Jews and Duel-Citizen Israelis should be expelled from America


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but then the president and his family would have to leave



All duel citizenship should be eliminated or the concept of citizenry should be done away with. They're not consistent with each other.


But to be practical, we'll have to prioritize like for illegals. There are so many in the government that it would take time and effort to get a smooth transition.


I'm not sure what the point of it is (nice dual nines tho) but at the very least it should preclude a person from holding any kind of governmental job. You can't serve two masters.

>Born in USA
>Serve in Isreali military
>Come back to US and become involved in politics
Nothing shady about this.

this makes sense, but it's sort of backwards, right? The jews are the ones Encouraging illegal immigration and halting our efforts to stop it to begin with-- What you're proposing is a catch 22.

Well, I mean, even if you wanted to do it by a military coup type operation to rid of them all at once without crippling our government structures, you'd probably still be up shit creek due to the number of Jews in positions of power in the military.

I'm just saying I think you'd have to clear them out layer by layer just to be able to do it at all. So probably a series of laws, e.g. first stop new ones from coming in, then say they can't hold elected office, etc.

What's the alternative? A Hitlerian Putsch?

Good points..what do you think would be a good first step? Outlawing the federal reserve bank and debt currency?

For the Federal Reserve, I think nationailzation is in order. Trump will have the forseeable ability to appoint I think maybe as many as 3 new governors, so that's a sensible way to get started that wouldn't upset the apple cart as much as using the War Powers Act to nationalize it outright or something. Trump is a hard deal-maker, and there would be ways to compel it to come to heel for the short term with proper reform being a longer-term plan.

But as a first step, why not something as simple as an EO that says all dual citizens are fired from the executive branch as of, say, a month from now. Replacements would have to be lined up ahead of time, and it could be necessary to allow for a limited number of waivers for positions where it's just not practical to get the existing person out within a month.

Yeah...I want more cutthroat action that isn't dependent on singular political figures....the second a dem got in they'd just reverse everything


I've always thought what we really need to do is get this in to a constitutional amendment. That's a much more decentrilized process and no easy feat to undo.

And Congress (which created the Federal Reserve in the first place) can eliminate or modify it.

I'm just thinking about how to get to a point where we could feasibly achieve longer-lasting effects.

good point, reddit.

not a bad point.

>admitting that reddit is smarter than you

Why is this NOT a bi-partisan (or what's left of it lol) issue???? I mean Liberals all like pretending to feel sorry for the Palestine people yet won't even listen to someone like David Duke all because of their (((Hollywood))) Idea of the KKK for ages ago. They don't call TV shows a "program" for nothing


>yet won't even listen
You say that like Duke is reasonable. Not even conservatives want to associate with him since he's basically the caricature of the "alt-right" now, spamming cuck and all.

Because of the constant spamming of Shoah and Holohoax shit that jews keep doing. It's wearing off though, so they're starting to get antsy. They'll be expelled again #110 when the normies bug out.

I haven't listened to Duke extensively at all, but every time I've heard him, he's come off as being remarkably reasonable, intelligent, and learned. I was kind of hoping he'd get his seat back in Congress (or at least in state government) to religitimize his political record.

you can't have allegiance to both a Jewish state and a secular republic. you have to pick one.

A lot of what Duke says is obvious though--it's just that he's out there saying them, and getting tarred for's not really of concern--there has to be a way of redpilling more efficiently, without the kikes having the ability to ad-hominem the source. like they've succeeded in doing with Duke.


Oh, I agree. But it's easy to do character assassination with individuals who have no current platform or opportunity to demonstrate anything to the contrary.

