Testing new thread creating

Testing new thread creating

Did Sup Forums freeze up for you too?

testing a post

Time to ask the important questions.
1) who ddos'd the hacker known as Sup Forums
2) What did it have to do with Seth rich
3) How close are we


1. F
2. F
3. F

public class Data
public bool need_https { get; set; }
public string modhash { get; set; }
public string cookie { get; set; }

MySqlConnection scon;
MySqlCommand scmd;

public string RssFeed
get { return Settings.Default["rssfeed"].ToString(); }
set { Settings.Default["rssfeed"] = value; }

was it the ayyys?

It was frozen since about 8:30am eastern time then came back but without image support so we couldn't make new threads. Everything looks back in order now but this doesn't seem like maintenance. Especially not with the shill onslaught. They must pay.


Pol froze from about 8:30 to 9:30 for me

Reminder Hilary killed mac and cheese kid


oh thank god, we back lads

It can't be easy running a deep state when the world has internet..

Other than that his name was Seth Rich and was one hell of a swell guy

Are you making a tutorial video for shariablue again?

public class PretendToBeBot

public PretendToBeBot() {
this.fakeVariable = "suspicious";
this.hack = Integer.parseInt("mainframe");

public doEpic(Connection c) {


I know at least one country in EE has been ranged banned.

Shut the fuck up hans. You been under a rock all day?

but it's 7:32???

Testing imageposting.

Which country? Was it by Sup Forums or the country? Could be relevant.



How? have I slept through?

I don't know. I went into the other (((site))) and a guy who lives near Croatia said Sup Forums his country is range banned right now.

Pretty much. Cowered in embryonal posture under basment stairs, waited for my umbillical cord to reemerge. why?

give em the boop

testing a shitpost

public rss()

clienthandler = new HttpClientHandler
AllowAutoRedirect = true,
UseCookies = true,
CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(),
//Proxy = new WebProxy(proxyip, proxyport),
//UseProxy = true

Pretty much. Cowered in embryonal posture under basment stairs, waited for my umbillical cord to reemerge. why?

testing with image

Watch it fempai