Why do SMOKERS and DRUG USERS feel like it's ok to fat shame other people?

Seems hypocritical.

[pic not related)

Because killing yourself its not the same as killing yourself AND looking like a fat piece of shit

Prolapsed anuses as well

So it has nothing to do with their health?

You're basically admitting that 'fat shaming' is just an excuse you use to harass ugly people.

Exactly what I suspected.

bc they can't afford to eat, nor generally know how to cook for themselves. Drugs make you feel superior to everyone, even your superiors.

Smoking looks better.

>You're basically admitting that 'fat shaming' is just an excuse you use to harass ugly people.
Why is that a bad thing ?
2/10 made me reply

>You're basically admitting that 'fat shaming' is just an excuse you use to harass ugly people.

Yes I am admitting that. What's the problem here?

Hi Milo

I'm frankly conflicted on this issue, because on one hand it's fun to shame far people, but on the other hand supporting their lifestyle will cause the problem to take care of itself when they reach critical mass.

Bc fat people are less active. Give tome meth head a $20 bag and some house paint. See what happens in 3 hrs.

because every one tells smokers how unhealthy they are god OP is retarded

Fat is far superior than being thin. Basically, if the economy collapses, best to be fat during a famine than already thin from smoking/drug abuse.

Fat shamers are like drug addicts, I want them away from my perfect German babies.

Fat shaming is fine but the moment you smoke a cigarette while doing it you should just kill yourself, you are a weak willed piece of shit as much as them.

Being fat is a result of overindulgence. I eat junk food, smoke and do drugs in moderation and as a result I don't look like shit. I'll bash you just as hard if you look like an addicted cracky or 2 packs a day leatherskin.

It helps fat fucks get their life back in check.
I'd rather have a smoker or a stoner next to me rather than a fattie.

>Warnings on cigarette packets, ridiculously strict laws regarding who can and can't smoke and where they can
>Hard drugs are illegal, drug addicts will get arrested if caught
>Anyone can get fat as fuck, no massive taxes, no getting jailed for being a fatty

B-but why are people mean to fat cunts? Because it's disgusting, and just as bad for your health as the other two you mentioned.

Aesthetics. Nobody wants to fuck sack of blancmange.

idk , I think both alcohol and tabaco should be banned , being fat(eg boogie) should also be banned.

Exactly that.
The human body is a beautiful creation. Seeing it progress, getting more agile, getting stronger, molding what is essentially the most perfect and divine of creations is something beautiful.
Seeing someone actively working against universe's finest creation, which is himself is worthy of my disdain, my repulsion.
It's a visible form of greed, laziness and total withrawal of control, which earns my disgust.
And when they demand that I see them as beautiful because they look at the mirror everyday and they don't see themselves as such, gladly recieves my anger with a well deserved "fuck off you fat piece of shit."


>drug addiction

you rang? y-yyou raaaaaang???


>So it has nothing to do with you health
>killing yourself and looking like shit
I'm not a doctor but I've heard killing yourself is bad for you

I bet all of you can barely microwave food, considering most of you are probably 1. drug addicts and 2. men. Maybe it's time you learn, get a real job or find a fat fucking wife.

He doesn't smoke anymore

there was a fat, i guess nearly obese kid in my primary school, during secondary school he got sick of it and managed to get to a normal size (eventually) so 'fat shaming' can be positive i think.

smoking and drug abuse are arguably just as bad depending on the substance, but it is not as visually obvious as being a human blob, so it doesn't get the same level of 'shaming',

you can pretend to not smoke easier than pretending to not be 200kg. (outside a,yway)

+1 for assuming meth heads get shit done. I bet they learned some REAL hard work in that THUR trailer park, while my family paid their food stamps to buy EZ-mac

+2 for assuming "house painter" to be a real profession and "being a cook" to not be serious.

+3 For Goyancee.

+4 for communist remarks towards "b-b-b-but GREED!"

Its not just about immediate health. Its about functionality as well and looking fucking disgusting.
I smoke and some could argue that i can run less than i could have before smoking, but ill outrun any fat fuck you can find with no issue, i am surprisingly nimble. I can climb up the stairs, for americans i dont need a fucking scooter to get around. Id say 90% of the people that do construction here smoke all fucking day every fucking day, but guess what they build cities, when has a fat person built anything? They cannot do any physical work because they are limited to a greater extent than smokers.
I have a friend who is buff as fuck pure aesthetics and he smokes a shit ton, during summer loads trucks with cement and so on.

