What do you think of Mark Dice?

For those who don't know, Mark Dice is a conservative media analyst, youtuber and author.
Here's his YouTube page, he recently reached 1 million subscribers:
Wikipedia page:

I wanted to get your opinion on this guy, better if you're American.

I started following him on YouTube since the early months of 2016 because of the presidential campaign which made him more popular, and I have to say I like him, I like his videos and never miss one. The "problem" with him is that he does not identify as alt-right/rejects the alt-right tag, White Nationalism and far right ideologies in general, he seems to be a classic conservative, maybe paleo-conservative (he's not into dank alt-right memes as well, which are irresistible).

People accuse him of being a conspiracy theorist, but since I started following him recently I don't really know if that is true or just a way to discredit him, even though he mentions Satanists and stuff like that sometimes in his videos.

tl;dr: is Mark Dice /ourguy/?

I enjoy his sense of humor. Plus, he fucking hates SJW's/Libs.

annoying person

Based MAGApede

retard who used to comment on illuminati symbolism in music videos. now he just comments on clips of liberals bashing trump, and says how stupid they are without giving any insight whatsoever.

if i were a conservative i would be ashamed to have someone like mark dice on my side

Pass desu.

I bet r the donald like him



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