Anti Erdogan Protesters get BTFO

This is by the Turkish embassy near DC. Islamists are attacking Americans on our soil. What do Sup Forums ?

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Kem*lists must be hanged.

Will Trump expel the violent diplomats and their goons?

Hahah, I thought this was in Turkey till I saw signs

Time for cops to start using lethal force

not islamists. turkish patriots.

not kemalists/secularists. kurdish terrorists.

There are plenty of cucks who want (((democracy)))

Those supporting Erdogan are islamists hell bent on destroying Ataturk's legacy.

kys burgershit

That sheboon cop was pretty useful.

holy shit, even Erdogan got a few licks in

Also notice how no one in a suit was arrested.

Bitch they got diplomatic immunity

yeah that's what I guessed. Fucking retarded, shoot them all, that's an act of war.

>Will Trump expel the violent diplomats and their goons?
Then democrats can scream about Trump expelling allies.

Damn I would have loved to brutally beat some roaches

All the guys in green tops and brown pants are armed.

That redhead got fucked up, also how do you support Erdogan but dont live in turkey? Majority of turks in sweden and germoney voted for him as well but they are eating our benefits so i can see why the roaches stay, but in US?

Shilling for "the homeland" is quite common among even second and third generation "Americans" here unfortunately. Why I don't accept anyone who doesn't call himself 100% American.

Wtf? Kill these fuckers


this is the one time I've actually thought there might be a literal roach on the computer typing. kys

>how do you support erdogan but dont live in turkey?

How do you support Trump but dont live in USA? How do you support FN but dont live in France?

is this normal in burgerland? you know, foreign dignitaries kicking the shit out of US citizens?

>is this normal in burgerland?


how do you support swedish democrats but not live in somalia kek
