that one have been retracted an non-factual but they are still seen as fact because no one follows up with it past the headline.

One of many reasons. There are tons of legit reasons Comey should have been canned, line the fact the FBI allowed over 10 incidents of terrorism occur when they were following the perpetrator.

Cool our president is practicing coercion. That surely proves him right.

Getting real tired of these shills

>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo
>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo
>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo
>The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo


quit LARP'ing like you have some balls

You know what's funny nigger? I phoned the times and read them the "memo" myself. LOL.

Can we see the memo?

>post yfw we just keep winning

can the liberal salt mine holdout?

How is this winning? This presidency is disastrous and Trump is losing supporters daily.

More balls than your multicultural self, faggot.

Lets say the MSM is telling the whole truth (lie) and this did happen. Trump asked the DOJ to back off of an investigation. How is this so bad? What if it is a lie and Trump was telling Comey so? Do you know what was said? Do you even know if it is true? Why are there so many "unnamed" sources? Why are we falling into the style of european journalism? Why are you trusting the corporate media? Is it because homosexuals can marry and transvestites can use the bathroom of their choice?

Well when this nation falls I will congratulate you! You were able to let faggots marry and pee in the bathroom they like! You are saving the planet!

>he doesnt see the bigger picture

not an argument

you are going to get so btfoed soon hahahah

MEMO - I take a piece of paper write down something and call it a memo.
We need a proof. Not memo.

It's finally coming to a end Drumpfkins


Holy shit it makes sense now.

Memo politics blows fuck ass. A bunch of worthless faggots blowing air.

you don't even own a gun, nigger
and most likely never fired one

I'm not Trump, i'll be just fine.

, , >what's funny nigger? I phoned the times and read them the "memo" myself. LOL.
Perhaps some of the more stupid anons on the right--who undoubtedly will have been /r/the_donald immigrants--will begin to see that Sup Forums for some actually had been a satire board all along.

>it's great that we're propelling the walking disaster in the making forward to be president in a cycle the Democrats weren't supposed to win anywayt Sup Forums
>keep it up!

>Trump has audio of every word uttered in those meetings
>Comey has memos and "highlights"
>Trump knew what was said
>anticipated Comey might go after him after getting fired
>issues fair warning

This will be John Miller x100

You do realize it is on its way to the NYT and to Congress right? Comey has been exonerated many times through his career in things like this.

What will your excuse be then? Suicide?

That Mattis' number in McMaster's hand?



the john miller tape blew up in trump's face as will this



>inb4 breibart

It may as well be over at this point. Honestly, at this rate, with a scandal literally every week, Demonrats will take over both chambers next year. Trump might be retarded.

Who has the balls here to call Maddog?

you shills went from there are no tapes, to what tapes, to tapes are illegal, to tapes will get him in trouble by blowing up in a couple days kek

Except that isn't what's being investigated

Look what happened to Loretta Lynch after she met with Bill Clinton.......nothing.

It may as well be over at this point. Honestly, at this rate, with a scandal literally every week, Demonrats will take over both chambers of congress next year. Trump might be retarded

>you shouldn't lie about our interactions because I will prove you wrong.

That's a cute line for a libshit.

All this shit is being posted is a method to drive us away from Seth Rich..

stop falling for this shit.

user called earlier, went to Mad Dogs voicemail.


Who said anything about lying?

has there been a shred of proof about tapes?
no one has changed position on anything yet

Don't understand. Why he waited till now if he perceived this as an obstruction? Also McCabe said that there wasn't any interference.

Also Seth Rich

Jesus, if we're following this weeks pattern
>Spin Comey firing saying you were just following the AG's recommendation
>Trump blows that up in an interview and makes him look terrible
>casually disclose classified shit to Russians, would be okay if not for Israel saying don't fucking tell anyone, and the fact it's Russia of all people. but still have your respected national security guy deny it
>Trump admits it in a fucking tweet
>Trump apparently wanted to shut down the Flynn investigation
You can't even compare Trump to Nixon at this point, Nixon at least was smart enough to not have this shit happen when he's only about a third of the way through his FIRST year. Trump reminds me of my druggie brother, who has a weird compulsion to JUST his own shit when he's doing ok. and this is some high energy self JUSTing going on

Well there's your leaker right there.

>lynch talks about her children and chelsea
>this is a problem

>proof about tapes
Trump's been taping everything for decades user, this is well known.

>Trump might be retarded
He might have a tenuous relationship with the Truth.

> doragnold plumpfff is finished xDD

Haven't already heard that line a hundred times.


Surely this will be the end of Drumpf!

>trump Russian collusion

Not a conspiracy

>suspicious murder with connections to the dnc

Toatally nonsense conspiracy!

>he still thinks it's about trump

Lol trump is just a vessel

Nixon was in his second term

People on Twitter are crying for impeachment. Like, for real this time.

I'm afraid, please hold me.

So Comey directed people not to investigate Seth Rich. The very next day after the story comes out, Comey does this...hmmmm....

>Be Illuminati
>Horribly unpopular
>Only candidate you can beat is a sick old lady that can barely walk
>Rig the DNC so she wins the primary
>LIterally lose the popular vote but win presidency because of fraud
Damn its good to be Dolan Glumpf

Oh no! It's a little known clause that presidential impeachment proceedings can be initiated by Twitter

And what is stopping them from Lying?

Seth Rich murder!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is LITERALLY fake news.

that's what I mean, we are not even to the half way point of Trumps first year and he's already getting genuine Nixon comparisons. But seriously the dumb fuck has done literally everything he can to pour gasoline on the Russia fire, when ironically it was just starting to peter out. Either he's gone into full mad man mode or he's been a democratic plant all along, and I can't decide which is the truth

not bad, for a leaf

Hehehahashsadahe 4d underwater chess seth rich cover up fake news story some evidence maybe rich was talking with wikileaks possible maybe collusional fake news story wapo ran by podesta


The investigation continued. Trump did *not* order or demand or even request Comey to stand down or stop the investigation.

>In testimony to the Senate last week, the acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, said, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”

This story is a big handful of nothin'.

>Implying Trump won the election because of fraud in HIS favor

How does it feel to have zero understanding of the shit going on around you?>\