Stop using the term "left wing" to describe fucking SJWs

Stop using the term "left wing" to describe fucking SJWs


I agree, Hillary voters get a trip to gulag too.

Left wing and right wing are two sides of the same coin

leftism is fucking retarded

>t. proud slave


>mob morality
They are left wing
You're just mad because the revolution will never happen

>hyper individualism

>left wing

u wot m8

>unironically hoping for Karl Marx
Leftists are fucking retarded. And who's the dinduess? Assata Shakur?

Sovereignty of the Soul
Sovereignty of the mind ie feels over reals muh human nature

A fellow Finn needs to make a fucking snowman out of you communigger.


>When your entire country is so fucking cucked by leftists, any faggot can present themselves by simply saying "I'm not a leftists" and you immediately label them as a "centrist"
>Socialism has largely failed you, but you still want more commie shit
You're beyond saving. Sage.

SJWs are left wing socialists though.
Clinton is only left of the American centre.

I call them #ResistFags, they earned it.

Who's the nigger?

>Stop calling water wet REEEEEEEE

how, when the entire left is transforming itself into a gaggle of SJWs and marxists?

your average leftist believes all the classic SJW propaganda. the last leftist president literally cited the 1 in 5 rape statistic

wow dude youre so smart

Both are fucking retarded

everything right of Marx,Engels, and Trotsky is right wing.

Hillary Clinton is a corporate democrap.

Karl Marx died crying and blubbering for his mommy in a pool of his own piss on his floor, and he deserved every second of anguish he experienced. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to know that he was never happy once, for even a second, in his entire life.

Misery and pain is the only thing thieves deserve, and there is no Leftist who is not a thief.

Despite the lack of digits, this post is trips in my heart.