oh man just like they occupied that refuge that was closed in the woods then begged for donations while they ran out of food
Jose Baker
It wasn't me..........
Sebastian Young
feels good man.
Carson Wood
Josiah Baker
australians are such huge cucks
Elijah Martinez
Go Honeypot somewhere else.
Juan Hernandez
>All American militia is going to hunt him down and go ISIS all over Comey's shit. lol
Liam Sanchez
The man who leaked info to the press to help Nixon get impeached, Mark Felt, had his identity kept secret for 30 years due to fears he would be murdered. >June 1, 2005 at 8:44 AM >Deep Throat, the secret source whose insider guidance was vital to The Washington Post’s groundbreaking coverage of the Watergate scandal, was a pillar of the FBI named W. Mark Felt, The Post confirmed yesterday.
Leo Johnson
Yeah its getting bad over here m8. I sus that many people with oz flags on /pol are using proxies though.
Carson Roberts
US militia is crazyass. He should have tought it out beforehand. They had to pick trump over hildawg, otherwise those white boys would go mad.
Grayson Williams
The balance of power compels you!
Christian Kelly
Bullshit, conservatives are peace loving folk, they are always telling me about how violent those intolerant libtards are. And they have lots of respect of the law and the government. They were cool with a Muslim in the White House.
Ryder Brooks
Comey is an American hero. He's the American version of Kevin Vickers to Trump's Michael Zehaf-Bibeau.
Trump is a danger to western civilization and I genuinely hope someone shoots him in the head so I can see how empty it is.
Daniel Lopez
His memo was fucking nothing.
Noah Thompson
There is literally nothing wrong with eating cheeseburgers.
Jacob Ross
Trump would be martyred and a new era of American prosperity would be ushered in under President Pence. A Trump statue on every corner.
Levi Russell
Why was Trump defending Flynn so strongly?
Chase Parker
>MUH DADDY CAN DO NO WRONG fuck you, comey is a patriot
Brayden Lewis
It only takes one psycho
Isaac Stewart
Keep telling yourself that lol.
Obstruction of justice was the first charge in the articles of impeachment against Nixon and Clinton.
Trump looks good for two counts of it now, and more are certainly coming.
Samuel Morales
The memo is at the FBI. Comey literally could not have been the one to leak it what with him being fired.
Maybe next time let a dude clean out his desk and there won't be incriminating evidence found when his staff do it for him.
Asher Williams
>Should have kept quiet He has apparently. By now somebody from the media has got to have asked him if he wrote a memo or not. He must have taken his phone off the hook and is hiding behind curtains.
David Jackson
Cool fantasy bro.
Literally nobody cares about Trump besides half dead boomers and underage le_donald cuckboys.
Elijah Cook
funny, you all wanted him fired when he was "fucking hillary" such a change of heart one might even say, hypocritical
>funny, you all wanted him fired when he was "fucking hillary" Yes, with good reason.
Thing is he wasn't fired with a good reason.
It's like the difference between wanting Trump executed for treason and wanting Trump assassinated. There's a right way and a wrong way to do something.
Alexander Morgan
OP is aware that weekly, the public can see the IP addresses behind these posts, and VPN will not help you. no? Like, you're gonna get doxxed for this. Just sayin. SAGE
Logan Collins
>Comey, despite being known for meticulously recording his correspondences since the Bush administration, never actually wrote any notes of his meetings with Trump! This is all FAKE NEWS!
>B-but what about Seth Rich?
>The testimony of an FBI agent isn't any good in court!
>There will be CIVIL WAR if Trump is impeached, Democrats know this and are scared!
You can't stop this Sup Forums. Trump is doomed. And as a Hillary voter I've got to say, he who laughs last laughs best.
Jaxson Bell
If anything, I'm warning the aurthorities that Comey needs extra tight, ex-President tier security. I'm not advocating anything just predicting.
Grayson Williams
>You can't stop this Sup Forums. Trump is doomed. And as a Hillary voter I've got to say, he who laughs last laughs best.
#1 You do know that impeachment does not inherently mean removal from office right? Bill was successfully impeached yet was never removed.
