
Sup Forums - we MUST get this trending!

This is his LAST chance.

> #RunElonRun
> #RunElonRun
> #RunElonRun
> #RunElonRun

Our guy is LITERALLY being duped by a gold digging whore and he's TOO dense to fucking realize it!

Fuck him, he deserves whatever he gets.

The ONLY reason she's even trying with this guy is because she has bigger balls than him

(Oh and the fact he was duped TWICE by the same wife).

Holy shit, Elon, RUNN!

>tfw turbo rich
>get hella lady 'tention pick out a qt
>come home from genius level work to be greeted with the news that she's pregnant and wants to make plans to get married
>tell her that you had a vasectomy 4 months before meeting her and the only live sperm you have is sealed away in a laboratory vault
>get "kicked out" of your million dollar condo for the night because she is screaming upset
>get nearly a hundred calls the next morning asking to meet for lunch and to discuss getting an abortion because she thinks she was raped while unconscious.

fucking bitch.
now i realize i will never see my tesla 3 delivered.

elaborate on the last four points

try harder

gotta fuck someone right?
this guy is going to colonize mars and has changed the automotive industry in 10 years.
lets not start thinking this bimbo is going to screw us over

How is he going to colonize mars when she takes all his money??

>How to kill an electric car.

Good riddance.

she will get a nobel peace prize after she robs him of his ill gotten gains (obviously ill gotten because he is a WHITE MALE) and forms her own charity for blacks in africa and donates 100,000 american pesos to it. she gets to keep the rest of the money as she obviously earned it having to suffer and put up with him LITERALLY RAPING HER.

>SAY IT WITH ME........... /our girl/ MADAM MUSK!!!!!!!

Mang - if she fucks with his brain he aint colonizing SHIT if she's colonizing his colon.

> Please dude - she's here to sqeeze him like a Goose that lays Golden Eggs.
Literally. Ironically. Slutificationally.

lucky him, to have a girl as hot as she

Elon knows exactly what he's doing. He knows women are vapid whores so he'll pay a little extra for a trophy wife.

> pay a little extra for a trophy wife.

Pay a little extra?? Like how much we talking? $1 BILLION+ maybe?
> Cuz that's what the ex-Wife is looking for btw

Nah. Heard is only good for fucking and throwing away. She is NOT marriage material.

Dude had his kids.

> #RunElonRUN!
> #RunElonRUN!

Ignore this stupid shit, Seth's death gave us the victory back in november, WE MUST RETURN HIM THE FAVOR, sage this shit, join us in the Seth threads or in The_Donald, STOP WASTING TIME REPLYING TO SHILLS, HELP US GET THESE TRAITORS IN JAIL

Sucks hes so autistic. Seems the only thing that will inevitable destroy him is women, rather than poor business decisions.

Oh for FUCKS sake dudes
I am NOT going back to ((((( T_D ))))!

That shit is long dead senpai.

And this aint no sage shit - this is actual modern local political shit we normal folk have to deal with.

I'll bump you Seth shit but this stays up here too.

Seth Rich is far more important, stop wasting time, we have to act now. It's the second meme war and we have to fight it NOW

Does this girl give the world's best blowjobs or something?

Or is it just that rich people only go out once a year to socialize, in very specific places, with very specific guest lists?

This guy is fucking insane to go anywhere near her.

He's an unattractive, autistic nerd who just had a goddess land in his lap. Of course he's going to fall for her. Men are all idiots when there's a pussy involved. Our brains didn't evolve for family court.

>fucking a hot actress without protection
>not giving a fuck because you're a GENIUS BILLIONAIRE
>40 year old autist neckbeards on an albanian basket weaving forum thinking they know better than you
stay mad faggots

Problem is, his pending $BILLION divorce might be the final straw that BREAKS MARRIAGE in America.

Either alimony laws in California will be flipped upside down (finally) or Marriage is DEAD.

If alimony laws are dead then that's great for Sup Forums

If however marriage is dead -- "Welcome, Chinese/Muslamic overlords"

> #RunElonRUN
> #RunElonRUN
> #RunElonRUN
The best bet is to get Elon himself to wise up and play her for a fool.

He will be red-pilling others by side effect.

There is no way in hell he doesnt get a pre-nup. Every lawyer in every one of his businesses will be screaming "GET A FUCKING PRE-NUP" should he decide to marry.

what the FUCK are you babbling on about
>assuming california law applies here
>assuming she has access to his billion $ net worth (comprised of business assests and investments)
>assuming she will even have access to his personal wealth unlike johnny fucklips
>again assuming he doesn't see #RunElonRUN and laugh in your virgin face

>>assuming she has access to his billion $ net worth (comprised of business assests and investments)

Perhaps you didn't realize what his xx-Wife wants?

> Preferred stock with OUT voting rights!
She wants the money with none of the responsibility.

>How surprising.

She's here only for his money.
> FFS She's even 'marking' him as her territory
Bitch only needs to just pee on him


>should he decide to marry.

All is lost at this point.

Can't wait for this con artist to get another divorce and then fade away into irrelevance along with all his delusional Elon Musk fanboys

>con artist..
makes rockets, what the fuck is your definition of con artist.

>smart man is actually stupid man

Sad but true.

Why do you faggots love riding this fucking self rightous bozo's cock?

I don't get it.

You act like he invented the light bulb.

He's just a balding CS nerd faggot that is just as crooked as bill gates.

>employs engineer that makes rocket.

ftfy nigger

the guy literally knows as much science as Bill Nye the cuckhold guy.

elon could have any girl but he would rather dig through someones cum napkin trash bin


>capitalism is bad
Fuck off, commie!

She literally broke out of one guy's mansion with fake makeup on and is crawling into this guy's trash bin.


Captain of Industry.
>knows nothing.
if it's so easy fuckhead why don't you become a billionaire, and when you whinge people other than myself might actually listen

>calls me commie


btw, i never said CAP is bad. Defeated your slav inbred society with it.

>cheeky snap

A new maymay?

>captain of industry.

calm down abbo nigger, not everyone made millions off of a merchant software and sold it to ebay, then started joint venture with multiple investors in a meme car called the tesla roadster.

>muh master in business

being a scumbag doesn't make you smart. It makes you lucky and opportunistic. I bet you think Trump is smart.

fuck, aussies are dumb.

Why is she dating an African American?


and yes, quit deepthroating elon musk.

you are gay enough.

Elon isn't our guy you fucking tards, he's CIA plant at best and a kike plant at worst (implying they aren't the same thing)