I suddenly want children

help my /pol
Im a worthless neet that doesn`t even has an education
Suddenly i feel the need to have children, to make them good humans, to see them grow.
Im 22.
But how, im too socially awkward and kind of chubby and beta.

I love children, i just think about what my parrents did with me, and i want to make it better for my children.

But seeing all these deluded party whores around my area, it makes me sick, they are all roasties.

How do i find a pure girlfriend to have children with? I just want to have children, they would keep my from killing myself.

By the way, what is the maximum age at when i can have children? 28? 30? I don`t wan`t to have retards

Men sperm doesnt age like female eggs do so you can keep having kids all you want
Dont focus on whores and go to church and find some submissive girl you can marry and have children with

get an outfit like this and use "oo la la" in every sentence you say. you will attract a good women

If you discharge enough sperm, some will find its way into a vagina.

What makes you think a pure girlfriend would even want you?

clean your room

>Men sperm doesnt age like female eggs do so you can keep having kids all you want
It doesn't age, but it does degenerate more as time goes on, as the copies become more and more corrupt.

From ex socially awkward neet to another.


Thats it. Go out and see what happens. Worst case scenario you will remain alone which is no different from now. Best case scenario you find someone who accepts you as you are, which is surprisingly not that hard. Im 35, one year into marriage and were planning kids. I wasted a lot of time. Dont make my mistake. Go out and see what the world brings.

Work with your strengths to get a career started. Don't say you don't have any, everyone has some strengths.
Lose excess weight.
Avoid bars and clubs.
Look into hobbies that interest you and will get you out of the house.
You'll find a wife soon enough.

My parents had me when they were 30
but i live on Sup Forums so not very encouraging