#2 Even if Trump is impeached and removed from office al that means is you have succefully guaranteed Giving the Whitehouse to Mike Pence.
Cameron Ramirez
>you who are you talking about? I'm not like you, stop projecting
hillary deserves to rot in prison
Caleb Gutierrez
Connor Allen
>>Comey, despite being known for meticulously recording his correspondences since the Bush administration, never actually wrote any notes of his meetings with Trump! This is all FAKE NEWS! But that's not something anyone ever said. People here are saying that a memo were trump goes "Comey, cancel the investigation" doesn't exist. Now with Chaffetz move, it all comes down. Etiher:
-The memo claimed by NYT doesn't exists and the media loses all credibility
-The memo exists but Trump has tapes which disprove it, making the media look stupid but Comey be a liar
-The memo exists and Trump has nothing to disprove it, and he resigns, giving power to Pence.
Daniel Morris
You seem to forget that Mike "surround them with a electric fence" Pence is the one next in line, and not Shillary
Kayden Bell
>farmers can assassinate the director of the FBI
Kevin Wright
can you red pill me on this dark triad man? he seems pretty nice on twitter and i like how he works to bring antifa criminals to justice. or is he some kind of controlled oppo?
Jose Cooper
I tought pence was Sup Forumss endgame
Isaiah Cox
>the far right vice president of a president that was removed from office after losing the popular vote >having any mandate whatsoever >let alone having enough support in a congress that impeached his predecessor to get jack shit done And we both know if Trump is impeached by a Republican Congress, the bottom falls out of the Republican establishment's popular support and they'll get slaughtered in the next election.
James Jenkins
>democrats see news of seth rich resurfacing >wtf i thought this was dead news >"seth rich has contact with wikileaks before his death" >ohshit.jpg >push fake "dae drumpf=russian spy" story >it's debunked within a few hours >seth rich news getting more traction >our shield within the fbi, comey, is gone >ohshit.jpg >panic kicks in >use democratic shill to push "it's literally nothing goyim" >use power of mass corruption to shut down the actual parents from speaking up [we are here now] >people start finding youtube.com/watch?v=AZVozOKgv-c >it's all falling apart >shill harder than you've ever shilled before (posting in a Seth Rich slide thread)
Levi Gonzalez
Isaac Fisher
>al that means is you have succefully guaranteed Giving the Whitehouse to Mike Pence.
Depending on how clean Mike Pence is in all this.
William Green
Impeached over what? Asking the FBI director to stop beating a dead horse? Yea that's the job of the President.
Flynn spoke with Russian. Flynn slightly misled President as to the nature of the conversation. This came to light. Flynn was fired.
Investigate Flynn for a couple weeks or whatever to make sure he just made a bad judgement call and wasn't taking bribes or something and then end the investigation.
You don't need an FBI team to run a 6 month investigation over Jaywalking. The entirety of any investigation into Flynn should be over as soon as they've dug through his/his families bank records.
Forensic accounting is a big deal for things like multinational corporations. As long as the guy had fairly normal revenue streams(ie job+a couple investments) and expenditures (1 or 2 houses, kids college, retirement funds) I can't imagine it takes months to get through.
Colton Powell
>all this damage control s a d
Justin Cooper
Die! DIE!
Jaxon Jackson
He's gonna be okay, the memo is still questionable tho. Pic related
Chase Evans
Comey is on Trump's side this is an elaborate ruse to bring out Comey's memos on the clintons/lynch
Joseph Allen
>If Trump is successfully impeached for treason He will be considered a hero
Are you for treason OP? Maybe that's how they do pansy shit in the UK, but here we don't take too kindly to that kind of shit. No matter what party or political spectrum. Country over party cuck.
Camden Edwards
Those were farmers and ranchers wanting to be heard and not militia men.
Anthony Rivera
A Fucking Maple Nigger
Dylan Myers
>American patriots >Hunting down a man who proved Trump is a traitor of the US >Not hunting down Trump
Did you hit your head on something?
Nathan Kelly
>still going with the russia meme I wish this tired old normie meme would die
Noah Sanchez
Wouldn't say that, I'm kind of on the fence about this whole thing. Depends on how this all pans out.