Duke obviously is damaged goods at this point, and you'd rather there be fresh blood to use instead, but the more people like him that can demonstrate legitimacy, the better it does for the general level of common sense and what is considered to be normal. In this sense, even these oddball e-celeb types are I think a net good, despite their various flaws.

dual everyone.

a lot of the e-celebs (probably 75-80%) are literal kikes though, heh.


heh yeah. But I put that in my large "well you have to start somewhere" file. At least it gets people thinking about social and government hypocracy. That makes it easier to start with common sense things like dual citizens, which I really think is something almost everybody should be able to agree on.

no need to go that far. A constitutional amendment banning dual citizens from public office would be enough, and would be a "Duh(I thought we already had that)" for the typical citizen

I think there's almost too much stress on personality and not enough on the mechanics of how the average American is getting fucked by (((Credit cards, the Fed, debt currency, illegal immigration, BLACKED shit, usury, kike wars in the middle east, etc.)))--if we focused more on just stopping the actual bullshit most of us instinctively know is foul, we could get somewhere...leave it to the kikes to reveal themselves and 'make it personal.'

dual citizenships is a duel tho, an oxymoron but not really when you think about it

you can't have it both ways

another zinger, plebbiztz

Unfortunately we're in an escalatingly emotional period of time. What I'd been hoping was that post-election doldrums would lead to more practical discussions, whether they be of the sort you mentioned or about strategy related to the ongoing sequence of European elections and the unanswered question of what to do about the EU.

But that's a little difficult when every few days our presidential reality show cranks out another cliffhanger.

It's all manufactured by jews. I haven't believed a lick of this shit since the beginning. It's a two-way street, I realize, but this shadow-gubmint shit is obscene. I don't know how normies can look at this and be like 'everything is fine.' We know too much at this point to respect anything about the governments we live under in the west. It's a complete sham.

They must choose one country, no more back and forth.

We tried that. His name was Ron Paul. Remember how that went down.
Have small government, be a good person.
The time for logic is likely over. the general public.
We have all the data(racial, immigration, two parent household, not being a degenerate), being right does not let us win.

I don't talk politics very much IRL, but when I do, or when I listen to conversations, it generally reminds me of what you'd hear during top-of-the-hour headline news in your car on the way to work and suchlike. I don't think the average person is looking at the same things Sup Forums is, let alone thinking as critically.

Although in the ~10 years I've been working at it, there really has been a monumental shift in the tenor of discussion on the internet. Now that we're at the point where people wear kekistan flags in public and the news reports on Shia's flag, I really wonder if there might be a substantial latent positive shift in normie discourse.

bump, please!


sure. just dont send them back to Israel because that's what Jews want.

I've always thought the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was underutilized. However, if we were all to implement some kind of sensical border policies then maybe it would be fitting to send them all to their "Holy Land" anyway.

I hear Israeli and Diaspora Jews don't exactly see eye to eye all the time, so I'm OK with that punishment. Besides, they have a demographic problem in Israel and need more Jews to keep the game going. They should welcome the addition.

Just get them out.

>Jews complain theres not enough room now..have to expand settlements
>Let's send all 16 million Jews worldwide to Israel..they totally wont form Greater Israel to house all the new Jews like their desert nigger religion commands them to do

How you mean like the first time they allied with Hitler to do the EXACT same thing and turned their coat on German using them as scapegoat sacrifice ? What's new.

>How you mean like the first time they allied with Hitler to do the EXACT same thing
did Hitler send the Jews to Israel or nah? nope.
did Hitler create the State of Israel? nope.
Is Israel a mythical land like Narnia? yup.

Imagine in another ten years. We've only just begun.

Well, I mean I don't see that Israel is a legitimate state in the first place. But I'd rather they go be Jewish in the desert and knock heads wither other barbaric, backward people than interfere with legitimate countries to which they owe no allegiance. That's why I suggested JAO, but there's really no reason why desert people problems have to be our problems to the extent that they are other than that we have too many desert people here.

>But I'd rather they go be Jewish in the desert and knock heads wither other barbaric
Israel is a nuclear armed State.

>when you do what your enemies want, you win.


Do duel-citizens use pistols or are any weapons used in these duels?