In terms of drugs i think most of us can agree that herion and crack are worse than weed. Both are harmful but one is harmful to such an extent that the other simply doesnt compete.

And furthermore, people that smoke know smokings unhealthy, but most fat people you see talk shit on the internet are having movements that are trying to enforce us to think theyre attractive. They hate themselves they hate that theyre fat and they know its not good for them, but they do jack shit and complain.
I smoke up to half a pack a day sometimes a pack, i know its unhealthy, but i dont try to create movements with other smokers that are trying to convince others that smoking is the best thing ever and great.

I'm fat as fuck. You know what I eat in a week? Well, I had

>cheesy fries
>lobster tail
>mashed potatoes
>2 beers

For lunch yesterday. Just one meal.

Now BILLY, go get dat dur EZ mak box and let's make us brunch!!!!

Get a real job, make real money, then maybe you welfare drug addicts can tell me what the fuck to eat.

Because people who smoke are generally thin. Even pot smokers are generally thinner, despite their larger intake of food.

They stank
They complain more than everyone
They try to make the smallest shit an everest level achievement (walking, getting up stairs, breathing)
>Expect special treatment
>Always in the way when you're trying to get down the isle at walmart or move down the sidewalk
>Blame their problems on stupid shit (I cant process fat, being 600lbs is genetic)
>Usually unhygienic
>Eating too much and eating tons of shit food is as bad or worse than smoking or doing drugs
>They are just lumbering parasites that help fuel the sjw ranks

I'm fat and I use drugs and I fat-shame people. It's shameful to be fat. It's unhealthy and it shows that you eat greedily and don't exercise enough. I'm ashamed to be fat, and I should be ashamed. I'm also muscular as fuck, but I have a huge spare tire from beer and nachos. It's wrong to be like that. I'm trying to stop. Shame helps.

Because smokers and drug users have the decency to die quietly.
Fatties always bitch about how fat they are and it isnt their fault.

Smoking cigarettes is orders of magnitude healthier then being fat and prevents getting fat. Smoking vaps is even better as you cut out the cancer risk.

I can quit smoking tomorrow. You can't stop being a fat slob like that

>Fat is superior
>Economic collapse
>No food
>Survival of the fittest engaged
>The fittest

Fuck off

fat shame = tell people they're ugly
but fat people generally ARE ugly.
ya'know, cause of all the fat and shit

Pic IS related you idiot Milo loves fat shaming. Hes awesome at it.
And he is clearly visible smoking.

Fuck you for this subtle bait

House painting is a real profession you ignorant cunt. I had a friend whos dad ran a business of it for decades and were well off. Why don't you get your lard ass on the side of a house and try to paint it properly.

Protip: You'll have to use a ladder
Protip 2: It won't be able to support you
Protip 3: When you hit the earth your bones and joints will be destroyed lol

gg, stay puft senpai

Sage this shilling shit. Fatties and drug posts to distract. Watch me get banned today for pointing this out.

Moot fucking ruined this shit. Jim needs to mention this next live stream. This is fucking insane.

I smoke.
Therefore that guys not a fat fuck?
You'll have to explain how that's hypocritical.


I don't. I live next to a very attractive chick and I wouldn't fuck her simply because she smokes. I treat her like it's some random dude living next to me.

Smoking turns me off 100%. It's just as bad as being a fucking lard ass.

It's not even so much the aesthetics of either one as much as it signals a lack of self control and who needs to deal with that?

Oh yes you can.

>I can quit smoking tomorrow.

Do it. It's killing you. Put up or shut up.

What about fat smokers and drug users?

Fatty McFatfuck detected.

just cause you're too fat to walk down the shops and buy a pack,
don't be feelin bad friend

My sister went 200+ pounds over weight, fit fat, until she hit 35 then all her joints gave out, got breast cancer and died horribly over 6 months culminating with the skin on her lower legs rotting off as her circulation gave out. Then she died of a heart attack on oxygen gasping for breath, eyes rolling back. She had no children but when she died the cat came up and laid it's head on her hand.

The truth is breast cancer risk shoots though the roof for overweight people and cancer is diagnosed later with all that fat and body aches in the way of diagnosis. Good luck differenciating between fatty lumps and the start of cancer when the swollen sagging boob won't even fit properly in the machine. And even without the cancer she wouldn't have been likely to live past 40. Fat and fit is bullshit. She would have been better off smoking.