Some people put party over country though, and are already decided on the situation. We call this cancer, and I'm hoping they get it and die off.
Grayson Bell
>Be me >infamous world wide hacker >decide to do some casual hacking >open up chrome and go into incognito mode >can't let he CIA know what i'm up to >go onto Clinton foundation website >type "/hack" into the search bar >bingo >suddenly a window pops up >"sorry the rest of Hillarys emails were deleted" >I grin to myself, "rookie stuff" >run emailundeletor.exe >I'm in >hours later after scanning through these never before seen emails i find multiple references to a man only known as "Boss" >this goes deeper than we thought >find a picture of "Boss' >it's in a crowded garden >notice a mysterious hooded figure in the background >can't get a look at his face >zoom and enhance
Guys... there is more to this than Seth could have ever imagined
Anthony Russell
>logic You have to use the opposite approach here, hence the name of the board. It's incorrect bro
Jaxson Wilson
>proved Trump is a traitor of the US Nope
Adrian Rivera
Hudson Stewart
The supposed memo didnt even say trump was threatening anyone. He didnt say you WILL stop this investigation or else. Its literally nothing and the idiots on here will be let down again for listening to media that spoon feeds them BS.
Nolan Young
The media coverage is pure shit, and the worst part is that it's going to happen more, """leaks""" like these can be made weekly, or even at least twice a week like now.
Leo Bennett
WAY too much effort for no fucking lel
Jordan Carter
I need 2 quick rundowns on the comey memo
1. Rundown from a normal Sup Forums user 2. Another, but from a DRUMPH 2 SCLOOPFHERS screeching aspie.
Thank you.
Austin Foster
>Trump and Comey are working together. >Comey is putting up an act waiting for leakers to take his bait. >Comey testifies and BTFOs the entire left. >Trump brings Comey back to the FBI. >MSM is speechless and don't know how to spin this story. >MSM vomits sudoku This is going to be the biggest happening of the century boys
Caleb Rivera
I love how pol is so black and white politically. It's as if it's not intelligent enough to comprehend other spectrums or moderates.
Kevin Jackson
Usually the conversations that get serious start out comically black and white as a baiting method then move into grey areas when they get a good bite. Don't be a retard you commie piece of shit
Blake Smith
1.Comey still hasn't made any fucking public statements about it, Gowdy and Chaffetz asked the press to make the memo public because it's unclassified, but they won't because they love the scandal so it mean's that it may be a nothinburger, or maybe not but even if, it looks to me like Trump being Trump not actively stopping an investigation, Comey denied in congress that investigations were being interfered with so.. .
Jayden Butler
>commie piece of shit I'm kind of corporatism / libertarian, but then again I own big equity in two businesses so I'm biased. I do treat my employees pretty well though, they are provided breakfast and lunch, game room, a gym, and almost 1.5 months vac a year. So I guess in that sense I am somewhat communistic? Definitely a fan of capitalism though, love it. But to not see its flaws would be retarded as well.
Camden Flores
checked and keked
Caleb Lopez
>The memo exists and Trump has nothing to disprove it, and he resigns, giving power to Pence.
A memo proves nothing. Anybody that thinks Trump will be impeached by memos alone is an idiot.
Elijah Wilson
Sadly, due to Comey's position and previous law precedent, a law enforcement's agents notes are taken at face value and it's up to the accussed to prove they aren't factual representation of what happened. Ergo, if Comey says that's what Trump said and Trump has no way to disprove it, the law takes Comey's side. Fucked up? Sure. The law? Yeah.
Adrian Fisher
>Comey: Memo: Remember to write memo to myself.
Jose Campbell
>Flynn slightly misled President as to the nature of the conversation. That's not even what happened. Flynn was fired because he had stated he had not had any dealings with Russia. The "paraphrased" call and the report that followed tried to imply he was actually planning on advocating the removal of the sanctions in exchange for future favours. Thus, he was fired for "lying" about this to Pence.
