Spencer Debate

I wanna like this dude but he makes us look really bad.
Honest arguments for and against Spencer

Our Representative
>Murdock Murdock is literally pol
>Jared Taylor (soft on JQ) but unbeatable in debate
>Lauren Southern: Gen Identity (inb4 kike)

we need more

Other urls found in this thread:


lauren southern is a white trash whore who couldn't even finish college.
jared taylor went nowhere with his speeches.
spencer is ok
anglin is ok
heimbach would be ok if he wasn't larping so much

post rare spencers


Jared Taylor is the only person you need to listen to.

He is very intelligent and a very nice guy. Nothing he says is morally reprehensible in the slightest and the fact that his views are considered "Extreme" in the west is a testament to how ridiculous things have gotten.

>I wanna like this dude but he makes us look really bad.
You thought the Hailgate was bad, wait to see what they have planned. They're stepping up the shitposting game.

His CNN interview was pretty good.

>finish college
you really aren't paying attention to the post-secondary bubble

>Jared Taylor
libby here
not mad at his desire for whites to organize, but I think in the end it will just result in two black lives matter groups of different skin color.

Spencer needs to get better at debating people. It's his biggest weakness. Aside from that he's pretty good.

I have seen it already, I feel more comfortable sharing this guys video's with my friends and family than Stefan Molymeme vids.

You are just deranged if you think anything Jared talks about is "evil" or morally reprehensible.

>Jared "Jews are huwhite men of the west" Taylor
t. jew

>Are italians white

>Meme posted by a non-white country

Can you fucking disgusting subhumans stay in your own country instead of pouring in mine? We literally despise you. You're worse than the italian frontalieri, at least they shower

soft hipser
the race war is on goy
inevitable now
time for softness is over
hard times require tough men not hipster boys

I like Jared. Seems more knowledgeable and less cringy than Spencer. Dan Roodt is also alright from the little I've listened/watched him.

Not many people know about Dan Roodt


>Murdock Murdock is literally pol
>One character is an anime watching weeb faggot with yellow fever
Yeah sounds about right

I'm waiting for European colonialism 2.0 and revenge on the niggers.

You don't have to like him. I don't like him. Most of the people here don't like him. I'm not even sure why people outside of Sup Forums assume we like him. He's a douche and a faggot. Sure, sometimes he can be alright but he's usually cancer. One thing I do appreciate about him is that he can take troll a normie. But then again, that's not exactly hard, when fucking everything triggers them anyways.

Based cheesemaker.


New Iron Guard when?

I can't take men with tits serious.

Sup Forums does not have a fucking representative and if it did he would be for hanging niggers in the streets
fuck off nu/pol/

Richard Spencer is just a racist trying to make his racism palatable to the main stream by pretending its just standing up for white rights the way blacks do.

Anyone who argues that a certain skin color and genetics are the prerequisites for greatness is an idiot.

Anyone that has studied any social science, especially economics, understands that the factors for success/greatness is just a numbers game totally dependent on access to the factors of production.

This lack if access is why white people in places like Appalachia are shit tier humans like the niggers you claim to hate.

Go to appalachia and see if you dont end up getting chimped out on by meth head inbreds.

he may be intelligent but he is not a good leader, has 0 instinct for when to flex his muscles

Stop with the Spencer hate. He's turned a lot of disillusioned normies over to our side. And he's got a cool haircut.

Spencer is a CIA plant.

user is a kike


It's not all that bad.

t. no source

Rare flatcap Spencer

I represent myself fairly well, I think.
All troll aside I like spencer, he went to similar highschool as myself in the Dallas area and I'm originally from the northeast so I get him sometimes when maybe others don't. If I had to ditch spencer though i like Enoch. He reminds me of myself in that I come from a leftist background and see how you get stuck living with crazy people because you care about them not their crazy beliefs. That said, I understand people not liking the baggage.


honest argument for him: he'd be a great sacrificial lamb just in case we need to farm up some brownie points with potential future allies

honest argument against him: he's a pompous little bitch that makes the non piece-of-shit trump supporters look bad

overall, he's just cashing in off of the stupidity of some non-white hating racists. believe it or not, even if you wanna keep being racist in private, you'll do a lot better if you don't try to run a race hustle on every single potential ally.