But man, that old stripped cat looking sad and laying her head on my sisters hand after she died, that was weird.

>Get a real job, make real money, then maybe you welfare drug addicts can tell me what the fuck to eat.
Great level of delusion. You're allowed to be a fat disgusting fuck because everybody who says otherwise is just a meth smoking welfare queen.
Enjoy slow lonely death, boogie.

Love you Milo

>I smoke but could outrun any fat fuck

Course you could. Maybe the ham-planets with their walkers, but most chubsters will still probably outrun you.

Why are all degenerate addicts so smug about their own vices? Smokers are as bad as fatties, fatties as bad as druggies, and so on. You all need whipping.

Because you can be healthy and smoke, fat means you've already failed at being healthy

If he gets lung cancer, laugh at him

I smoke in moderation, and I can outrun most non-smokers I know.
I use drugs in moderation, and I can outthink most non-drug-users that I know.
I eat in moderation, and shaming fatties brings me joy.

Bull. Shit. Get a crack head or a meth head, he will smoke 4 packs a day on top of that and maybe drink nothing but alcohol and water. Try to outrun that fucker.

You cant.


All drug use apart from MDMA and psychedelics is degeneracy

fuck off brazilian cunt

Smokers dont pretend that smoking is somehow magically healthy, and that cigarettes are beautiful.

Fat cuck.

as a smoker i'll have you know i can run fucking long far and hard, i'm quick when i put my mind to it and anyway, its not really a question of breathing its a question of leg strength

It's just a bitch getting your breath back after the run

>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

fat piece of shit

smoking is good for you

>Why do SMOKERS and DRUG USERS feel like it's ok to fat shame other people?
>Seems hypocritical.
Because if fat people used drugs and smoked they would cease to be fat...duh!

OP is a fat faggot?

im fat but at least i don't suck dick.

I used to be a fat arse till i took up smoking tbf
nothing to wean you off an addicting pleasurable substance like an addicting pleasurable substance

If food every became farce you fatsos would be the first to go
>get out of breathe every 20 ft
>move slowly
>will not know how to prepare it once only healthy food is left
>will become too hungry to continue anyway once the candy aisles are cleared out

Good goy

a load of fattos who are used to food whenever they want and who want a lot of food bitching crying and rolling around
a bunch of people who are used to a ciggy for breakfast and don't need that much food to function well

i can't imagine who would live on in a famine situation

Well fat people are horrible for others to be around,take up way more space, espeecially in public transport, they smell horrible, breathing so fucking loud all the time, and very often they are also eating, which just looks horrible and usually also tends to smell bad since they always eat shitty food. Please note how ive not even started about increased medical cost and how they are litrally no capable of doing normal tasks and there for they often need help with lots of things because of their own gluttony. Besides there is literally no excuse for being fat, it even makes the fat person feel bad. Everyone would be better off if there were no fat people. atleast drugs make you feel good

>get out of breathe every 20 ft

Says the smoker

Both smokers and fat people are weak and stupid.

"Body positivity" is for fat chicks who make out with each other because no man will have them.

Then comes the relentless whining about "mah hypertension" and "mah diabetes" followed by demands that the gub'ment pay for their medication. And why not? The government is already paying for the frozen pizzas they eat two-fisted. Because no job. Because "mah back pain."

Go to hell, fat people. All of you.

fat people actively pretend what they're doing is healthy, promote it like they're taking a stand against unfair standards, lie and say it's genetics instead of food that makes them fat, actively try to keep other fat people from losing weight by pretending it's impossible etc

smokers and drug users don't do that kind of thing, they're not lying or blind or promoting it as a healthy lifestyle choice

fat people who can't admit they have an unhealthy vice deserve to be shamed

people can eat without becoming mctubby
people can smoke without becoming a grey old mucous factory
how is this a hard concept to grasp

Looking at fat people makes me feel disgusted.

Using their health is just a polite way to ask them to STOP BEING SO FUCKING DISGUSTING!

I ran a mile monday. Smoke a pack a day.

Canada calling someone weak and stupid
>Elected Trudeau

I got you beat user. I run 4.349 miles every week. Easy. Also on a pack a day habit. Smoking is pure degeneracy though. You miss out on a lot of happenings.

Smoking is a shit habbit and drug use is also degenerate. However, you are only destroying yourself.