Think is, the FBI said originally nothing had been found, then went in again and found nothing, and now for a third time they finally officially concluded the call contained nothing. The firing of Flynn was literally just trump giving ground to the press as to not claim Pence was aware so they would splatter him with all the shit they are trying to pull off now.
Remember how they were reporting that Trump subpoenas were being made? And how it then turn out it was subpoenas for manafort's post-campaign activites? It's the same bullshit.
As for Comey's story, near. This either really blows up Trump, or it blows up the Media, effectively making him untouchable with his supporters and the independents.
Brandon James
My memo says op is gay
Gavin Martin
>thinking republicans have the balls to riot Only Dems riot because they aren't pussies. Also Trump is the most hated Prez ever. People want this to happen.
Camden Hughes
>its 4589D chess guys
Christian Perry
>previous law precedent That is not how an impeachment would go down. I'm not saying that there isn't real evidence that he said that shit, but memos alone will not be substantive enough to impeach a president.
Robert King
>dems aren't pussies >welfare
Noah Lee
>5'7" manlets are gonna threaten a 2 meter high aryan godman
Anthony Sanchez
>I'm not saying that there isn't real evidence that he said that shit I am. The memo is subject to FOIA requests and therefore if NYT wanted to make an article which they had solid evidence rather than some guy in a phone call and a bunch of people agreeing they had copies of the memo but not giving it to them, they could have. If the Trump administration refuses the FOIA requests, they get confirmation by denial; if it's real, they get absolute proof of their claim; if it doesnt' exist, they don't publisht the story and save themselves the embarrasement.
They did none of these things. Therefore, I am lead to conclude the document doesn't exists until further notice because even I, with no journalistic experience, can figure out how to make their work more solid.
This, however, doesn't mean that I don't understand the implications of the document. He will have an impeachment procedure done against him if it turns out this memo is real.
Charles Reyes
This actually is a good example of the progressive mindset. They are anti-consequentialists. I.E they do not care one bit about the consequences of their actions only the intent. They could do things that hurt people, but as long as they felt morally right in doing it then it's ok.
Jack Gutierrez
hi user
Colton Morris
This is the most coherent and concise response yet.
10/10 will pasta
Jayden Green
Hey. Their fists are at the level of his balls.
>dangerous moves
Dominic Cruz
lad the memo has already been subpoenaed by Chaffetz. So unless you really think Comey is retarded enough to allow his homies to make a verbal leak of a memo that doesn't exist, (no), then we will see the demo. Whether that memo on it's own or as part of a pattern is enough to fuck trump is another matter, but don't forget the WH just claimed that Trump never said it at all. So notorious liar Donny Shitpost V memo (which he always shares at the time) from the ex head of the FBI, only one way that goes.
Dylan Johnson
What way is that?
Brayden Ross
"I hope".
If Comey every felt the President obstructed the investigation, he should have said so once it happened to the appropriate comittee.
Now he just looks like some angry man who got fired.
At least we know there is no Russia story, since this is what they'll use to bring him down.
Jack Howard
>lad the memo has already been subpoenaed by Chaffetz. No, it hasn't. He request all memos, recordings, and notes they might have that might be related to communications between Trump and Comey. You cannot subponea a document you have no evidence exists, which is what Chaffetz is saying. NYT has made a grave accusation, and now McCabe is being told to give them the documents to see if its true. And not only that, he has given a short time frame which ensures it will be made clear sooner rather than later.
Essentially, Chaffetz is hurrying the three scenerios I have discussed because waiting only helps the Dems.
Like, you know we can read the request (which isn't a subponae, by the way), so why lie blatantly?
Jackson Barnes
I thought the same but maybe they didn't ask him the right question.
Asher Thompson
Trump is friends with Comey, it's all 524-dimensional chess he's playing for a bigger scheme and playing the media and the democrats
John Fisher
Chase Lewis
Isaiah Stewart
You are kidding right? he was the head of the FBI, I think you underestimate the influence of ex-cops.
Levi Parker
Ayden Lopez
You know it is lawful if you are forced to make a weapon our laws come from buying weapons.
I laugh at you having to reload and your conventional weaponry be a real murrican for once in your life and Buy a Tank.