Are Trump and Comey playing chess together?
>Create Flynn narrative together to get the democrats riled up over Russia
>Fire Flynn
>Fire Comey
>Post on twitter, giving a false flag warning to Comey so media thinks the two aren't working together
>"Leak" information to Russia that has been public since the Yemen raid
>Dems. take the bait again; bring back the Flynn-Russia problem, this time thinking they have it in the bag
>Comey comes out and says he has "memos" of conversations between him and Trump, obviously has memos between him and Obama/Clinton/Lynch, etc.
>Senate Judiciary Committee cries for the release of said memos, hoping they have the "smoking gun" against Trump
Here's where the good stuff comes in. Comey has "memos" with Trump - but they prove nothing. Even if there was any damaging evidence, Trump has his own accounts of conversations he's had with EVERYONE. Comey is then forced to release classified information on Obama, Lynch, Clinton, etc. - the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot, again.
Are Trump and Comey playing chess together?
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And here is Trump, days later after firing Comey, false flagging Comey for his ineptitude, giving the dems. bait they needed to cry wolf.
Have a bump
Comey has been an incompetent corrupt piece of shit since day one. I really doubt he just decided to turn a new canada to set up the Clinton cartel and Obummer
132D chess
Seeing as how all hell as been breaking loose and that the truth is going to come out one way or another, having immunity/protection from the Clinton-Obama mafia seems like a wise move, don't you think?
If the Clinton mafia choose to "wetwork" him, it would be very suspicious...
>going to such desperate lengths to conceive a reality where Trump has even the slightest idea of what he's doing
Just face it. He's a fool. He played the American people like a fiddle, and Sup Forums was the bow