When someone is fat, they are costing the government billions of dollars in tax money on your diabetic ass and all the other health issues that arise. Being fat is considered a disability, so they can claim benefits and get disabled parking. They take up a lot of space on public transport, they breathe more air and they're unsightly and insufferable assholes who need to justify their shitty habbits.

They don't just affect themselves but everyone around them.

Rofl at all the normies.

"BUT I CAN RUN" Yeah, and so can I. I also have a gun to hunt with, so... famine?

A typical 300+ lb fattie could probably survive not eating for 365 days. "but I can run fattie" implies you can be both under extreme starvation and still have more energy output to run miles. Think of Auschwitz dumb fucks. All they'd have to do is put you in a cage then.

Also, skinny people die too, and have health problems. Oh, and you don't think malnurished Africans don't have internal organ failure? You're fucked.

>easier to kidnap
>easier to dispose of
>easier to rape
>will starve to death faster

Fat people are ugly and disgusting but try to pretend like their self-destructive gluttony is any less a moral failing and that they should be accepted, or that it isn't their fault. Kill yourself, fatty.

I probably weight the same as 20 Auschwits survivors, if not more. Care to elaborate who is "more healthy" fags? Or do you think having an eating disorder doesn't cost your government MILLIONS, either?

Seriously all of y'all are dumb fucks. Seriously fucking stupid.

if i'm ever starving i'll just turn vegan off and eat fat people, they're big slow targets i'm sure it would be easy enough

being fat is an eating disorder and an addiction, people who are mentally healthy don't become morbidly obese

you need severe problems to be fat

Can't outrun my guns, not faster than my bullet.

Calling it a disorder is an attempt to diminish their own responsibility by labeling it as something imposed upon them rather than something they're capable of changing. It transfers agency away from them. They're fat, with very few exceptions, because they choose to be.

Yeah, I bet all the people who were fat during famines or the Great Depression had mental illness. I bet they still cost the government more than feeding all the shitskin poor fags like yourself. Oh wait, I just had a cohesive thought, my first time. Thanks fags.

today I learned being rich is a mental illness and being poor isn't. Thanks male tumblr.

Also learned most of you could outrun bullets. Wow.

Fpbp this 180%
Plus you looks cool when smoking and feel cool when you are on drugs. When you are fat nothin looks or feels cool.

Because smokers and drug users are ostracized for their vices while fatties get a free pass.

You're so right. I bet heroin addicts say the same when they haven't used in a while. Oh wait. Doesn't that constant constipation and never shitting feel WONDERFUL?

Confirmed shitskin

Apples and oranges.

Hypocrisy sucks, but is never the cause of another person's problems.

>Time to hit the treadmill, Porky McPorkerson

i can hide in much smaller spaces than a fat person, you have to be able to find a target it and fat people can't help but stick out and they have more surface area to shoot

it is a disorder though, they can be personally responsible for their recovery but they do have something wrong with them

personal responsibility isn't removed when we acknowledge that people have problems, the responsibility is just shifted to recovery

what the fuck are you even talking about? i don't think your thought was as cohesive as you think it was

do you really think someone perfectly sane can be 600 lbs?

as long as you have a constant supply of heroin and don't eat much it feels fine

withdrawal is what sucks

This just in, confirmed. All the drug addicts truly believe thin is more beautiful. Let's just let them run our world, who cares!

what the fuck is camo even used for? HA! I can hid in tiny box! Yeah, cause you're a fucking Jew, pussy. And did I say 600 lbs? I said fat not morbid obese, that shit is very rare.

You can die from withdraws. Even alcohol.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums if you're fat.
You fat, ugly, useless virgin fuckers are ruining our fucking image. Get the fuck out NOW.
Go back to ((reddit)) with those tubby fingers.

>personal responsibility isn't removed when we acknowledge that people have problems
People use "eating disorder" for exactly the reason of removing culpability and distancing themselves from responsibility of changing their lifestyle. "It's not my fault; I have an eating disorder"--they never lose weight.

It's also okay to shame drug users and smokers you fuckin inbred. It's fair game to shame anyone who makes shitty life decisions, and fatness is a pretty fucking disgusting decision.

You're admitting being fat makes you ugly

i know you can die from withdrawal, especially alcohol

i've been through withdrawal personally getting off heroin

but really you can't put camo over a whale and expect no one to see it

i'm not a jew, i'm just not fat