So what? As long as we have the defensive capabilities to neutralize an Israeli chimp-out, which we should anyway, since there are other beligerant nuclear states out there, then it should be of little concern.

Additionally, another common sense way to begin would be to cut foreign aid to Israel because it hasn't signed the NNPT. Maybe then they wouldn't turn around and use that to pay for free vacations for our congressmen to go get their marching orders. And then demand all past payments back at interest. We don't have to play paddy cakes with these people. There's nothing wrong with treating them fairly.

No, the first step has to be something that gets those starniggers out of congress and the supreme court. They must be stripped of power somehow.

>As long as we have the defensive capabilities to neutralize an Israeli chimp-out
>I dont know what the Sampson option is

>I don't know about what we'd have to do if Russia's modern variant of the dead hand system were to fire off

no, I like jews. this website, this board specifically keeps proving to me that the jews truly are the master race.

who brought up about russia? youre not CTR, are you?

Yah. I mean, we're pretty far at present from being in a position to debate just where they should go or how they get there.

But at the outset I brought up prioritization of the deportation of illegals for a reason. I think what we're facing is a situation where we have to change the incentives so that people who don't have a legitimate reason to be here to leave. And, considering we need to utilize the power of the Federal Reserve for the time being, I would not decry providing a minor amount of help to get them resettled.

You brought up what to do about the Samson Option. I brought up a sufficiently comparable situation in terms of mandating a certain level of military capability.

>You brought up what to do about the Samson Option.
You can't do anything about the sampson when its too late.

If Israel's Plot fails, the only outcome is exposure and imprisonment for ALL those involved. It wont even get that far. They'll nuke everything if they have to die anyway.

Guess we'd better rev up those secret weapons programs :^)

I think the Jews are probably advanced enough to deal with low-IQ Muslims short of having to nuke them all. We'll even be nice and stop arming, funding, and training them.

i didnt say theyd nuke Muslims.
i said theyll nuke the world if their Plot fails...

stop doing what Jews want.

Yes, I know they'd nuke the whole world in that case. I'm just saying that I think they're more clever than to resort to that.

Now, in terms of containing Israeli expansion, that would come from force vectors other than blowing things up. It's not as though we are in any position to cut off all relations, but we certainly are in a position to negotiate, to leverage international bodies, and to impose conditionalities. If "Israel has a right to exist" is what they want, then we can work around that as an opening offer.

>I'm just saying that I think they're more clever than to resort to an option they themselves created for this exact scenario

u wot m8?

They could blow everything up right now if they wanted. I'm just pointing out they don't seem to want that.

We could blow everything up, too. I don't think we want that, either. So who cares? It's not like I suggested we send bulldozers and airdrop zyklon B.

Okay but enough of this international parasitic banking cartel shit. If they want to be independent and exist as a separate state, or one nation among equals, they need to stop being fucking kikes and wrecking other nations as a matter of their own state policy. You can't have a 'truce' with someone who's actively fucking you over.


go play dumb somewhere else, ples.

Agreed. Taking our banks back is a necessity. And they will have to play by the rules of civilized countries if they want any of the benefits of being included in any international group of advanced nations.

I mean, I'm all for just renting the Jewish Autonomous Oblast from Russia and putting them there until they die out from lack of demographic maintenance, but I'm willing to compromise. After all, it's not like I'm going to demand all the vikings go back to scandinavia or all the europeans gtfo the US. For better or for worse, things do change when you let them persist for too long.

By the way this should be stated ON THE RECORD, as a part of negotiations. No more of this zionist behind the curtains fuckery. It needs to be shown the the world what dastardly shit they're pulling as a warning and testament for them to never get involved in it again.

