Russia is a Superpower!
>this people aren't bums
Russia is a Superpower!
Jackson Cox
Jonathan Cook
Oh god its the butthurt Chechen again
John Baker
I guess there is no butthurt chechens in russia with their subsidies.
Aaron Murphy
people sharing food like a good community should
no wastage
Even feeding the pidgeons
I don't see a problem here
Owen Wood
Thats a cute pic
Austin Scott
>you will never be as a happy as a dog ;_;
Christian Bailey
You could always order a waifu from Thailand
also post cute doggos pls
Jackson Watson
Sometimes I want the revolution to happen. At the same time, I realize that in the country with the biggest nuclear stockpile it can't be done.
Elijah Lopez
>You could always order a waifu from Thailand
but she wouldn't truly love me...
William Anderson
>All White
I love Russia!