Why is so common to see degenerate women like this nowadays?

Why is so common to see degenerate women like this nowadays?

kill yourself


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Because you can't get off the damn internet and do things out in real life.

its the kikes man, they've been working on turning you Mexicans in to Niggers since day one.

I warned some bean-nigger friends of mine back in the early 2000's, they all just laughed it off thinking that some how they were such mucho hambres that it would never happen.

Guess what faggot. It happened to the pioneer European settlers who have been the fiercest and most successful race at conquering / murdering competitors.

You guys were worthy adversaries and real men who were worthy to fall in combat to.

However, you ultimate are just our left overs, it's already happened.


that doesn't make any sense, mong

Because you keep searching for it on the internet.

They want your women to be married to the state. The first step is to make your women completely undesirable as wives.

No man wants to wife a whore.

Now that the woman is single and no one will take care of her, she will vote to get support from the state.

This makes it easy for communist to get into office by appealing to the female vote.

l don't though.

now this makes sense.
Okay, l do understand that they want to poison all women. But, regardless of age, beliefs, customs, social class or education, why are most of the women so prone to be degenerate?

Yea, the state wants the women to destroy themselves.

They are somehow, most of the time easily persuaded.

And often take the easy way out.

Time and time again. Mostly the younger generations.

Because your virginity is literally unending and eternal, OP.

Of course, it just downloaded itself onto your hard drive without you doing anything at all

Ignore slide threads, sage slide threads

Help us investigate Seth's Rich case, join us here in the threads or in The_Donald, we will expose these bastards and send them were they belong, in a Jailcell

internet and contraception

Someone please give me the sauce on this porn star.

Holy sheeit

>being a virgin in mkxico
literally impossible my Asian friend

>why is it so common to see [thing]
Because you're looking for it, that's why. You're obsessed with the idea of degeneracy like so many others. Naturally you "see everywhere" what you think about all the time user.

Fuck off Barron you full kit wanker

meh l just saw it on another board and yep l find the girl attractive but later it made me think


Because they're overdosing on ice cream