>I'm just pointing out they don't seem to want that.
t. kike

Well the key difference is (apart from some LARPers is suppose) the jews actually do use their religion as a symbolic representation of their enduring separateness. They will, as far as judaism is concerned, never ever ever ever integrate with society. Their religion promotes supremacism. This could present a problem, but it's nothing we haven't dealt with before--the Japanese were an ethnic identity that believed in a somewhat analgous enthno-relgion Shino, and when we basted them with nuclear fire, we ACTUALLY CHANGED THE NATURE OF THEIR RELIGION to reflect the fact that the Emperor was simply symbolic. I think something like this must be done with the jews to retard their flight to the answer 'kill all the goyim' whenever things get tough.

And by the way the Oblast thing did not work. The Kazar type eventually bleed into russia and germany and fuck things up. Keep them with the muzlims who are fucked up anyways, like themselves.

MAGA tards would strongly disagree.


Why do you say that? My memory is fuzzy, but I seem to recall excitedly MAGAposting during the campaign at one point when Trump intimated maybe we shouldn't have dual citizens running the government.

Kind of one of those Trump teaser trial balloons, but I don't think he dropped that one because he was trying to recruit stormfront or something.

Who cares, this isn't even about them or him. It's about the long term goal of actually setting things right in this country. Maga are basically normies that haven't been redpilled yet on the JQ. They must be forced to consume it and digest that motherfucker.

we need Caucasoid white Christian people to move there and be granted dual-citizenship and undermine their country the ways that (((they))) undermine every other country that (((they))) reside in. Think Barbara Lerner Specter in Sweden and that ki-e in Norway that said that Norway is too white. And that vile creature in Germany that said that Germany exists to ensure the survival of Is-ra_hell. No Shlomo the new paradigm is that Is-ra-hell exists only to serve the worlds' population and the society will be "open" like George Schwartz Soros says with his Open Society. Which means no borders and unlimited migration. Of course this will apply to fake Israel in the Middle East and New Khazaria, Khazakhstan if the Khazars go back there to set up a new foothold when Talmudic fake Is-ra-hell ends. Notice the word "ends" Neo-con parasite David Frum has an article in the new issue(May 2017) of The Atlantic, ( called "The Plan to End Europe". Well Mr. Kenite Khazar Frum, how about an article from the sons and daughters of Europe, wherever they may reside in the world, called, "The Plan to End Fake Talmud Khazar Kenite Is-ra-hell". Sounds like a great article, Pulitzer Prize winning in fact.

I like this idea and think it's a possible approach--One challenge is that the choice to be a christian is that--the faith etc. It's not based on your race. And these fake kike faggots have this whole idea in their head that they're actually ancient hebrews with a lineage that goes back to the tribes of judea. That's why there's things like 'atheistical jews' and 'orthodox jews.' We must get rid of this notiion of the jewish race--which may or may not have basis in actual fact--the idea is we have to propagandize it out of existence, because if we don't they'll always have this claim of legitimacy as a basis for citizenship that is not available to goyim.

Which reminds me. If Israel is a country with really very Hitlerian eugenical immigration laws, should we allow them to come over on visas all the time?

If they have such backward practices about diversity, maybe they belong in a penalty box.

No I think the thing I've learned about kikes is that they're smart, but they're also retarded in a way--they're so neurotic that if you cozy up to them and flatter them, they'll get so puffed up you can literally wreck their shit. Just imagine being a little schlomo who has been brought up to think the world is his oyster and everyone should bow to him or her, but to find that in fact they're these weak gross looking faggots that are entitled to no worldly love, and are in fact hated with a passion--Now is where you come in. You say, 'oh woooow schlomo, you're so good at this counting business, here's this girl I used to date, you can fugg her. woow' And once you've got them, then you really turn the screws. The same thing works on an international level. Be out front walk in the kike parades, say how wonderful they are in public...but in private destroy them, wreck them, black them. We owe nothing to them. We own zero sympathy.

I've lived around them for a long time. Ingratiation doesn't get you anywhere. Maybe it gets you a nice dinner from the mom and a tip or a connection from the dad.

The way to deal with them is to be every bit as hardassed as they are, if not more. If you let yourself get jewed, they will see it as that's what you deserve. But, as long as you keep things rational, they will tend to back down and look for a different in.

