Lying for the purpose of ensorship

Lying to censor a political position you don't agree with is the behavior of a social justice warrior. It's a feminist tactic.

Mods are pruning MGTOW threads on Sup Forums now, because "They are not politics".
An obvious lie. Is that all it takes to censor a political subject here?

I just wanted to call to you attention the fact that one of your new mods is a white nationalist.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're complaining that you aren't allowed to brag about not having sex?

I have sex.

MRA is politics
MGTOW is an lifestyle

Sometimes I think people confuse the two

No one cares about your stupid acronym.

White nationalist call us "male feminist" all the fucking time.

Feminism is a political subject.

If we are male feminists, how is the fact that we have a penis suddenly make feminism not political?

>I have sex
Your fleshlight don't count mate

Refusing to acknowledge MGTOW as a political topic solely to censor it is an underhanded tactic.

Doing so is to emulate the behavior of a social justice warrior.

No. Strippers. I pay them directly for it.

STOP GOING YOUR OWN WAY. MGTOW is simply a group of genetic defects. Make white babies.

So you're so repulsive you have to pay for sex? Get a grip you weaboo fag and stop being a male SJW/Feminazi


n the year 2060, the white race will constitute 10% of the world population. This is due to the fact that most white people live in more advanced cultures and have access to birth control and western women have educations/careers and due to the fact that in Africa and Asia, women do not have universal access to birth control and are generally uneducated/don't have career options. From now until 2060, Africa and Asia will produce a shitload of children, and their child production will take the world population from 7 billion to 11.5 billion. There is no amount of fucking white people can currently do that will undo the demographic growth of those two peoples. Our fate as a minority on this planet is sealed. Aside from mass genocide or a plague, nothing will undo it.

But here's the thing. Despite white people being a minority, in 2060 there will be more than 1 BILLION of us. 10% of the population and still there will be a BILLION of us. The white race isn't going anywhere. The notion that we are under threat of extinction is propaganda stormfags use to grow their ranks here. Stop drinking their kool-aid and grow a pair.

People are idiots I standby my statement

The whole point of being mgtow is that you're side stepping society norms by going off-grid

MRA fight for men's rights

I suppose people can be both however I don't think they're the same


I'm not a faggot so I don't know much about mgtow, what is a "toastie" in their lingo?

>all MGTOW are losers, its a jew conspiracy!
>all women are whores and cant be trusted
fucking choose one Sup Forums


I'm not even a MGTOW and I that's what I've learned about them too. Unfortunately, I am one of those, "cheaper to keep her" guys. But I was wondering if there are any MGTOW niggers? How does that work when a nigger is ALWAYS the center of (((Hollywood))) attention, and already getting unlimited handouts in everything? Why would any nigger go MGTOW with the way the media portrays them? Oh! lol there is also a (fake) WGTOW which is laughable to say the least.

If you are going to let your genes die, can you at least help improve the genes of my continent?
1 amerindian or mestiza > 1 kid > sterilization

Yes apparently there is