When will liberals stop autistically screeching about trump?

When will liberals stop autistically screeching about trump?

only when plumpf is impeached will we stop our resistance

2025 if succeeded by a Republican
2029 or 2033 if succeeded by a Democrat

They literally cant.
After the election all colbert and john oliver talk about is trump, they finally made an actual TV show to purely make fun of him, its called "The President" or something

The only liberals that don't autistically screech about "Orange tiny hands Drumph, har har har" are dead ones. They obsess about the election. They interject their cookie-cutter, same-think "opinions" into any given conversation at any given time.

Even when they have "their president," they constantly whine about oppression, micro aggressions, being triggered, systemic racism, and other bullshit.

Liberalism is a cult of despair. They are only happy if they are crying and being coddled, or feeling their chest swell while they hug another liberal loser (while their other liberal loser friends clap).

Only after they've been executed.

You do understand that Pence would replace him if hes impeached right?

then we would impeach him too

They have this fantasy of impeachment magically reversing the election, and Queen Hillary gliding in, scepter in hand.

They are that fucking delusional.

When he stops being an autistic president.

when they're in a shallow grave

>A president has never been impeached
>two presidents impeached in a row
possibly more because the next president after him would be who ever pence appointed if it happens before he appoints anyone to Vice President it goes to Paul Ryan.

No you wont. The republicans respect him a hell of a lot more then trump and hes got no dirt.

Democrats have no play. They will continue to lose like all ways. That is why i cant take them seriously. Maybe if they got their shit together on the local level we can see some real progressivism you fucking sally


It's funny though he thought that because even if they did the successor would still be a republican no matter how far down the line you go until you run nuke drop scenario where it's who ever is still alive in the government.

If at all Pence is magically gliding in.
At least Trump wouldn't be magically gliding inside you then.

Scared about what? that if your scenario unfolds it will still be a republican in office?

Are you? Because you should be

Why isn't Coney talking?

>After literally 8 years of muh Kenyan Muslim

Not scared. Just disgusted and unsurprised by the seditious delusions of the regressive left.

Your collective ideology would never hold up in the real world, and you guys are constantly devouring one another. You're emotional, ignorant, lazy, and useless. Clearly the new generation of neo-liberals were raised by lazy, single moms who did not parent you. Now you're all grown up, and you're looking for pats on the head and for somebody else to put food on your plate. Just like mommy.

The democrats have been constantly fixing your economy after pretty much every republican retard ever in office, what are you talking about?

republicans obstructed the government for eight years and now bitch about obstruction of government