Oh I agree--Like I said, they'll never integrate. What I described is an interim strategy--Get int their good graces to get in close to destroy their domestic infrastructure, and force them to leave. Make things uncomfortable for them--but never give them an out to say they're being literally shoah'd...and then when they're in a pathetic state, simply flick the switch and say "wouldn't you rather be with your familam back in mama yisro?"

Maybe they would like "safe spaces" where they could all, uh, "concentrate" together...

I disagree. Exterminate American Jewry with nukes pointed at Israel and maybe they'll get the message.

That's not subtle...that's simply handing them the excuse they need to blast out on the international press that they're being oppressed and need foreign invaders to come save them from being shoah'd. No, we first need to dispossess them of their sucesses, covertly. And then when they're begging for help we can send them to mama. And once they're there the true negotiations can begin. i.e. destroy their kike bank system etc.

It's not like you were being very subtle.

But I think you're quite right by going after more abstract vectors, such as banking. We could include laws and media as well -- good for them if they culturally place an emphasis on vectors of control, but it's really not appropriate for any tiny minority to be dictating to the majority their own foreign cultural values. I wouldn't want that from the Muslims or the Chinese or the Indians or anything else. So I would propose that the "infrastructure" to go after should be not the physical infrastructure like rounding them up in ghettos but rather the infrastructure of influencing society that they wind up using to impose upon their hosts.

I think this could most easily be done by means of a national religion--something like Russian Orthodoxy used to be--moral codes to complement the legal structure.


That's tough, though. I think what we're really going back and forth about is a question of how to maintain freedom and self-preservation. The entire West is predicated in some sense on the division between Church and State that came about when the Western half of Rome collapsed but the Roman Catholic church remained -- that was kind of the end of theocracy. And then when the US was founded in part on the principle of being able to practice other sects of Christianity without being bothered by the state, which is an amplification of the same notion, then reiterated by the development of an extensive system of checks and balances in our early governments.

But, at the same time, it simply does not make sense to allow any tiny minority to dictate their way of life on the rest of us. That's not "live and let live." You don't have liberty at that point, and so it becomes the rightful role of the government to intervene and regulate.

So the question is: what regulations are needed in order that Jews and Israel don't exert inappropriate influence on our great nation? I think the implementation of state religion would not be our best solution, although undoubtedly that which is incompatible with Christianity is obviously incompatible with our country.

>The Final Solution

I'd been sayin this for a while. I feel bad for the normal non uberkikey Jews, I wouldn't want them to get violently pogrom'd. This is the only peaceful way

our countries would have to amend our constitutions to never allow Jews back in though, under ANY circumstances. Jews are too much of a risk to allow a few good ones, it doesn't take much the avaricious, unscrupulous, nespotistic ones fuck it all up and you get everyone hating the Jews and shoahing them all over again

US / Israeli citizen here.

You should be more tolerant, goy

>I think this could most easily be done by means of a national religion--something like Russian Orthodoxy used to be--moral codes to complement the legal structure.

Folkish Paganism, Odinism/Asatru, Rodnoverye.... Indigenous European faiths would be the way

keep the niggers, chinks and spics out of our ethnostate as well. Balkanization, give the niggers a piece of the pie (they're only what, 13% pop?), same as the spics, give em their own Mehico-Lite, and tellem to pound sand and stay the fuck out of our own ethnostate

Nonwhites should be expelled from america. Thomas Jefferson even wrote up a plan to do so.

Join our white nationalist discord server:

we are the good guys

we can do this the easy way, or the arbeit macht frei way...

>from public office
>what is aipac and jstreet

Trump says he wants to do something about the lobbyists. Maybe we need "extreme vetting" for lobbyists to confirm whether they are foreign interests subverting our government.

Fuck that. Set me up with a Canadian girl so I can get free healthcare, and I might spare your life.