That "come hither" look.

I hate that people think this about him. He reaks of "highland park/university park" with north eastern frat boy thrown in and what sucks is those guys are usually awesome once you get past the bravado.

Kevin MacDonald still has some sense of being connected with academia, despite actually speaking at NPI events. His scholarship has been taken seriously in the past.

He is a CIA asset. There is nothing more to know about him.

I don't like Richard's voice and his approach to a lot of things, but I don't think he's more negative than positive.

I think people like to talk shit about him because it makes them feel cool, at least that's the vibe I get, and that's most likely because they're fresh off the boat from reddit.

Remember: All I'm offering is the Truth. Nothing more.

Richard Spencer, according to his own words, is an:

The only thing constant about Dickie is Zionism.
He doesn't care for which political platform he shills.
He does not care if he unites you under Nationalism or Globalism.
He shills whatever version of the Lie his master commands him.
That Lie is one but has many versions.
The Right call it Civic Nationalism and White Globalism.
The Left: Communism and Globalism.

Both sides of the conflict are also given a crisis.
The Right is told the Left will take-over the world and form a single-world Government. Hell on Earth.
The Left is told the Right will take-over the world and form a one-world White Nationalist utopian Government. Hell on Earth.
The world faces the same Lie and Crisis but tailored to the various narratives in which the Jew has placed you all.

Right, Left, smart, stupid, black, white, Sup Forums, /leftypol/...you're all being brainwashed.
The White Nationalist Pied Pipers lead you to Globalism by calling for the GOWN: Global Order of White Nationalism.
The Zionist and Communist Pied Pipers lead you to Globalism by calling for the NWO: New World Order.
They're the exact same thing; even their abbreviations vary by only one letter.

It's not too late for any e-celeb, even Mr. Spencer and the Jewess Lauren Simonsen, to accept the Truth and to lead their flock to Paradise instead of the slaughter. And it's not too late for anyone else, despite their position in this world, to do the same.
What does a human profit if he/she gains the whole world but loses his/her humanity?
Your sins are forgiven if you just repent.
But this is the last fucking time.

The left better hope Richard Spencer is the one to rise to power. He's the nicest white nationalist there is. The rest of us would throw you faggots in the oven on day one.

Fuck I lost hard

If someone uses "Dicky" as a nickname for Richard Spencer, they probably think things like "Donnie" are witty and condescending as well, and they're probably retarded shitlibs who you can ignore and dismiss entirely.

This one seems particularly schizophrenic, so in the words of Stefan Molyneux: "I'm gonna go with Jewish."

so Bitchtits then?

Spencer is controlled opposition. Always has been

You covered the best part

toplel saved m8

You got us white nationalists pegged Shlomo, jews are a magical alien reptile race and the only option is extermination of course

>the only option is extermination of course
Genocide is a Jew meme.
Murder is niggerish thinking.
Please get on my level :^)

This shit again. At least Spencer is an improvement over the status quo. You think you're going to RaHoWa cleanse the Earth before fixing American society?

>before fixing American society
"Let's fix American society by pitting American society against itself."

Do you feel that?
It's my volkisch aura.
U mad kike?

I am referring to a region of poverty in America referred to as "Appalachia" in the Appalachian Mountains. Not a city in VA you Merkel cuck


>based jews
We agree m8

>spencer is ok
>anglin is ok
Fucking gypsy


>it's that German shill who always posts the same edits in Spencer threads
Honestly I'm starting to think maybe you guys deserve to be swamped with muzzies.

Its always the same brit complaining about it lmfao get rekt

>lauren southern is a white trash whore who couldn't even finish college.
More than a few people (who don't even like one another) have said that she works for Israeli intel. It could be true? I know her pussy stinks

Pretty bad photoshop desu

Try to have some variation in your memes

Welcome friend.

Trump and Anglin are the leaders of the Alt Right.

ugh, looks so much like my ex

that's bc molymeme is a pretentious know it all